Memento outfit lower back has a non-natural shape thing.
Like I said. Deadeye is rushed and half-assed, yet my post in general discussion has 3 times the downvotes than upvotes. I had actually thought about mentioning this in my post as well but I knew people were just going to be dismissive of what I said. The whole Deadeye class is a half-assed cash grab and people can downvote me here too. PA phoned it in. It feels like crap to play and has tons of issues just like the one in this thread.
Sadly, its not related to Deadeye, it's part of the outfit. Every single class has that on her Memento Mori outfit, Deadeye just has an unfortunate tilt on her stance that makes it way more apparent.
If they didnt bother to fix it to any other female class i dont see them fixing this one either but yeah its not a deadeye issue its an outfit issue.
Sadly, its not related to Deadeye, it's part of the outfit. Every single class has that on her Memento Mori outfit, Deadeye just has an unfortunate tilt on her stance that makes it way more apparent.
If they didnt bother to fix it to any other female class i dont see them fixing this one either but yeah its not a deadeye issue its an outfit issue.
It's not like that at all on my Nova. Deadeye actually has problems around the rear on other outfits too, like Cartian it looks like one half of her ass is melting off away from the other.