Hi there
Im just wondering what people are gathering to proc the bear traces
This morning i did 5 hours on 5 different alts mining, lumbering, and butchering for 3 hours and didnt come across a single trace
I havnt tried herbing, tree sap or hunting as i dont need those mats
Alts have tet manos clothes, full set tet manos accs and pen life tools, mastery is between 2300-2560
I did however proc 3 bears on my farms breeding magic peppers
Is it a bug that 5 hours and not 1 from gathing is the norm, or am i very unlucky or the proc rate is soo low?
I'm butchering elk near Behr. I did it for about 5 hours last night and got maybe 4-6 bear traces.
I have had good luck getting them to spawn at Navarn Steppe, 3-4 an hour while farming black gem fragments
used just shy of 2100 energy(RIP all those wasted energy gourd's) today gathering have yet to see a bear trace drop. but hey i guess we all cant have gm/streamer client accounts where things actually drop and enhancing actually works eh?
Do farming, get moles + bears.
if your gathering you get a lot more mates then what the bear give you and got two from farming and only one from killing dear for and hour and a half