Voltarion is coming next week and I can't understand why you guys make this new horse only for endgame players, 330AP for shrine and PvP really? We can't even buy it on the central market... my suggestion is to change this and make the horse more accessible to other players because not everyone can enjoy endgame content and not everyone plays PvP. This is madness...
It's like in the 30+ years of MMO games people have never seen a trophy mount before, if I want the Voltarion I am going to get gud, I guess you and alot of others are too. There is nothing wrong with PA putting in a goal for people to HAVE to work towards in the game.
You have to play the game to get it, that seems reasonable. Changing it from PVE only to mostly PVP rewards is a bit sketchy, but they have to give PVPers something.
It's like in the 30+ years of MMO games people have never seen a trophy mount before, if I want the Voltarion I am going to get gud, I guess you and alot of others are too. There is nothing wrong with PA putting in a goal for people to HAVE to work towards in the game.
L take
Only way they should make this more accessible is by increasing the lowest trace drops to be a bit more reasonable. A chance at 2 traces for clearing higher calamities is a bit.. underwhelming. 2 for winning an uncapped war is low, too, and honestly insulting. The siege and wor rewards are very overstacked compared to the other stuff you can do, but that's fine for once-per-week content.
Slight tanget here but, I am a big proponent of allowing people to earn anything in game by whatever method they prefer doing. IE, put just about everything on the market for silver so that anyone can earn it how they enjoy the game. Lock special cosmetics behind doing the PvP, etc.
That being said, PA has a poor track record here, especially recently. Carracks are on the market for an insulting low price. They can take 100+ active hours to earn, nevermind the waiting on daily/weekly resets and sell for an abysmally low ~40b. Previously, all BiS gear could be bought on the market eventually. Now you are forced into enhancing no matter what with Sovereign and Kharazad (to a lesser degree since you can swap PEN Debos). Dream horses can be traded, but not Mythical. Worst thing though is that 99.99% of cosmetics are tied to the Pearl Shop. They would have to add an entirely new system besides Titles to show off in game achievements (like auras or some such).
Which leads us back to locking certain things behind certain content that you have to participate in to earn. If you want red peggy, make it yourself or get stuck with a white one etc. It is fine to make people earn something, I just wish there were multiple paths and that the "trophy" version was clearly distinguishable to people who earned it doing content rather than as a freebie or off the market.