Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 15 : 17 Sep 13, 2024
CEST 17 : 17 Sep 13, 2024
PDT 8 : 17 Sep 13, 2024
EDT 11 : 17 Sep 13, 2024


Am a new player and I am a tad bit confused. Does BDO announce events like the current one announced after yestderdays maint and announcement regarding the event or pretend event going on in Terrmian.

Now if the event period is from July 10th until July 18th and there are truly no actual events going does that mean this company is litterally going to wait until the very last moment to spring the events with only 2 days left to take part in said events?

I sent in a ticket asking what the deal was with the fake event going on because the only thing it has to offer is the sites like the sand castles and huts and only a couple of those huts sell the food and drinks, I played many games that pulled that kind of stuff with events, Heck the reply I got on my ticket simply said "We do not have the past events or quest right now for the current event that launched on July 10th through the 18th "Yet" But stay tuned and watch for the info...

So. My thing is you state there is an event going you open up event map with nothing to do but fish and it's not the good fish since the event actaully hasn't even started.

Am just wondering today is July 11th That is one day already of missing out on whatever event they have if they even have an event at all other then selling their summer outfits which really reminds me of Ragnarok. Won't do events won't push new contecnt but sure can get them outfits out on the market no matter what.

Yes, I am new and have already invested a ton of money on my account and to be able to  play and have as much fun as possible but the event issues kinda got me since I am use to playing those games that sure when they first come out it's events upon events that last months and so on to get al the people on their game or as many as they can, Cool,, Guess I gotta say I am a bit underwhelmed I mean we are already a day down for the event which leaves 6 days instead of 7 and then no events today for the beach party which means we are now down to 5 days for the event and when the following day comes and no event well you get the idea...

Sorry, I am new and got all excited as a new player my very first event I was even going to purchase some of the summer outfits but figured why when there is nothing happening,,,, Was just wondering if this is what the company does when it puts out events? So, Maybe by next week with 2 days left there might be an event?

Plus it's 116 outside right now possible rolling blackouts so it's hot sitting here typing this out which also adds to the not so amused factor regarding the so called event.

Jul 11, 2024 (UTC)

Reply 2 replies
2 5

It's understandable to be a little upset not knowing how BDO does there events.

Being brand new is something most vets wished they were playing bdo for the first time agian all over because this game is that much fun regardless if you are a pvper or a lifeskiller or a Jack and that's just what I call em Jacks are Jacks of all trade they pvp they lifeskill they do it all lol.

You'll find throughout your game play in BDO if you stick it out that PA and BDO staff are always constantly busy not only with real life but wiith their jobs you know trying to get the content they plan on putting out all together then having to be tested on their test server to make sure whatever they add has no bugs or that's the hope every time an event comes out.

As for the day count, BDO is pretty famous for extending events a bit longer then what was planned, At times events have taken awhile but when they go live shortly after that they usually make an announcement stating that the event has been extended forwhatever the reason.

Also, I understand you sent a ticket in and I am sure the GM that replied was pretty nice, At least you got your question answered even if it was something you did not want to hear... But I am here to let you know..... Take a breather take in the sites make plans to come back to the area of the event hang out fish or go play and watch for them to announce the next stages of said event, It will eventually happen it just takes a little time.

On the heat issue I understand that as well it's really easy to get angry or upset when your burning up so my advice is step away from the pc go cool off hydrate and stay cool and then come back to the game as far as I know despite what others say I don't see BDO going anywhere anytime soon so take that break get refreshed come back and simply go have fun while we all wait for the event announcements.

Hope you have a blast being brand new and take your time go search YouTube there are so many awesome content makers out there you'd be surprised at the work these people put in making these videos in order to help everyone else from questing to making yourself your own bed for your house or manor.

Good Luck Sir! I wish you the best and again BDO will have the event you just have to give them a little time. Don't forget there are many many many other servers not just NA but EU and so on.

We all be busy peeps so have fun and see you out there somewhere!

Jul 11, 2024 (UTC)

10 2008

Hi, maybe I can help clear this up a bit. The Terrmian event we currently have (11-18th) is only a "Preview" of the real event. The real event will then commence on the 18th, and we will get event notes about what the actual quests and happening at the event location are. We already know, as it was announced, that there will be some mixed events from last years Underwater Palace summer event as well. Everything else, everyone is eagerly awaiting. 

They likely only put the event location in this week already to curate some excitement, and provide the place as a screenshot location. So no need to worry about not having enough time to do things at Terrmian, I expect the real event to last at least 3 weeks. 

Jul 11, 2024 (UTC)

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