Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 11 : 12 Feb 14, 2025
CET 12 : 12 Feb 14, 2025
PST 3 : 12 Feb 14, 2025
EST 6 : 12 Feb 14, 2025
Being moved while afk fishing out of safe zone
Dec 21, 2024, 20:13 (UTC)
1577 18
1 2
Last Edit : Dec 22, 2024, 02:04 (UTC)
# 1

So somehow, I am being moved out of the velia safe zone and into costal cliff zone where I get pked. I have the boat thing checked off, so i can't be scooped up. I think I'm getting nudged across the border. Is this happening to other ppl?? please respond if this has happened to you. I was on arsha anon server. This hasn't happened to me on any other server. I submitted a ticket but got nothing helpful, only concluded that i started in a safe zone. PA, please look into this NOW, not later before it becomes a real problem!

Last Edit : Dec 21, 2024, 21:35 (UTC)
# 2

I've heard people do that with transformation scrolls, and sometimes rafts can nudge people too.

Also, it seems that the edges of safe zones aren't handled how they are presented: it behaves as a safe zone (check with meal animations, no player collisions), and also as unsafe (PK) - at the same spot, while the map still shows a safe zone name in green.

18 1192
Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 21, 2024, 21:48 (UTC)
# 3

Damn, that's crazy.

Last Edit : Dec 21, 2024, 22:25 (UTC)
# 4

this is why, I am confused with the team. They are not alloying players to abusive bugs to get profit from the game, but they are allowing "PVP" players to distrupt AFK fishing or horse training and wasting hours died. They are also said harassing is not allow in game, but they are allow players killing AFK fishing players multiple times. I have died multiple times in a week only BY A SINGLE PLAYER in several night. How nice PA teams

Last Edit : Dec 21, 2024, 22:59 (UTC)
# 5

Makes me wonder, would it work if you just moved your character further to the harbor, behind the wooden barricades for afk fishing? I imagine, it'd be hard to move/nudge someone that far out into unsafe territory? And since everything within the safe zone is constantly fished out anyway, it should not affect your catch either. Note, I'm asking if this would work as a temporary fix, I'm not saying that it's okay that there's a bug being exploited in the first place. It's definitely NOT okay and it should be fixed ASAP.

Last Edit : Dec 21, 2024, 23:36 (UTC)
# 6

Probably transformation scroll
Picking someone with a boat only works if the boat collision is not checked

Last Edit : Dec 22, 2024, 00:19 (UTC)
# 7

Just don't fish on the edge of the zone.  Or fish on the Velia side.  It's where I fish when I'm in town.

And maybe you shouldn't fish on a PvP server.

The rule is: if you're on that server, you're asking to die.  It's why it exists.  Free PvP.

Last Edit : Dec 22, 2024, 00:36 (UTC)
# 8
On: Dec 22, 2024, 00:18 (UTC), Written by Musa4ever

Just don't fish on the edge of the zone.  Or fish on the Velia side.  It's where I fish when I'm in town.

And maybe you shouldn't fish on a PvP server.

The rule is: if you're on that server, you're asking to die.  It's why it exists.  Free PvP.

While the OP was on Arsha, this also happens on regular servers.  

18 1192
Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 22, 2024, 02:03 (UTC)
# 9
On: Dec 22, 2024, 00:18 (UTC), Written by Musa4ever

Just don't fish on the edge of the zone.  Or fish on the Velia side.  It's where I fish when I'm in town.

And maybe you shouldn't fish on a PvP server.

The rule is: if you're on that server, you're asking to die.  It's why it exists.  Free PvP.

you seem to be missing the point. I WAS IN A SAFE ZONE TO BEGIN WITH. I want to bring this info to all players as it could affect other servers. This isn't about being on a pvp server. What if this expoit becomes widely known and is used on other servers? I was also curious if the arsha anon server may be bugged? I usually fish on arsha and havn't had this problem. I would like pa to look into this NOW rather than later *fingers crossed*

Last Edit : Dec 22, 2024, 14:49 (UTC)
# 10
On: Dec 22, 2024, 01:54 (UTC), Written by Benny

you seem to be missing the point. I WAS IN A SAFE ZONE TO BEGIN WITH. I want to bring this info to all players as it could affect other servers. This isn't about being on a pvp server. What if this expoit becomes widely known and is used on other servers? I was also curious if the arsha anon server may be bugged? I usually fish on arsha and havn't had this problem. I would like pa to look into this NOW rather than later *fingers crossed*

This is feedback, if you wish to report a bug, try the bug forum. Red players can squat and roll and push players. There used to be videos up of people doing it, but think most got deleted so PA doesn't fix it.

1 2

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