Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 38 Feb 7, 2025
CET 2 : 38 Feb 7, 2025
PST 17 : 38 Feb 6, 2025
EST 20 : 38 Feb 6, 2025
Silver: save or invest?
Jan 10, 2025, 04:19 (UTC)
1391 4
Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 04:19 (UTC)
# 1

I'm really bad with economics, but is it better so have more liquid silver or more assets like horses, gear etc? On the one hand silver loses its value over time, on the other hand, items get randomly nerfed or buffed so it's risky to buy stuff bc it may be devalued later.... so I guess what I'm asking is, should I invest my silver or save it?

35 174
Lv 65
Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 16:54 (UTC)
# 2

at this point and onward,  silver is needed to buy crons, im 100% sure PA will increase cron cost at some point again.

So if you at the stage where all you gotta do is cron, you either tap whenever or w8 till the increase the price and spend all your silver b4 they do that.

58 2052
Lv 61
Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 18:22 (UTC)
# 3

The game is just a cron eater now

189 718
Lv 66
Last Edit : Jan 15, 2025, 14:06 (UTC)
# 4

In general as silver aquisition rate constantly increases, liquid silver loses relative value. Sometimes this is suddenly in 'big' changes, like 2>3m crons, but it's generally the case your silver now will slowly lose value if you consider that silver as time.

But that said, dumping all that liquid silver into 'stuff' is also not necessarily a smart move, since 'stuff' can lose value more dramatically on an update, and it's hard to predict what the next patch will bring. Silver does tend to retain more value than many items, since for the last year the grind income has definitely not gone up as fast as items have crashed down.

There are two ways you can't really go that wrong:

1) Buying stuff that's a meaningful upgrade. Yes, there are people say 'just wait a year for a free sov/pen khara/whatever', and they're probably right there will be one eventually, but if you run that line of thinking to it's logical conclusion you never play the game. It's even better if you can buy that meaningful upgrade with the likelihood it will go up in value. If you'd bought e.g. pen manos clothes, you'd not only have got months of +100 mastery, but with the recent update, gained 20-40b as well. Hard to predict, but as a rule, if the cost of enhancing something is more than the cost it's selling for, it's much more likely to go up long-term.

2) Buying stuff you can craft for profit anyway. It's very risky to just buy stuff with a view to reselling the exact same thing later. It can work (I sold a pen taebaek belt for 270b, then rebought it 7 months later for 20b...), but it can also very often not, and given the amount of people that seem to go immediately nuts vs the market the minute a glabs update comes out, and tax, the majority of people lose on this. But if you can more reliably guarantee profit by cooking/alching/enhancing it, then the market fluctation is a bonus rather than something you need to rely on.


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