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UTC 14 : 15 Feb 12, 2025
CET 15 : 15 Feb 12, 2025
PST 6 : 15 Feb 12, 2025
EST 9 : 15 Feb 12, 2025
Change how to aquire Voltarion
Jan 10, 2025, 09:24 (UTC)
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Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 09:24 (UTC)
# 1

PLEASE change your glabs 25 for the winning guild in war of roses, but only TWO for a node war win? and we need 300?!?!?!?! not to mention sieges only get 15 for taking castle/winning and black shrine stuff only guarentees 1??? please tell me its min 1 but 20 max, coz otherwise this is just another failure to listen to the community, no one likes war of roses thats why its dead, dont force us to play a crappy game mode, not to mention dont reward the winning guild by such a vast amount of the rest?? i mean thats so stupid.

i reccomend changing so all potential trace aquisitions be 5-10 per and you can keep 300 traces, also not a single way for lifeskillers(which i am not fyi) to get it? is even worse.
very big L from wansu new leadership.

Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 09:42 (UTC)
# 2

Wait, so if you want to get the horse via PvE method, the black shrine is the only way and it's a weekly? How many times does black shrine give you a reward again?

Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 09:44 (UTC)
# 3
On: Jan 10, 2025, 09:39 (UTC), Written by Michi

Wait, so if you want to get the horse via PvE method, the black shrine is the only way and it's a weekly? How many times does black shrine give you a reward again?

according to this its 100% chance for 1 but will not say how many you can possibly get. but doubtful its going to be anymore that maybe 5 at BEST

Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 10:35 (UTC)
# 4

It's very frustrating that the game is moving towards time-gated content where a person has to be available at very specific times of the day, on very specific days, to progress.

Can't play at 6pm on a Sunday because you spend that time with your family? Not a problem, Eltens spawn 24/7 and you can chase a compass on your own time. Coming home from work or school, you don't really want to immediately engage in large scale pvp content on a weekday? You need to make dinner or decomrpess? Not a big issue, horses can always be caught and trained. Even world bosses spawn often enough that you can probably catch some whenever you actually do play.

The fact that yes-ing up *once* for war of the roses gives the same amount of goodies as completing 12-25 separate pieces of endgame content, which will realistically be spread out across 4-10 weeks for most players, feels really bad. Those players who 'do it on their own' *will* have to put in a large amount of effort to get those rewards. On the other hand, war of roses players just have to yes up or merc in to a guild that won or RNG received the right to participate, and sort of not-be-afk for 1-2 hours. It doesn't matter if they put up a good fight or a bad fight, if they wintraded or politicked or legitimately fought their way to the position, they get fixed (very large) rewards. The War of Roses mercs, who spend the same amount of time in the fight, get treated worse by the people they are supposed to be fighting alongside? They get 1-2 goodies? Just abysmal.

Node wars  players getting 1 goodie for a win? Hey alright, not too shabby. I think there should be some other incentives there, like maybe getting the lasthit on a node gives that player a trace, or participating in the node fight gives a chance at a trace even if you lose. Maybe you could allow players (not participating as a guild) to sign up to form a rag-tag team of "freedom fighters" whose goal is to "liberate" a node, removing it from player control for slightly reduced / distinctive rewards. Like war of the roses merc, but for node wars.

I  will say, it *also* feels pretty bad that only 1 boss is going to give these rewards. What, you want players to tag 4-5 times in a week and clear the same boss to get these rewards?? It just feels awful. It would be different if each clear had a chance of dropping the item, say with a limit of 5/wk, which would incentivize players to work with other players to help pplz get clears. It's just so odd how it's rolled out with this patch.

All this ignores one of the big points Bitter brings up -- this is a horse. Horse training is a lifeskill. Why are there no lifeskill-adjacent ways to progress towards getting this horse? Why not have special gathering nodes in the new Edana region(s) that can have a low chance of dropping these traces, with the drops split between the owner of the place and the person who gathers them? Or, the player keeps 100% of the traces, BUT if they die to the king of the Edana region, they drop that trace for the king to pick up. The trace could have a timer on it of (say) 15min, if you hold it for 15min without dying (or take it to a town, if you are *the* lifeskiller who originally obtained it) it becomes yours. Give a server-wide announcement each time the trace changes hands, to further incentivize pvp in the Edana region. Something like that, where lifeskill interacts with pvp to drive more engagement and interesting fights.

I think long-term goals are good; I don't think this is a great way to go about things. Needs some more time on the burner.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 10:57 (UTC)
# 5

I saw the requirements for obtaining the horse. Laughed at them and decided to wait for PA to give it to everyone next ball for free.

Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 11:11 (UTC)
# 6
On: Jan 10, 2025, 10:57 (UTC), Written by Multarix

I saw the requirements for obtaining the horse. Laughed at them and decided to wait for PA to give it to everyone next ball for free.

yeah thats how it is going to end up, i dont know HOW they thought this would be well recieved like i swear they are into bdsm coz they do ideas like this and we all yell at them for it. i swear they enjoy it

Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 11:13 (UTC)
# 7

I was so hyped for this horse, but my excitement turned into frustration. Thank you.

Please, consider increasing the rewards from shrines, otherwise, I'm afraid people who are not from the leading guilds of WOTR are not willing to do weekly shrines for more than two years to get the couple of Voltarions to prepare them for possible T10.

Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 12:08 (UTC)
# 8

If you are very good with your class, you can get 1 each week via blackshrine.
So you'll need around 6 years to have 1 for the couple. 

Great !

Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 16:03 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 10, 2025, 09:44 (UTC), Written by BitterBlossoms

according to this its 100% chance for 1 but will not say how many you can possibly get. but doubtful its going to be anymore that maybe 5 at BEST

Can someone please correct me, but is this chart saying only the person/team that ranks first for those bosses gets 1 guaranteed? If you're not in the top ranked party it's going to be, "lol that's rng!"? Because it's saying 2nd-9th get 1 one "according to probability" which would also imply if you're not in the top 10 you're screwed out of them entirely.

Last Edit : Jan 10, 2025, 16:58 (UTC)
# 10
On: Jan 10, 2025, 11:13 (UTC), Written by Meowling

I was so hyped for this horse, but my excitement turned into frustration. Thank you.

Please, consider increasing the rewards from shrines, otherwise, I'm afraid people who are not from the leading guilds of WOTR are not willing to do weekly shrines for more than two years to get the couple of Voltarions to prepare them for possible T10.

why? its just a reskin and the active skill is poop too

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