The changes to AoS on global labs seem really good. Increased HP to prevent one shots, increased rewards for ranked, rewards for people outside top 100, removing ruins map, and adjusting buffs. All these things show they've been listening to AoS players' feedback.
However, there is still one large issue with AoS, which is that there is too much time between seasons. For many players, AoS is their favorite content in the game. For most of the time, ranked is not available, and while we can play practice mode, it's simply not as competitive and doesn't provide the satisfaction of climbing in rating. While guild league is great content, for newer players they can't participate in it for many months due to gear requirements.
Please decrease the time between ranked seasons so we can have more consistent competitive gameplay. This game has the most fun arena of any MMO in my opinion and I would love to play it more.
Great idea! Hope they will decreas time between seasons to like 1 month. And rewards for pvp on Glabs are really great for first time
The changes to AoS on global labs seem really good. Increased HP to prevent one shots, increased rewards for ranked, rewards for people outside top 100, removing ruins map, and adjusting buffs. All these things show they've been listening to AoS players' feedback.
I'm not sure about that one.
IMO the rewards are too good. Half of the time when you play AoS, you literally watching loading screens and timers.
Party boss blitz and war of the roses suffer as well from too good rewards. Makes thinking out of the box and going for all the other stuff in the game not worth going for, since you get all the silver you "need" to stay relevant from things like this.
The new maps look more like 1vs1 maps, small and basicly wide open. GL getting not V sniffed!
They raised the bonus HP from 2k to 10k AND decreased the DP to 319. They said it in the notes. In total we lose 40DR from gear and 19DR + 7% damage reduction from brackets. Basicly they give everyone 2x HP but everyone has an perma flame buff up (rn, in practice you die standing in a 2-3 skills against a flame buff). So PA continues using the crap iteration of AoS damage/heal balance...
Gear changes look bad. They keep the bsr earing for some reason and don't give us back accuracy accessories while adding more evasion. This will make evasion classes even stronger than they already were in practice now.
And no bs class nerfs in sight. I love to play against accel perma SA novas, so fun. Or getting 1 tapped from valk ult. Or losing 80% HP in a second from shai buffed awk meagu/succ musa if I dare to us an SA skill near them.
Or getting grabbed in I-frame for the 1000s time because I only used my I-frame 0.5sec before the grab, instead of me predicting already 1-2sec before they going to go for a grab....
Nerfing orbs is the "only good" thing we got.
If they want to fix AoS they could revert all the crap they did since the DR rework patch. And start nerfing classes + start fixing stuff and bugs.
Rewards being too good is one of the most ridiculous complaints I've ever heard. Even with the reward buffs playing AoS won't be close to grinding in silver per hour. Maybe there are some obscure ways to make tons of money through other methods but they're probably boring which is why almost nobody does them. People shouldn't be forced to do activities they don't enjoy.
Gear changes are difficult to assess without actually playing with them. But their objective is to prevent one shots which is a good idea.
I agree that we need a lot of class changes. I don't really think Nova and Valkyrie are the problem though. Nova is not perma SA at all, it has a lot of gaps. It's mostly Striker, Berserker, and Maegu. Also they keep releasing classes with zero gaps... Dosa and Deadeye are both perma SA classes.