Family Name: MadnessIRL
Region (NA/EU): EU
Title. I cannot bring myself to do it every day. It is extremely fast, yet I found it boring and non challenging, somehow worse than grinding...
Many would turn it straight into a weekly instead. More bosses, more challenge, more rewards. I am completely fine with that.
Otherwise, we could simply be able to opt for a weekly challenge instead, while still allowing enjoyers to do it daily. You can borrow the implementation of Shrine Bosses and apply it to Pit of the Undying.
Do not abandon your own content PA, please <3
Give us a daily to collect some sort of pass. Get 7 passes, do a larger longer battle. This lets people who want to do short battles daily do that, or give the option for one battle, but still require a token amount of daily effort. Wasting buffs on these short little battles hurts my soul, but fighting without buffs feels so bad too lol.
Both PoU and Rifts should be updated. They are too easy, but whats bothers me is the idiotic mechanics of PoU... +1 for weekly tho.
+1 for weekly