Often when im on my main and im trying to do a main quest i run into the problem of be full on quests yes i can remove quest but often when i do they are quest that the black spirit will give back to me while im going through the main quest. I have to be super careful to ensure that i do not click them when they show up by defualt.
My 3 possible solutions are simple quality of life improvements
- Increase the limit of quest that can be done at one time. maybe a 30 quest limit to each type, 30 for main quest, 30 for general, 30 for life etc something along those lines.
- Main quest do not count twards quest limits and are they own speprate bucket of quests.
- simular to the main quest suggestion repeatable and dayly quest do not count twords the limit.
the game has expaneded alot over the years and so have the amount of quest. It would be nice not having to constanlty manage the limited amount of quest we can have.
Remove all limits imo. ALways was terribly annoying. Like i do all sailies daily and that's a lot fo quests to grab at once. Easily over 20 i believe. So this means i can't have much uncompleted quests in my log already before i start. There is no good reason why there should be a limit.
Over the years I have seen it brought up multiple times in MMOs and the devs always sight database size issues, I have to wonder with all the leaps in storage space I can not imagine it's really that much of an issue any longer.
Monster Subjegation quests (like weekly boss subjegation, or the quests for various monster zone subjegations), are counted as quests by the game, but don't take up a quest slot. So I don't see why the quest limit can't be removed. The game would be better if the quest limit were removed or increased; it is one of many artificial limits in the game that are bothersome for the player, but for some reason still exists in the game, a "pain point" that helps to limit the game's growth. Furthermore, why not make the Monster Subjegation quests for the various zones be auto-accepted to make them easy to clear, rather than require you to talk to an NPC each time? That's what happened to the Garmoth quests, and the game was better for it.
why even limit to monster sub do it for all weeklys gathering quests etc. It would flow better and make ppl want to do the quest alot more often.