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UTC 4 : 14 Feb 10, 2025
CET 5 : 14 Feb 10, 2025
PST 20 : 14 Feb 9, 2025
EST 23 : 14 Feb 9, 2025
Allow us to exchange Floramos to level 0 (Untradeable) Preonne accessory
Jan 9, 2025, 14:20 (UTC)
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Last Edit : Jan 23, 2025, 14:13 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Equalness

Region: Europe

Please make it possible to exchange Floramos accessories to level 0 Preonne accessories, since Floramos accessories are equal to level 3 Manos (TRI).

Note: In order to not negatively impact the life accessories market, the resulting Preonne accessory from this exchange can be made untradeable on the Market Place.

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2025, 15:18 (UTC)
# 2

Yes. This has to be done!

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2025, 15:46 (UTC)
# 3

Stop asking for handouts. 

PA does enough charity as it is giving away VBS's and other crazy rewards. 

Exchanging Floramos to anything is a nonsensical ask. 

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2025, 18:18 (UTC)
# 4
On: Jan 9, 2025, 15:46 (UTC), Written by ArchaicTriad

Stop asking for handouts. 

PA does enough charity as it is giving away VBS's and other crazy rewards. 

Exchanging Floramos to anything is a nonsensical ask. 

Hardly a handout when the resulting item can't be traded (per the suggestion). Which means it can't be liquidated, regardless of level.

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2025, 18:01 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jan 9, 2025, 15:46 (UTC), Written by ArchaicTriad

Stop asking for handouts. 

PA does enough charity as it is giving away VBS's and other crazy rewards. 

Exchanging Floramos to anything is a nonsensical ask. 

what are you afraid of? do you belive that some1 who has tri manos /floranos at this point of the game will cut into your profits?

58 2057
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Last Edit : Jan 9, 2025, 23:06 (UTC)
# 6
On: Jan 9, 2025, 14:20 (UTC), Written by Equalness

Floramos accessories are equal to level 3 Manos (TRI).

Not exactly true. Floramos accessories are meant to be an entry point to lifeskilling and lifeskillers eventually end up replacing them because they are different from Manos in the way that they can't be enhanced.

Being able to convert them to Preonne accessories means giving them the ability to be enhanced further, turning them from a stepping stone for lifeskill content into a fixed part of your end game lifeskill gear.

Floramos was never meant to be part of an endgame lifeskill setup. Manos, on the other hand, is.

On: Jan 9, 2025, 14:20 (UTC), Written by Equalness

Note: In order to not negatively impact the life accessories market, the resulting Preonne accessory from this exchange can be made untradeable on the Market Place.

Also not true. Making them untradeable doesn't mean that they won't impact the market.

They will still impact the market in a way that, while they don't increase the supply from "free" accessories, they do decrease the total demand.

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2025, 23:56 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jan 9, 2025, 23:05 (UTC), Written by Auxi

Not exactly true. Floramos accessories are meant to be an entry point to lifeskilling and lifeskillers eventually end up replacing them because they are different from Manos in the way that they can't be enhanced.

Being able to convert them to Preonne accessories means giving them the ability to be enhanced further, turning them from a stepping stone for lifeskill content into a fixed part of your end game lifeskill gear.

Floramos was never meant to be part of an endgame lifeskill setup. Manos, on the other hand, is.

Also not true. Making them untradeable doesn't mean that they won't impact the market.

They will still impact the market in a way that, while they don't increase the supply from "free" accessories, they do decrease the total demand.

Actually, what I said is true, in the sense that they have identical stats. Are they different in the sense of upgradability/trade-ability? Of course, but that wasn't what I intended when I said they're equal. It's purely the given stats. (mastery/exp). My thought process was that their lack of self-upgradability shouldn't necessarily doom them to never be exchangeable to something else if they're already the same (in stats.) compared to TRI Manos.

As for the market impact: while it's true that there would be slightly less demand on TRI Manos/base Preonne, there would also be less supply on the higher levels of these accessories. Since the resulting Preonne would be untradeable, it would remain locked with the player, regardless of how high they've enhanced it. The situation that would emerge is that TRI Manos/base Preonne would have more supply, and their higher levels would have less supply.

I would argue that this is a preferable situation for many players, as it would mean the entry point for these accessories is a bit cheaper, while their higher levels retain their value more/for longer. Keeping both novice and veteran players happy (within the limited extent of this, as I firmly believe this would not have a major impact in any way whatsoever).

At any rate, it will hardly have any tangible effect on my gameplay, even if PA did not implement this. I just strongly dislike obsolete items that we can't do anything with. And while yes, you can argue that they would've been obsolete before today's update as well for those with TET Manos+; I think today's update made them truly obsolete as you could have gained 2k mastery with them before the update; now you can't do that anymore to reach the new cap. (3k mastery). So at the very least, I think they should let us sell them to vendors for a reasonable price or let us exchange them for anything of value, instead of becoming 100% useless items that serves no purpose whatsoever.

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2025, 23:57 (UTC)
# 8

You want a free acc to turn into a 5B item. I don't need the swap, so how about everyone can turn in a floramos for 5B silver, then you can buy your base off the market with the silver?

Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 00:27 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 9, 2025, 23:39 (UTC), Written by Equalness

Actually, what I said is true, in the sense that they have identical stats. Are they different in the sense of upgradability/trade-ability? Of course, but that wasn't what I intended when I said they're equal. It's purely the given stats. (mastery/exp). My thought process was that their lack of self-upgradability shouldn't necessarily doom them to never be exchangeable to something else if they're already the same (in stats.) compared to TRI Manos.

As for the market impact: while it's true that there would be slightly less demand on TRI Manos/base Preonne, there would also be less supply on the higher levels of these accessories. Since the resulting Preonne would be untradeable, it would remain locked with the player, regardless of how high they've enhanced it. The situation that would emerge is that TRI Manos/base Preonne would have more supply, and their higher levels would have less supply.

I would argue that this is a preferable situation for many players, as it would mean the entry point for these accessories is a bit cheaper, while their higher levels retain their value more/for longer. Keeping both novice and veteran players happy (within the limited extent of this, as I firmly believe this would not have a major impact in any way whatsoever).

At any rate, it will hardly have any tangible effect on my gameplay, even if PA did not implement this. I just strongly dislike obsolete items that we can't do anything with. And while yes, you can argue that they would've been obsolete before today's update as well for those with TET Manos+; I think today's update made them truly obsolete as you could have gained 2k mastery with them before the update; now you can't do that anymore to reach the new cap. (3k mastery). So at the very least, I think they should let us sell them to vendors for a reasonable price or let us exchange them for anything of value, instead of becoming 100% useless items that serves no purpose whatsoever.

You've got fair points, I especially agree with the way that "free" items become obsolete after some time. PA did a good job with the Essence of Ascent. You can either use them to upgrade your Tuvala piece to DEC or melt it down for essence of dawn in case you already have Kharazad accessories.

Would be good if they gave us something similar for Floramos accessories. 

Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 04:24 (UTC)
# 10

used 200 shack seals to replace my Flomos with TRI Manos, unless PA wants to refund them I disagree.

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