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UTC 4 : 12 Feb 17, 2025
CET 5 : 12 Feb 17, 2025
PST 20 : 12 Feb 16, 2025
EST 23 : 12 Feb 16, 2025
Manor Furniture Suggestions
Jan 18, 2025, 20:18 (UTC)
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Last Edit : Jan 18, 2025, 20:23 (UTC)
# 1

Credit to SnowCrowzz from SEA for the post idea and pictures!

Family Name: Blakeborough

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestion: These are some suggestions for some outdoor manor decor that would be nice to be added. Especially with the loml furniture content, they would go well with the aesthetic.

  1. Bamboo Fences
  2. Curved Wooden Bridges
  3. Water Basins(Tsukubai)
  4. Koi ponds
  5. Bamboo Fountains(Shishi-odashi)
  6. Korean traditional garden lanterns
  7. Bamboo privacy screens
  8. Bamboo trees
  9. Foliage
  10. Rock structures
  11. Boulders

Pictures for inspiration:

Last Edit : Jan 18, 2025, 20:41 (UTC)
# 2


Though, I wouldn't stop just with the list proposed. I would also include the other flowers that are already in the game and both obtainableand usable on Global Lab as well. This would add red and blue roses for players to use, and some sunflowers as well. 

As for the bamboo, I know that it exists in the files. It would be nice to actually be able to use it, and hundreds of other items that exist but aren't usable.

A lot of these other items include some of the basic decor we see in the Guild Houses we can rent, the taverns through the game, and in the Valencian villas. 

Last Edit : Jan 18, 2025, 20:54 (UTC)
# 3

There are so many unobtainable items in the game that players could use to style their resdences and manors, I really hope a lot of those items are considered in the future <3 I know I'd dump a billion in silver at vendors to buy kitchen decor and additional outdoor decor, it would be a great money sink for the game economy.

Last Edit : Jan 18, 2025, 22:09 (UTC)
# 4

Building on top of this post, there are countless furniture pieces that are already in the game that are currently unobtainable in regular gameplay that would definitely be utilized by the decorating community.

Some examples:

Cup, Crafted Tub, Red Rose Bushes, Cupboard, Trashcan, Halllowed Throne, etc.

icon icon iconiconiconicon

All pieces that were created and unutilized that would be loved and used by decoraters!

Last Edit : Jan 18, 2025, 22:12 (UTC)
# 5

A special shoutout to the Manor curtain we never received

Yamero Pare Meme - Yamero Pare Yamero Meme - Discover & Share GIFs

Global Lab Patch Notes – 16th July 2021 - BDFoundry

Last Edit : Jan 18, 2025, 22:40 (UTC)
# 6

Screenshots of furniture items that are currently in global lab but not present in the regular game

Please keep in mind there are tulips in the game already but these are different from the ones already available.

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2025, 09:56 (UTC)
# 7

Fully agree! Hell I was watching a Kdrama the other day and kept seeing so many of these and other things that would honestly be amazing additions to the game. to add on to the furniture thats in game, but un obtainable. The furniture in the dragon meusam in Eilton. We have the statue from Drak class release event ofc, but none of the other items! Bdo players are collectors. If you don't want something to be easily obtainable then don't make it easily obtainable, but at the very least make it possible to obtain at all! 

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2025, 17:50 (UTC)
# 8

Pictures courtesy of Verendis of additional carpets that are in the game but not available to players

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2025, 17:52 (UTC)
# 9

part 2

Last Edit : Jan 19, 2025, 17:54 (UTC)
# 10

The fact we dont have this carpet available I take personally. We have the shorter version of it, but countless decoraters have asked for looooong carpets.

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