Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 10 : 42 Feb 14, 2025
CET 11 : 42 Feb 14, 2025
PST 2 : 42 Feb 14, 2025
EST 5 : 42 Feb 14, 2025
I still love this game
Dec 29, 2024, 17:26 (UTC)
1827 11
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Last Edit : Dec 29, 2024, 17:26 (UTC)
# 1

In contrast to all the negative and ranting posts here, I wanted to say that I still love this game, maybe more than ever!

Please like if you agree.

Let us spread some positive vibes, fellow adventurers! :)


Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 29, 2024, 20:11 (UTC)
# 2

We love the game even when we're being critical of it. If anything, some of us complain because we like this game. It's hard to watch something set itself on fire.

Last Edit : Dec 30, 2024, 03:28 (UTC)
# 3

I do love this game.  But it's being stripped of everything I love about it, so it's hard to stay positive.

Watching the game being killed for nearly three years.............. it's hard.

It all started with Reboot.  Then they ruined the soundtrack, ... songs play at places they shouldn't...  Then they wrecked the walk animations, and everyone walks like a zombie.  No character at all. T hen they ruined our character's sounds by having them quiet sometimes, and being vocal at others.  The inconsistancy is annoying.  Then they fussed with the crystals.  Everyone used to be able to have their own set in their gear, and there was better balance among the crystal types.  Then they killed the open world with Marni zones.  Then they got rid of Port Ratt.  Then they ruined trade.  Then they killed guild wars and nerfed PvP.  Then they ruined the Karma system with Family wide Karma.  Then the made seasons permanent, and Tuvala makes all early game gear meaningless. Then they deleted tons of items and simplified things to death. Then they ruined the Main Quest line and smashed all quest paths together.  Then they............. I could go on.  And I have barely scratched the surface.  What they have done to some of the classes over these years is abominable.

It's tough watching the game you love die.  I still love this game.  Therefore I protest PA's killing off this game.

But, I am postitive that we can get PA to change course and make this game great as it was before.  That they can realize this game's massive potential.  I am still hopeful.

Cheers, and here's to a good 2025!

Last Edit : Dec 30, 2024, 03:40 (UTC)
# 4

this game is like watching someone you love with dementia, at first it was little changes you were trying to stop, but now bdos dementia regress is almost fully complete, it doesnt even remember what it wants to be or who it was, its infested with people who complain on forums about ow pvp and red players and literally everything that made this game fun for people, and we watched as certain people in charge who say $$$ in their eyes removed what drew us to this game, rather than listening to the community who begged with over 15k+ posts on forums and protest in every region we watched our poor dementia'd bdo listen to the wrong crowds who only care about making it so basic boring and club penguinlike that alot of us could no longer stand by and watch it happened, alot of us left, rather than watching it finally kill itself. the few who remain are hopefully with just a small glimmer of hope through the shitty updates the endless lies backsteps simplifcations nerfs and blatant cash grabs that this new person in charge will start to undo the damage done. maybe.... JUST MAYBE new leadership and new direction will bring back bdo to what it once was, a glorious owpvpve game where risk vs reward was incentivised rather than frowned upon, where reds and constant pvp for spots./gvgs drama with guilds and wars are no longer a taboo topic to be whispered on the side alleys of hiedel. alot needs to be undone for this game to come off life support. those who are so anti pvp that even the mere mention of OWPVP need to be forced out. these people are not what this game needs this game was one of the best owpvpve sandmox mmos every made. we need to return to that. otherwise even shittier games like TnL will suck up the last of the community.

Last Edit : Dec 30, 2024, 04:26 (UTC)
# 5

People's dissatisfaction doesn't mean that they don't like the game. This is a misunderstanding.

We critizise it because we love it. We want it to be better. We yap and nag and cry about every big and little thing because Black Desert has insane amounts of potential.

It's not about negativity. It's about knowing how special it is. It's one of a kind, no other MMO is like BDO.

And we want to see it succeed. Because it deserves so much more than what it has right now.

Last Edit : Dec 30, 2024, 05:51 (UTC)
# 6
On: Dec 30, 2024, 03:24 (UTC), Written by Musa4ever

  Then they got rid of Port Ratt.  

You preferred Port Ratt to LOML!?

Last Edit : Dec 30, 2024, 06:04 (UTC)
# 7
On: Dec 30, 2024, 05:51 (UTC), Written by CillianRaynor

You preferred Port Ratt to LOML!?

honestly i do, i wanted port ratt to lead us into loml going up the stairs i waited for so long to finally clumb, we was robbed!

Last Edit : Dec 30, 2024, 09:43 (UTC)
# 8

Hard to say i like or no. It is like 50/50. Developers do too much mistakes,  for example: a lot of unnecessary gifts, afk fishing and new class to make illusion of big online in the game. And trey repeat it year in year. Online rises up on every big gifts or new class, many people just log in for rewards and don't play. 

Today you can think that bdo is saved, but it still isn't. We have big online because of huge fishing update  so many afk players on fishing.

In general Janurary-February are very exited for content, but it depends how devs will make it.  I am very pessimistic because I have played this game for many years and I know how they do new content. ( mostly useless where you have to grief yourself ).

All I can say is that they have been on the right direction in bdo lately, now it depends on the quality of their content and how they deliver it to us. It could be a huge win or another loss.

Also  1st April - 31th October 2024 is the worst time in bdo ever. Just a lot of scam on silver and devalue people efforts.

Last Edit : Dec 30, 2024, 14:58 (UTC)
# 9
On: Dec 29, 2024, 17:26 (UTC), Written by Deimera

In contrast to all the negative and ranting posts here, I wanted to say that I still love this game, maybe more than ever!

Please like if you agree.

Let us spread some positive vibes, fellow adventurers! :)


I believe there is a strong passion for BDO among its community. It's important to recognize that those who share negative reviews or comments should not be automatically categorized as "haters" of the game. In the customer service industry, we often see that "customers who voice their concerns are likely to return, whereas those who remain silent may choose to never return." This principle applies equally to games and their players. Many of us who express our concerns do so because we care deeply about the game and wish to see it thrive, hoping for a resurgence of players as the game moves in a positive direction.

Navigating through various comments can sometimes be a challenge, but it’s essential to remember that our intentions stem from a love for the game. Regardless of the challenges, we genuinely wish for the best outcomes for both BDO and its player community.

Last Edit : Dec 30, 2024, 15:27 (UTC)
# 10
On: Dec 30, 2024, 14:58 (UTC), Written by ReconKangas

I believe there is a strong passion for BDO among its community. It's important to recognize that those who share negative reviews or comments should not be automatically categorized as "haters" of the game. In the customer service industry, we often see that "customers who voice their concerns are likely to return, whereas those who remain silent may choose to never return." This principle applies equally to games and their players. Many of us who express our concerns do so because we care deeply about the game and wish to see it thrive, hoping for a resurgence of players as the game moves in a positive direction.

Navigating through various comments can sometimes be a challenge, but it’s essential to remember that our intentions stem from a love for the game. Regardless of the challenges, we genuinely wish for the best outcomes for both BDO and its player community.

That's why those of us who criticize the game are still here (whether in-game or on the forums). Because we do care and want to see the game succeed. This game has so much potential, and to see it squandered is...frustrating. I'd love for this game to make a comeback. They could easily as there's really nothing else on the market. Which is also why they've grown more complacent because there's no competition. They're content to rest on their laurels of past achievements. I'd love it if they'd be as passionate about this game as we are. Get creative and come up with fresh ideas (that are actually good, things that players have been wanting to see done). Get people excited about the game again. Sadly, I don't think that's going to happen as they're more than likely ready to move on to other projects (Crimson Desert). Please prove me wrong Pearl Abyss. There are still a great deal of players who still care about and enjoy this game. I'd hate to see it go on life-support until they're ready to pull the plug.

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