Can we please make classes like archer and succ ranger more competitive in Arena of solare. i can understand like 5 years ago that classes like ranger/archer couldnt be that protected but with todays meta with all these dashes and long range alot classes have. i dont see a reason why ranger and archer should'nt be avabile to performe at same level in a 3 vs 3 scenario, im not talking about adding damage but rather adding a lingering to SA or shorter CD on an invisible skill, so you can have a better rotation,
and every singel class can just run down an archer and Ranger because there is no dmg to trade in superarmor
My suggestion for succ ranger
tearing arrow - >Add SA
and remove the knockback from the skill.
luthragons call-> Add SA
and remove the knockback from the skill
most people will argue that they will be overpowerd in nodewars. but to be fair its more about the player that plays the class that make it good.. you can find any class nowdays top-performing in nodewars. and i understand that this is an unpopular opinion but I just want be available to play my (main)succ ranger in AoS at same level as my other classes.
Have a good day!
Hello there is an open thread from an archer asking for buffs due to the same reasoning as you do. I put some sugestion in that post that is basically the same as what I think of ranger succ. But to be fair what you ask seems more reasonable of what the archer asked in his post xD.
If you change every "archer" word to "ranger succ" in those posts I left It would have the same meaning for the class :P
Sorry but copying and pasting the messages would be lame.
I feel like almost all new classes are absolutely overtuned in terms of movement. Years ago, i as Dark Knight was one of the few classes that could hunt down an archer or ranger effectively. Now most new classes can also do that and some even better. The new classes got all those gimmics that set them apart from other classes, and i understand why thats a cool idea in general, but when it comes to pvp, there needs to be a trade off for these classes. It can't be that new classes get all those cool crazy movement abilities and other stuff but also perform on the same level as the old ones in terms of damage and defense. So Deadeye basically replaced and outperformes Ranger / Archer in EVERY aspect.
Instead of bringing new classes 2 times a year they should focus on balancing the existing ones. Because we have all the classes needed, there is a class for everyone we don't need more.
all the new classes are whoever flails their arms harder at their oponant no such thing as skill based in pvp anymore :/ thing with ranger is they can flail one target at a time while the newer classes do the same thing but are fully protected doing it and they do it in a massive aoe