I know what everyone is going to say. It's a new class, wait for them to release all their skills.
It's not about whether it's new or not. I can understand that part and I can understand if it comes out with ERRORS. Eye Errors, but what PA did on this occasion was a total lack of respect and mockery to its players. I waited since 2016 for a gunner style class and when I found out they were going to release one I got very excited, to the point that I didn't try the class but instead directly bought everything from the store. Now imagine how I feel seeing that this disappointment is unplayable in PVP. Do you know how frustrating it is to play pvp with deadeye? Never but never in 10 years had PA released a class with so little motivation. Why release a class that doesn't even have its complete skills? It doesn't have passive defense, literally in AOS you die from 2 skills. I ask myself every day why? Why did they do it? What was the need to release this class in a hurry? I don't think the problem is money, there has to be another reason why they released this class that is so but in decline. It came out exactly the same as the Schoolar and guess what? Before the deadeye it was schoolar and it is another piece of garbage in pvp 1v1 and nodewar t1 t2. I really can't hold back the urge to insult PA, but I know how they work and I know that at the slightest thing they will ban me from the forum because that's what they do best, silencing their players by deleting the topics without leaving a trace and giving them a ban of 15 to 30 days.
Just so you know, other classes die standing in 1 second in aos as well. It's not only a deadeye problem.
Current gear setup in aos seems to favor iframe classes with full blast setup
Just so you know, other classes die standing in 1 second in aos as well. It's not only a deadeye problem.
Current gear setup in aos seems to favor iframe classes with full blast setup
I play all classes in AOS and I have never died on my feet with 1 or 2 skills. I understand that some classes benefit more from this modern AOS mechanism, but in the case of Deadeye it is a class that is not only incomplete and absurdly incompetent, it is an extremely fragile class, without protection, without Defense, without HP, that is to say it has nothing. I just can't explain to you well about how you literally die with 1 hit
yeah she feels very very unfinished needs back in the oven another month or two