Family Name: Meowling
Region (NA/EU): EU
Let us exchange Flowers of Oblivion for Trace of Thunderbolt. Let's say, if Tier8 gives you 20x flowers, you should be able to exchange it for 1x Trace of Thunderbolt. Yes, Voltarion made by this way will be much more costly than any other Dream.
- Make horse market more alive
- Give players hope that they will be riding Voltarion some day in the future and don't have to spend SEVERAL YEARS OF COLLECTING Traces of Thunderbolt from pve/pvp content
20 flowers for 1 voltarion would be fun. 4x voltarions immediately after applying those changes, some people would have probably 15+ voltarions ;D
For me it's a bad idea, you completely miss idea of rewards for challenge content. Some ways of obtaining them are not good (hm prince should give like 5-10 pity instead of 1) but overall it's a good/motivating reward for challenge content.
Changing the methods of obtaining it to be so easy would make this horse instantly common and remove its uniqueness entirely.
20 flowers for 1 voltarion would be fun. 4x voltarions immediately after applying those changes, some people would have probably 15+ voltarions ;D
For me it's a bad idea, you completely miss idea of rewards for challenge content. Some ways of obtaining them are not good (hm prince should give like 5-10 pity instead of 1) but overall it's a good/motivating reward for challenge content.
Changing the methods of obtaining it to be so easy would make this horse instantly common and remove its uniqueness entirely.
Cool, what would you do with so many Voltarions you can't even sell?
And I didn't say "20 flowers for 1 voltarion" - but 1 trace -> you need 300 Traces of thunderbolt to make 1 Voltarion
Surely many people have spare 12k flowers of oblivion worth ~80bil ready for Voltarion mare and stallion, right? :)
I didn't miss the idea of challenging content. The reality is that those who are not lucky enough to have plenty of free time and be in a siege guild that is also doing War of the roses, cannot make this horse in a reasonable amount of time. It's basically locked content for 95 % of player base.
Cool, what would you do with so many Voltarions you can't even sell?
And I didn't say "20 flowers of 1 voltarion" - but 1 trace -> you need 300 Traces of thunderbolt to make 1 Voltarion
I didn't miss the idea of challenging content. The reality is that those who are not lucky enough to have plenty of free time and be in a siege guild that is also doing War of the roses, cannot make this horse in a reasonable amount of time. It's basically locked content for 95 % of player base.
I know you talking about traces, 300 traces = 6k flowers. It's still really low number for trainers.
Doing only C10 bosses you need 60 weeks = 15 months. It would be long for other mmo's but it's not that bad for BDO. For example to get Nol you need ~300 days doing 3h of barter, where for Voltarion it's little bit longer but only <30min per week. From time to time even not the top players can join WoR and other stuff that will decrease that time.
Also we might get more places to obtain traces, for example, they announced in last global lab new rewards for arena of solare for every rank so maybe they will give some traces there. There are plenty of possibilities for them to reduce time needed but to not make it next item that requires just x money or afking 24/7.
Cool, what would you do with so many Voltarions you can't even sell? - probably nothing, my point is that with such exchange there would be immediately a loot of people running them so item would loose it exclusiveness (that will happen at some point, same as T9/T10s, but it's should take 2-3 years to make it common).
Still for me it's an time-gated exclusive item. After few months top 0.01% of players will have it so everyone will see that they are top players - doing uncapped pvp, beeing in best guilds, doing c10 etc. After ~1.5 year will be plenty of players with this horse but it still will be kind of rare horse. Then, after 2+ year they will give it probably for free at heidel ball.
I know you talking about traces, 300 traces = 6k flowers. It's still really low number for trainers.
Doing only C10 bosses you need 60 weeks = 15 months. It would be long for other mmo's but it's not that bad for BDO. For example to get Nol you need ~300 days doing 3h of barter, where for Voltarion it's little bit longer but only <30min per week. From time to time even not the top players can join WoR and other stuff that will decrease that time.
Also we might get more places to obtain traces, for example, they announced in last global lab new rewards for arena of solare for every rank so maybe they will give some traces there. There are plenty of possibilities for them to reduce time needed but to not make it next item that requires just x money or afking 24/7.
Cool, what would you do with so many Voltarions you can't even sell? - probably nothing, my point is that with such exchange there would be immediately a loot of people running them so item would loose it exclusiveness (that will happen at some point, same as T9/T10s, but it's should take 2-3 years to make it common).
Still for me it's an time-gated exclusive item. After few months top 0.01% of players will have it so everyone will see that they are top players - doing uncapped pvp, beeing in best guilds, doing c10 etc. After ~1.5 year will be plenty of players with this horse but it still will be kind of rare horse. Then, after 2+ year they will give it probably for free at heidel ball.
You kind of forgot, that not many people are having 350 ap to enter c9 and 10 (if they don't cheat with nouver). And also, you must be in the rank to get the trace guaranteed.
No sober person would do bartering for this amount of time while we are having much easier way to get nol, this argument is invalid, sorry.
Did you even check what amount of traces people can get if they are not from the leading guilds?
You kind of forgot, that not many people are having 350 ap to enter c9 and 10 (if they don't cheat with nouver). And also, you must be in the rank to get the trace guaranteed.
No sober person would do bartering for this amount of time while we are having much easier way to get nol, this argument is invalid, sorry.
Did you even check what amount of traces people can get if they are not from the leading guilds?
That's one of the points of exclusiveness. You need gear and be good enough to get it - this means you are in top of the players.
In C10 you have guarannted 1 trace, in C8 and C9 you have a chance based on rank.
Tell me about this "much easier way" to get nol, I opened 100+ chests and still don't have it. From my guild 7 ppl have nol and only 1 got it from chest, rest had to buy it.
Enough people have flowers needed to make voltarion not exclusiveness (I'm not in top guild, just some random, casual guild). If item is obtainable by 10-15% of players right after release then it's not exclusive item (in my opinion).
Allowing it to be obtained by flowers will ofc make it usefull but it's a wrong way of doing that. Trainers would still make same money because it's not hard to sell T6-T8 horses on market right now.
Even is someone doesn't have flowers right now they will be able to just sit at horse market and buy enough horses with 0 effort.
I think that PA should raise income for horse training and do something with those useless items after you get T10 but this is just a bad idea for me.
Anyway I said what I wanted and that's it for me. You want to have everything in game obtainable by afking and real money, I want to have some really exclusive items that players could be "proud of" that they are good and put enough effort to get them.
That's one of the points of exclusiveness. You need gear and be good enough to get it - this means you are in top of the players.
In C10 you have guarannted 1 trace, in C8 and C9 you have a chance based on rank.
Tell me about this "much easier way" to get nol, I opened 100+ chests and still don't have it. From my guild 7 ppl have nol and only 1 got it from chest, rest had to buy it.
Enough people have flowers needed to make voltarion not exclusiveness (I'm not in top guild, just some random, casual guild). If item is obtainable by 10-15% of players right after release then it's not exclusive item (in my opinion).
Allowing it to be obtained by flowers will ofc make it usefull but it's a wrong way of doing that. Trainers would still make same money because it's not hard to sell T6-T8 horses on market right now.
Even is someone doesn't have flowers right now they will be able to just sit at horse market and buy enough horses with 0 effort.
I think that PA should raise income for horse training and do something with those useless items after you get T10 but this is just a bad idea for me.
Anyway I said what I wanted and that's it for me. You want to have everything in game obtainable by afking and real money, I want to have some really exclusive items that players could be "proud of" that they are good and put enough effort to get them.
If you find this amount of flower of oblivion not challenging, you can suggest another item(s) that can be mixed to create the trace for example.
We are also having few nols in my guild (me included). If you are not a complete noob, you can get somewhere from 4-7 moss maps average from the pirate fleet per hour. The trick is to complete only those with Oquilla middle piece since it's having the highest % to drop nol part. When you check the the auto-arrange, it will appear as first out of 4 middle pieces. You are welcome.
If you find this amount of flower of oblivion not challenging, you can suggest another item(s) and can be mixed to create the trace for example.
We are also having few nols in my guild (me included). If you are not a complete noob, you can get somewhere from 4-7 moss maps average from the pirate fleet per hour. The trick is to complete only those with Oquilla middle piece since it's having the highest % to drop nol part. When you check the the auto-arrange, it will appear as first out of 4 middle pieces. You are welcome.
I know, doing that :) I woud say 3-6 map pieces for me is average and still 100+ chests without nol sadly.
I know, doing that :) I woud say 3-6 map pieces for me is average and still 100+ chests without nol sadly.
That's extremely unlucky then, wishing you luck with the next opening :)
Nope. Keep it as high end pve content and pvp content rewards only. You want the horse? Do the content. We all have to do horse races and train horses when that isn't something everybody enjoys doing for t10 taps. Why should you get around doing c8-10 bosses or pvp content?