My problem:
Other players' problem:
Allow Item Collection Increase Scroll to be traded between players. Given the potential value and demand for these Scrolls, including their "pearl value" as a daily item from Value Packs, the trade of Scrolls will most likely require significant limitations in quantity and cost.
One possible implementation:
(There are many possibilities, and this is just one example. Share your alternative ideas/implementations below.)
- Players can register Item Collection Increase Scrolls in the Central Marketplace.
- Players may only register a limited number of Scrolls in a specifc timeframe. For example, 3 per day.
- Scrolls have a fixed, unmodifyable tax of 50%.
- Scrolls may be purchased at a range of approximately 100m to 300m.
- Tent buff is 50m for 50% rate. Scroll is 100% rate, setting lower bound of 100m.
- Assuming this range, this will resulting in 50m-150m for the player who sells the Scroll.
I'm assuming this is achievable given selling limits exist for pearl items, as well as some items can have a Duty Free exception from general taxation. If the Central Marketplace isn't feasible, then perhaps some alternative, independment system could be implemented that achieves the above in a similar manner (limited supply, significant loss).
For the readers:
Please take some time to comment on the following.
- Should there be an option to buy/sell Item Collection Increase Scrolls? Why or why not?
- If yes, what do you imagine is the best way to achieve it? (More ideas may help lead to an ideal implementation.)