Family Name: Alnilam
Region (NA/EU): NA
Suggestion: Some NPCs you interact with for quests have other dialogue that is informational. In some cases, whenever you have an active quest that requires you to talk to that NPC, the active quest dialogue shows up at the top and you just need to press R to continue with the quest or hand it in. NPCs like Ludowig and the ones you hand in fish for Abelin are an example of this.
And then there is Liana:
Can you please move the dialogue about the Preonne accessory to the bottom of the list so we don't have to click on each of the other dialogues to hand in the daily quests? And can you review all NPCs to make sure active quest dialogue is always at the top?
Thank you!
Including Black Spirit, that one is a constant 'gotcha'.
I'm really hoping this line in the patch notes is referring to what you're talking about here because it's been bugging me too
I'm really hoping this line in the patch notes is referring to what you're talking about here because it's been bugging me too
That would be awesome! I'm looking forward to doing my dailies at reset and finding out!
Happy to report that Liana is fixed.
Thank you PA!