I need a wharf guide. I tried to Google for one, but I didn't find anything. All the information seemed to be about ships and sailing. Can someone point me in the right direction?
One example: Silen, the Heidel wharf master won't take my ship, Epheria Cog. I have no idea why or what to do about it.
The other is near the Western Camp outside of Velia, they won't take my ship either. But there the stream is small and I was able to move my raft there. Maybe the Epheria Cog is too big for that area??? But, the wharfs do not list the type of craft they take. Does Silen not take ships or only certain ones or it has be new/registered there or do I need a certain amount of amity or ....? This is why I need a guide on wharves, not ships. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
They used to take any ship, Untill the Trolls attacked...