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1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 9 : 7 Feb 8, 2025
CET 10 : 7 Feb 8, 2025
PST 1 : 7 Feb 8, 2025
EST 4 : 7 Feb 8, 2025
Rulupee Quest Count Permanent Enhancement Chance Changes from +5 to +25 total.
Jan 21, 2025, 00:25 (UTC)
938 6
Last Edit : Jan 21, 2025, 00:37 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Danvers

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestions/Comments: Rulupee Quest Count Permanent Enhancement Chance

My suggestion is simple. With Sovereign weapon failstacks needing hundrerds for failstacks now, and with Khaz acc needing the same, also more recently with the addition to Preonne acc raising the mastery cap, it is about time that these rewards be changed in the Rulupee books for + Permanent Enhancement as other stats will surely be on the rise in the future for new content. Gear in BDO is always on the rise in terms of stats, let's not be naive and think we are at the end game just yet, I hope we are not. If we are then we need Crimson Engine for Black Desert Online 2.

Changes as follows for each level of quest count:

1,004 > +5 Permanent Enhancement
4,921 > +5 Permanent Enhancement 
9,999 > +5 Permanent Enhancement 
19,235 > +5 Permanent Enhancement 
29,999 > +5 Permanent Enhancement

Going from +5 to +25 is not a huge stretch. However to new players that would greatly help things, seeing as new players do not have the luxury of attaining large hoards of failstacks like most veteran players.

Now I understand most veterans players would argue, well this is making the game too easy, if I did it the hard way so must others. Well if new players come into this game and that is your mindset then new players will likely not stay, you will then argue that the game is dead and it's all PAs fault, again this isn't about you. This is about the population of the game and for players who enjoy large number of new players and veterans to come back, so the PvP and PvE numbers get back to days of 2016.

Let's not forget END GAME armor isn't even out yet. Yes we have Dead God Chest, Labreska Helmet, Dahn Gloves and Atorr Shoes. Do a large number of players really have TET or PEN enchants of those items? Probably not, that is what is killing the END GAME for BDO. Not enough players being able to challenge high AP/DP areas and most players staying in mid range AP/DP zones because they can survive it better and make more silver. It is 2025 we saw the stats of the game who has what gear etc, the numbers aren't huge. Why keep the END GAME to a select few? There is not reason for that, that is making PvE very stagnant and desolate.

You are thinking END GAME armor? Yes. We know it is coming, if you say "no way, it won't". Well love to tell you that, look at the progression of weapons, acc, mastery and the like, it needs to happen if Castlevania and Land of Winter 2 is going to be here in the next year or so. Adjustments need to be made.

If BDO is to go on for another 10+ years changes to the Enhancement system need to be made, and I think this would be a great start.
Last Edit : Jan 21, 2025, 11:35 (UTC)
# 2

I think they should add some sort of achievement diary, completion log, or combat achievements like OSRS has for a bonus like this.

50k quests is far too big of a hurdle and incredibly boring. Adding interesting and challenging things to do in each zone for an achievement is much more engaging. 

Last Edit : Jan 21, 2025, 16:44 (UTC)
# 3

25 stacks arent too easy, since you need 200+ for pen karazad and up and the last few taps are 300+.

but gatekeepers hate it when new players get a bone tossed.

58 2055
Lv 61
Last Edit : Jan 21, 2025, 20:40 (UTC)
# 4

They should allow repeating quests to be counted.

Last Edit : Jan 24, 2025, 03:23 (UTC)
# 5

Indeed, daily/weekly quests should be counted, it's bothersome to have to make multiple characters in order to get the rupellee journals.

Last Edit : Jan 25, 2025, 03:38 (UTC)
# 6

Honestly, I think the reverse is in order: stop requiring failstacks to be so high. We get so many Advice of Valks that are just useless because they are so low. Really, what's a +10 going to do for anyone outside of tuvala enhancing? Nothing. I love the alternative: wasting my time building a failstack and/or for it to succeed on something I don't want. Very attractive game design./s



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