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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 20 : 3 Feb 15, 2025
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Deadeye: First Impression, Problems & Improvements
Dec 28, 2024, 13:15 (UTC)
1172 9
Last Edit : Dec 28, 2024, 14:43 (UTC)
# 1

I know there have been quite a few posts about Deadeye so far but I wanted to share my own impression and possible ideas to improve the class and make it overall more enjoyable.

First things first, I really like the aesthetic and theme of the class. Despite all it's flaws I love the class so I'll try and be as objective as possible when it comes to the pros and cons.

Also I will mainly be focusing on her PVP performance.
Tldr for the extra lazy people:
Overall she is very underwhelming in pvp for various reason. Basically a squishier archer with less damage. 


Honestly, in it's current state there aren't too many objective pros to name. 
She has versatile range due to skills being a mix of close, medium and long range.

Her short distance movement is pretty bursty and overall good and fun. 

You can be very protected (more about this later).


Now this part will be the longest portion as I will also include possible solutions.

Let's start with the biggest gripe I have with the class: the lack of useful skills or rather the amount of skills that are unusable and mechanics that are questionable.

Yes I know, we are missing the magnus skill, rabaams and core skills (as well as prebuffs on skills??)

Marni Rounds: While I do like the idea of having different ammo types it is poorly implemented. The difference between regular & marni rounds isn't that great but the biggest issue with it is how hard it is to make use of it. The animation is way too long and unprotected.
So far I've only found 2 cases that would make the swap even remotely useful.  Those are refreshing the cd on Mayhem (W+F) and Run n Gun (a/d+lmb). You can reset Bulletstorm as well but you will die standing if you do. 

Solution: Either remove the cooldown, animation and cd reset of Switch n Load (E) so we can switch the ammo type seemlessly while playing, without it being too good for resetting cooldowns. This would give us the ability to adjust our ammo type depending on which skill we want to use. Alternatively, just remove the animation and keep the cooldown and the cooldown reset. Also, please give the round types meaningful differences, like you did with Star-Spangled Barrage (Shift+RMB). Regular rounds do more damage, marni rounds are faster (just an example). Right now the difference seems negligible.

Gunslinger's standoff: Honestly this "E-Buff" is a mess for multiple reasons. So the way the buff works is, you use certain skills, then you press E to switch ammo types and reset the cooldown on all those skills. The AP buff increases and the duration decreases. It does reset the duration to 10 seconds if you continuously swap ammo types but it has to reset a cooldown for it to work. Now the problem is this forces you to spam the same 2 to 3 skills and swap ammo types every 5 seconds, meaning you will basically spam w+f, e, w+f, a/d+lmb, e, a/d+lmb. That way you will keep up the 40 AP buff but you are not making use of it at all. This is just poor design. 
Solution: Either remove the duration reduction and apply the above mention fix to marni bullets or just rework the entire Buff to be stronger but without any gimmicks. 

Sunset Piercer (Shift+E): This has to be one of the worst skills in the entire game. It's extremely slow, you only have FG while you're not shooting and you can only hit targets that are in a 45° cone in front of you. It's pretty much useless in both pvp and pve. 

Solution: This one confused me the most. I straight up don't get how this skill made it past any QA or testing. Just rework this skill.

Quick Draw (S+F): The skill itself isn't completely terrible but I genuinely don't understand why the FG is 0.05 seconds. At that point it might as well be unprotected. Also, it completely locks your camera in a funky and disruptive way. Try and dash, turn your camera and use the skill. It will flick your camera and lock it in place. This applies to a lot more skills too.

Solution: Either let us cancel the skill or give us full FG with the ability to turn our camera and please for the love of god fix the camera locking on half the skills.

100% BSR Quick Draw: Another skill that has me perplexed. I love the idea of it but standing still for 5 seconds in SA on a squishy class means you are basically dead before the skill goes off 90% of the time. The other 10% people are just gonna go behind you and start laughing. 

Solution: Please speed up the animation by a lot. 

Now on to some more generalised cons of the class. 

There are so many weird animation/camera locks that make the class feel very clunky.

Most of the Rocket Launcher skills are unusable. They are too slow, unprotected and barely do any damage. By the time any of the rockets are fired, literally every class (even a sorc) will catch up to you from render distance. Having a huge backwards iframe is great. Standing still at the end of it firing a rocket for 3 seconds is not and defeats the point. 

Solution: Speed up their animation and increase the damage. Give us some risk reward factor for unprotected skills or something. 

The class has a hard time trading in SA because it is extremely squishy and lacks FG skills while it also has a very hard time getting catches. As I mentioned above. You have an abundance of SA skills that keep you protected for a while but almost any class will kill you standing. It feels like you're playing with a permanent -60DP debuff on you. The only viable catches are Gunslinger's Entrance (W+RMB) and Run n Gun (A/D+LMB) to a degree. Run n Gun is only a knockback on the 4th hit and forces you to properly CC with a slow and unprotected skill after or instantly CC capping the enemy with W+RMB. Her damage against other classes while both are SA is almost non-existant so most of the fights you are running around trying to avoid trading and getting catches with 2 skills that require you to spend a lot of stamina, meaning you will lose the trades on top of doing damage to yourself because you run out of stamina really fast. On top of that, you have no way of applying a second CC when anyone is nearby as all the options are unprotected and slow (S+LMB and Space for example, not even gonna talk about the rocket launcher). The low amount of iframes and lack of usable FG skills also means you cannot avoid damage (even in PVE). 

In my experience I would say a class needs 2 out of 3 things to be viable in PVP. Catch potential, SA trade damage or survivability in form of either being tanky due to class passives, extra SA damage reduction or having a lot of iframes. Usually very squishy classes either have a lot more iframes, a lot more damage or way better catches. I am not asking for the class to be insane at all three but there needs to be some balance. Right now deadeye is lacking in all of the above and doesn't really have any direction or identity.

Solution: All of these things can be fixed in different ways depending on what the class' identity is supposed to be. Giving FG to the RMB skillchain and to Space would fix some PVP and PVE issues. Giving the class actual prebuffs on her skills (Attack Speed, AP, DP) would also help. Bulletstorm (Shift+F) needs to do more damage and have bigger AoE. If the class is supposed to be more of a brawler/bruiser you could also consider increasing the amount of DR you get from being SA. If the class is supposed to be glass cannon it needs a lot more damage to even be a threat. These aren't the only possible solutions but you get the idea. 

Let me know what you think and what your experience has been in both pvp and pve.

Now if you've made it this far. I hope you all had amazing holidays and I wish you the very best for the coming year. 

EDIT: I forgot to talk about another skill. Trailblaze (Shift+Space): It feels very inconsistant when it comes to jumping over things. You get stuck on objects that are way below you. 

Last Edit : Dec 28, 2024, 13:45 (UTC)
# 2

have to agree with you 100% i even locked my 100% bsr skill its just not worth just eat it even in pve and then continue using w+F :P
hopefully they listen to you these are pretty valid pros and cons the E/ammo swapping defs needs hard rework your almost forced to stop every single animation mash E its not worth it in pvp your just guna get grabbed or worse

Last Edit : Dec 28, 2024, 16:17 (UTC)
# 3

the most shitty designed classed ever. there is no way to charge her "mana" meter outside of chugging pots. as such, you will never use the rocket launcher. what the f were they thinking (or not) she was way too rushed out. 

Last Edit : Dec 28, 2024, 17:02 (UTC)
# 4

Wish they'd stop with the Ascension characters. Should give her (along with Scholar and Archer) Awakening/Succession specializations. I also wish she was designed more like Blade and Soul's gunslinger. I liked being able to choose between fire and darkness. I'd love to be able to use magically infused shots or rounds rather than 'Marni Rounds' (which isn't even worth using in my opinion). Have it do magic damage. Maybe that could have been her Awakening option wereas Succession would have been your typical ranged gunslinger class. Awakening could have been like a Sorceress or Witch with guns. A healing skill would have been fun and unique as well, like a healing round or ball (shoot your ally to heal them, lol). Blade and Soul's gunslinger was much more satisfying (in my opinion) to play followed by Lost Ark's gunslinger classes.

I HATE the rocket launcher (Lil' Devil). Such a pain to use (long 'cast' times and not very accurate). It also doesn't seem to do much damage. It would have been cool if you could switch stances (similar to Awakened Drakania) so you could alternate between guns (revolvers, shotgun, and rifle). I feel she needs a good overhaul...Pearl Abyss needs to go back to the drawing board with this one.

Last Edit : Dec 28, 2024, 23:54 (UTC)
# 5

I had a lot of fun playing deadeye in FFA in seasons because you can make her tanky or do lots of damage within that setting. I took her to AoS and immediately hated the class. She dies standing to basically any and every class, she has little to no cc pressure, she can't out sa trade anybody (even on a blast build), her mobility is just ok. Put all that together and grab classes can endlessly pressure you until you're weak or they land grab. Her kit is all flare, no consistent design aspect or idea of how the class is supposed to play in pvp at all. Even the whole idea that regular ammo is supposed to be for pvp and marni ammo for pvp idea is a bunch of schlock. Marni ammo does more damage in pvp, while near useless in pve, and you'll only really use regular ammo in pve because of that. She's a worse ranged class than succ ranger, archer, or maegu. Worse melee than any melee class in the game.

Pvp aside, she is a fantastic endgame grinder, though, despite her flaws. Just another indicator that PA is moving away from core pvp design and moving into pve. Despite the fact that she's dog in pvp, I still like her kit... it just needs a lot of love. I don't think the rabams, cores, or magnus skill are the fix the kit needs. She lacks polish in virtually every skill. Compare this against how Maegu initially came out and you can tell which class the devs liked designing more.

Last Edit : Dec 29, 2024, 00:21 (UTC)
# 6
On: Dec 28, 2024, 23:53 (UTC), Written by Xenon

Pvp aside, she is a fantastic endgame grinder, though, despite her flaws. Just another indicator that PA is moving away from core pvp design and moving into pve. Despite the fact that she's dog in pvp, I still like her kit... it just needs a lot of love. I don't think the rabams, cores, or magnus skill are the fix the kit needs. She lacks polish in virtually every skill. Compare this against how Maegu initially came out and you can tell which class the devs liked designing more.

I'm looking forward to giving her PvE a spin tomorrow. I really like her kit too and I agree, I don't think the rabaams, cores or magnus are going to fix the core issues the class has. I am still hopeful that this class will get better! 

Last Edit : Dec 30, 2024, 01:48 (UTC)
# 7

I love the DE and hope they change very little. Super fun class that I wish had a male variation too.

Last Edit : Jan 2, 2025, 21:29 (UTC)
# 8
On: Dec 28, 2024, 23:53 (UTC), Written by Xenon

Pvp aside, she is a fantastic endgame grinder, though, despite her flaws. Just another indicator that PA is moving away from core pvp design and moving into pve. Despite the fact that she's dog in pvp, I still like her kit... it just needs a lot of love. I don't think the rabams, cores, or magnus skill are the fix the kit needs. She lacks polish in virtually every skill. Compare this against how Maegu initially came out and you can tell which class the devs liked designing more.

I did end up doing a bunch of PvE on her. Testing different spots, as well as Shrine Bosses and Guild Shrine Bosses and I have to say her PvE is really good. She has some issues in certain spots as well as against some Shrine Bosses due to the lack of permanent PvE iframes and FG skills but overall very enjoyable. 

On: Dec 30, 2024, 01:48 (UTC), Written by Truen

I love the DE and hope they change very little. Super fun class that I wish had a male variation too.

It is a very fun class but I don't understand why you wouldn't approve of changes that make the class overall feel better and more fluent, unless I misunderstood.

Last Edit : Jan 3, 2025, 02:33 (UTC)
# 9

Whoever designed this class completely forgot that there are players that use a controller to play this game. By this I explicitly mean players using the original controller settings not the gamepad UI. 
The ascension skills Rockets Red Glare, Dead Eye Shot and Iron Blackjack cannot be executed at all with controller. I have reported this asking for them to be able to go into a quick slot and what was the response, nothing. Instead they decided that the only skill that needs to be put in a quick slot is Dust Devil that just uses f on a keyboard or b on controller. To input  C on controller you need to press the left bumper and the dpad left( or whater dpad direction you choose). To input forward C would entail using left bumper and the joystick  forward at the same time as hitting the dpad. This is impossible as both the joystick and dpad are used with the left  thumb


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