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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 11 : 27 Feb 7, 2025
CET 12 : 27 Feb 7, 2025
PST 3 : 27 Feb 7, 2025
EST 6 : 27 Feb 7, 2025
Please buff Awakening Ninja Damage, specifically Serpent Ascension
Dec 23, 2024, 22:00 (UTC)
1015 6
Last Edit : Jan 13, 2025, 22:39 (UTC)
# 1

Like the title says, our class struggles with damage in current meta. We were already on the lower end of assassin class damage prior to the dr buffs everybody got, and then they nerfed our serpent and shadow stomp damage despite boosting dr. Even with special eva removal, damage is just outright bad for what is supposed to be a squishy assassin type character. Serpent Ascension is supposed to be our core dps skill, yet it's outdps'd by just about every skill in the kit now (even with air attack boost) Please reduce the pvp damage reduction value to 60% to make the skill hit hard again. Otherwise, our damage is going to continue to be pathetic unless we're attacking extremely squishy ranged classes or undergeared players. A 330 sheet ap awk dosa with hybrid build shouldn't be killing other characters standing with e buff while a 350 sheet ap ninja in damage build struggles to kill with a combo.

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2025, 13:51 (UTC)
# 2

Also please fix the issue that the hit reduction patch caused - most skills with air/down attack mods do not apply them to every hit of the skill if the skill results in a state change (air/down.) They should apply on all hits.

Last Edit : Jan 17, 2025, 03:36 (UTC)
# 3

I agree that the class is kinda low in damage now specially if you compare what some other classes can do. But at the same time if you were to give ninjas the same level of damage, the class would probably be on top due to the amount of ofensive resources it has, It's complicated. But I don't think increasing the damage a bit would cause any trouble.

This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
Last Edit : Jan 26, 2025, 16:10 (UTC)
# 8
On: Dec 23, 2024, 22:00 (UTC), Written by Xenon

Like the title says, our class struggles with damage in current meta. We were already on the lower end of assassin class damage prior to the dr buffs everybody got, and then they nerfed our serpent and shadow stomp damage despite boosting dr. Even with special eva removal, damage is just outright bad for what is supposed to be a squishy assassin type character. Serpent Ascension is supposed to be our core dps skill, yet it's outdps'd by just about every skill in the kit now (even with air attack boost) Please reduce the pvp damage reduction value to 60% to make the skill hit hard again. Otherwise, our damage is going to continue to be pathetic unless we're attacking extremely squishy ranged classes or undergeared players. A 330 sheet ap awk dosa with hybrid build shouldn't be killing other characters standing with e buff while a 350 sheet ap ninja in damage build struggles to kill with a combo.

We’ve all experienced these damage reductions. Everything related to speed classes in this game is suffering right now due to the reduced damage and the fact that some DR classes have excessive percentages and can withstand too much, while having low AP (301-309) and one-combo you, while you have 350 AP and Blast set, and still can't beat them in one combo. Meanwhile, if you apply the DR those classes have, you'll still die in one combo, maybe two skills at most, but in the same line, if you reach 301-309, you won’t deal any damage. The same issue exists with Archer, you complained about this in a thread, saying it wasn’t true and that they don’t deserve anything. Unfortunately, now you’re in the same boat! Welcome to the group!

Last Edit : 10 Days ago
# 9
On: Jan 26, 2025, 16:10 (UTC), Written by AllenMinyo

We’ve all experienced these damage reductions. Everything related to speed classes in this game is suffering right now due to the reduced damage and the fact that some DR classes have excessive percentages and can withstand too much, while having low AP (301-309) and one-combo you, while you have 350 AP and Blast set, and still can't beat them in one combo. Meanwhile, if you apply the DR those classes have, you'll still die in one combo, maybe two skills at most, but in the same line, if you reach 301-309, you won’t deal any damage. The same issue exists with Archer, you complained about this in a thread, saying it wasn’t true and that they don’t deserve anything. Unfortunately, now you’re in the same boat! Welcome to the group!

You can complain all you want and say our situations are similar, but they aren't. Your skill damage numbers are significantly higher, and the buffs your fellow archers ask for are completely ridiculous. I'm not the one asking for ranged sa-kds, movement speed increases, stamina cost removal for a class that's already stamina efficient, support skills on par with shai with none of the downsides of being a shai, or giant damage buffs to skills that already do a lot of damage. You guys are. I'm asking for them to make one of our skills hit hard again so we can be an assassin class again. We are not in the same boat whatsoever.

Also... notice how I didn't go into the small scale buffs thread? I only went after the one made by Blackcat because the ideas he has are completely nonsensical. Kelkoh is actually really good at archer and seeing him struggle in ranked does make me want to lend sympathy, but I won't support ridiculous buffs to any class, including my own. With how strong archer is in large scale, they would have to nerf your range and damage to be even remotely fair with any kind of suggested buffs. If you're going to brigade my threads when even your own skilled players are calling out against your pleas for buffs, then you're just as lost as blackcat.

Last Edit : 5 Days ago
# 10

Man is asking for a bump to the one skill that should be wrecking havoc, but isn't. I don't see anything crazy about this ask. If it is overturned they just adjust the values up and down until it finds a healthy middle ground. Not that complicated.

Awk Ninja definitely needs some loving, don't confuse it with its superior counterpart the succ ninja.

Also, yes, Blackcat's ask are actually crazy.

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