I feel like Hexblood just shouldnt exist. Have her awakening be more attuned to her draconic side. Having the stances is cool and all but its also hurting her more than anything imo. Add like 2-3 skills in Dragonblood from the hexblood tree and get rid of hexblood imo. Could put in Tectonic slam, Extinction and Obliterate into dragonblood and it would be a pretty fantastic awakening. Buff the pve numbers and she would be in a much better place imo. Classes being released have become pretty simplistic overall so having Drakania be such a standout on that side is kinda strange now days with how modern class design is. Having a complex class can be great but it is also a big turn off for people, especially if that class is underperforming and devs seem to be ignoring it which drives people away from the class more.
buff her pve damage, leave all her skills alone dont dumb down a class coz people cant understand it, if you want to play basic play deadeye simple pve rotation.
Honestly, the problem with hexeblood is the high APM demand it causes while offering high damage output and having such awful range. In PvP, okay, whatever, but in PvE, it's just awful. It's not like drakania has a complicated rotation despite her double stances, but yes, hexeblood does feel awful to use and yes, the class does underperform (again, APM demand and the result pretty much land it to why people don't play Ninja in PvE, or awakened Nova).
Honestly, the problem with hexeblood is the high APM demand it causes while offering high damage output and having such awful range. In PvP, okay, whatever, but in PvE, it's just awful. It's not like drakania has a complicated rotation despite her double stances, but yes, hexeblood does feel awful to use and yes, the class does underperform (again, APM demand and the result pretty much land it to why people don't play Ninja in PvE, or awakened Nova).
we have had many good suggestion about improving her pve, mostly just upping her pve damage and the range of her skills everything else is fine. some people enjoy high apm and get a kick out of the sweat so she doenst need much to bring her up to the main pack of grinders
I feel like Hexblood just shouldnt exist. Have her awakening be more attuned to her draconic side. Having the stances is cool and all but its also hurting her more than anything imo. Add like 2-3 skills in Dragonblood from the hexblood tree and get rid of hexblood imo. Could put in Tectonic slam, Extinction and Obliterate into dragonblood and it would be a pretty fantastic awakening. Buff the pve numbers and she would be in a much better place imo. Classes being released have become pretty simplistic overall so having Drakania be such a standout on that side is kinda strange now days with how modern class design is. Having a complex class can be great but it is also a big turn off for people, especially if that class is underperforming and devs seem to be ignoring it which drives people away from the class more.
maybe pa can see this Awgust has good takes on buffing Drak without tuning it to deadeye/awak tamer levels. even if you could start with aoe increase for our skills nothing else it would be an awesome improvement but then while your at it buff our pve damage just a little please <3