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UTC 10 : 5 Feb 8, 2025
CET 11 : 5 Feb 8, 2025
PST 2 : 5 Feb 8, 2025
EST 5 : 5 Feb 8, 2025
Voltarion - thoughts and suggestions for aquisition methods
Jan 14, 2025, 12:40 (UTC)
754 1
Last Edit : Jan 14, 2025, 13:19 (UTC)
# 1

Region: EU

Family name : SinkuX

skip Background if you don't care why im writing this :D


I am a fan of accelerating the process of getting voltarion for winning guilds of siege and WotR don't get me wrong.

But the discrepancy between getting it in 6-12 months casually doing NW vs getting it in 6 years of weekly crown prince clears is ridiculous. i know you could do all that combined, but people have preferences and not everyone is done everything!

Since they only said it will be obtainable for players "who have accomplished certain feats in PvP or PvE" and only added a comment on how that 1 skill is usefull in large scale, it was not declared as "THE PVP HORSE", so please not make it one.

As it stands now, Voltarion is mostly a log in reward for existing NW/Siege guilds. No effort involved whatsoever. you just keep doing what you always did.

ofcourse it is an effort to accumulate the players in a guild, and to get a stick once for participation rewards, but the release of the horse does not change what guilds have to do that already did that before.

Also its kinda not a reward for players themselves, the only thing a player can do on his own to aquire the horse is doing calamtiy 8-10 and joining Lag of the Roses, everything else is a group or guild reward.

I get that PvP only players were forced to do lifeskills to get the horses and are happy to get a very nice horse for free now, but PvE only players were also forced to do lifeskills to get horses and those dont get the horse by just doing what they love to do. which is completly against what they announced at FESTA.


1. The way of getting rewards (daily vs weekly)

1. Make weekly quests out of it in order to not give out daily rewards. dont give out daily NW rewards, make it a weekly Quest to limit all aquisition ways on a weekly basis.

2. Add it to currency exchance for certain things to reward consistency in doing what BDO has to offer (an example is down below)

2. Inequality of Reward difficulty  (losing NW vs challenge mode crown prince)

The current rewards say that losing a NW is equal to a weekly clear of crown prince challenge mode. which is ridiculous. crown prince needs to give more than that since its literally not cleared at all atm due to its difficulty

3. Calamity 8, 9 and10

Dont give out rewards based on leaderboard ranks. Instead give out rewards for voltarion based on cleared difficulty:

- c8 rewards have a 33% chance to grant a voltarion piece,

- c9 rewards have a 66% chance to grant a voltarion piece,

- c10 rewards have a 100% chance to grant a voltarion piece.

4. Add voltarion pieces to the currency exchange of existing shrine bosses

5 or 10 pieces of the currency of a certain Party-Shrineboss for 1 piece so you can get some out of it without doing crown prince. Reward consistently doing content.

(sidenote: when doing so pls add currency for atoraxxion clears, and do the same thing there(titles and stuff - been doing ato since release and never missed a week :D the currency system with titles and stuff is nice, gimme!)

5. Add a weekly quest of killing like XXX Monsters to get voltarion pieces

Insert any number here that equals like 10+ hours of grind on higher end spots (exclude pollys or other trash spots from this quests)

Maybe rotate questslocations on a weekly basis, idk :D

6. Add a guru training weekly quest to get voltarion pieces

this is a no brainer - guru training is a hell of an effort, should be rewarded.

Just wanted to get this out there, thanks for reading!



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