Family Name: Verendis
Region (NA/EU): NA
I was very sad this year when the winter holiday furniture sets did not return to the Pearl Shop. But Lunar New Year is just around the corner!!! This is PA's opportunity to bring them them back to the Pearl Shop, either for a limited time during the winter season, or perhaps even permanently!!
I'm talking about the Winter Holiday themed furniture sets Sweet Home Prop Set and Sweet Bear Prop Set, the Winter themed furniture set Winter Wood Prop Set B, and the Lunar New Year themed furniture set Zen Prop Set/ Kotatsu Prop Set/Cat Prop Set!! Please, PA!! Let me spend pearls on these!! The winter season isn't over yet, so bringing them back is still on-theme. :)
I'd really love especially to have the Zen Prop Set back in the store, it's been at least 3 years since we've seen it, and the lovely cherry blossom lanterns would look gorgeous in the LoML manors!!
Thank you for your consideration! Here are some pictures of the furniture I'm talking about:
Sweet Home Prop Set
Sweet Bear Prop Set
Winter Wood Prop Set B
Zen Prop Set
Bruh, I been wanting the zen furniture back for years!
Bruh, I been wanting the zen furniture back for years!
Same, Bestro! At least we got the Winter Wood and Sweet Bear/Home sets in the shop for christmas in 2023. But the Zen decorations havent been seen in the shop for YEARS!! And they are so perfect for the the LoML manors!! I want those cherry blossom lanterns SO BAD.
Lunar New Year is very close!! It's next week!! And in the past the Zen prop set has been brought back to the shop for Lunar New Year, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Pearl Abyss team will hear our prayers and the deliver the goods with this next update!! A girl can dream.... let me spend my pearls on this awesome furniture please PA!!