Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide


Last Edited on : Oct 8, 2024, 08:32 (UTC)

A guild is a group of people who have gathered together for a particular purpose.

There is a lot of exclusive content that can only be conducted if you are a member of a guild, and the reward for the various activities can be shared by all the guild members.

How to Create

In order to form a guild, you must visit a Guild Manager NPC, which can be found in most large cities.

You can create a guild for a fee of 100,000 silver. Out of this amount of money, 20,000 silver coins are used for the commission fee and you will keep the other 80,000 silver coins as guild funds. These funds cannot be accessed directly, however, they can be used to provide members with a daily pay out, purchase guild specific items, and pay for missions.
All guilds begin as small, can only house 15 Adventurers, and are limited to taking small guild missions.

Tip! Conditions to creating a guild

- You have no guild that you’ve already registered to.

- 24hours must have passed after leaving guild.

- You can make guild name only in English/numbers, and you can’t use blank or special characters..


Guilds can participate in node & conquest wars, guild wars and take guild missions. Guilds can also host Arena of Arsha matches.

While most guild members have access to the guild shop, only high ranking guild members can purchase items such as structures for conquest wars, or supplies for naval combat, from it. Any items purchased from the guild shop are paid for directly from the guild funds, so discretion should be used when selecting higher ranking guild members, as well as which items to purchase.


If guild funds drop too low, the guild leader can deposit a small amount of silver, or purchases may be taken from high ranking members’ own silver. Fund depletion can cause no end of disruptions in a guild, so it is wise to maintain funds with missions.



◈ Register a Guild’s Emblem

In order to register your guild's emblem, which serves as the guild’s face, you need to buy the [Guild] Emblem Certificate item from any Guild Manager NPC.

You can register the guild emblem in the guild window (hotkey: G) after making a 60x60 pixel ‘Gmark.png’ picture file into the ‘My Documents/Black Desert’ folder.



But keep in mind you can only register and change the guild emblem on a Monday, and you must wait 1 hour before it can be changed again.


You can click the guild window's Register/Change Guild Emblem button while holding a [Guild] Emblem Certificate item.



A confirmation window like the above will appear when registering the new emblem.


Guild Contract

You can invite a player to a guild regardless of the channel/server you are in at that moment. Use the radial interaction menu to send an invitation to that player, or use the Recruit Guild Member tab of the Guild window (hotkey: G).

When you invite a new player to the guild, you offer them a contract with certain terms. You can set the duration of the contract (contract terms are 1 day, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 180 days, or 365 days), their daily allotment of funds (within a certain range), and the fee for member termination (within a certain range). If a contracted player leaves your guild, they automatically pay that fee directly to the guild funds, whereas a member kicked from the guild will be paid 3 times the daily pay from the guild funds.



In order for an Adventurer to receive the benefits of being a part of the guild, such as any EXP bonus, HP increase, or damage increase from guild skills, they must have an active contract. You can check this by going to the Guild Member Status tab of the Guild window. In the rightmost column of that tab you will see a status symbol for each member, indicating the status of their contract.



Once an Adventurer’s contract has expired, you must renew their contract for them to contribute to the guild and receive guild benefits. As with guild invitations, contracts can be renewed in any channel/server.


When renewing the contract, you can increase 1% of current pay for 100 points of current activity level, and the increase can be limited to 100% for each contract.


For example, if your current pay is 30,000 silver coins and activity level is 10,000, you can renew the contract at a maximum of 60,000 silver coins.


Renewal can be done at least once a day, and it is renewed at midnight server time.


Conditions of joining a guild

- A guild is shared across your family of characters, so you can only be in 1 guild per account.
- You can’t register to a different / same guild within 24 hours of leaving a guild.


Guild Activity

Every contracted member of a guild, regardless of level, contributes to the guild’s EXP. This contribution is listed as guild activity, and can include participating in guild missions, guild crafting, guild boss subjugations, leveling characters' life skills, and participating in guild wars, participating in node & conquest wars.

Please note that the point distribution criteria can be changed for all the above except node & conquest wars..
To see a guild member’s overall activity, as well as how much they have earned during their current contract period, check the Activity column of the Guild Member Status tab. The first number, in white, is their overall activity, while the second, in green, is their current contribution.



Guild Duties and Rights

You can appoint an advisor and officers in a guild.

There can only be one guild advisor, and they help the guild master oversee the guild. Guild officers help the guild master manage the guild with their increased authority. There are no limits to the number of officers a guild can appoint.

The guild master can even choose to appoint everyone, or no one, as guild officers.

• Guild Master 

The person in charge of the guild. Since it holds a lot of authority, it has many responsibilities as well.
If you compare a guild to a company, the guild master is akin to the CEO.

If the guild master is unavailable for a long period of time, there is a big possibility that the guild won’t function properly.


• Advisor 

The advisor is granted much of the guild master’s authority to help oversee the guild.
It can also learn guild skills and use all of them except for the Battle Command to Gather one.
However, if the guild master is online and on the same server channel, the advisor can use the Battle Command to Gather as well.


• Staff

Guild staff have the general rights of an officer, and help the guild master and advisor in managing the guild. They have responsibilities that only the guild master and advisor previously had, such as the appointment of members to certain positions, allowance distribution, obtaining guild skills, managing guild house production, setting guild protection capacity / appointing guild protection, transferring guild mount equipment (removing & equipping gear), and applying/reserving for Arena of Arsha. Like the secretary, they can also expel members from the guild.
There can be up to 3 guild staff in a guild.


• Secretary

The secretary is in charge of managing guild points. They have the rights of an officer, with the additional responsibilities of approving / rejecting point forms and expelling members. There can only be one secretary per guild.

• Guild Officer 

With a degree of given authority, guild officers help manage the guild and support the guild master.

Using the company analogy again, they would be like administrators.


• Quartermaster 

The quartermasters are in charge of managing supplies for war.
They can purchase and use most of the war supplies in the guild shop. 


• Cannoneer 

Similar to the quartermaster position, cannoneers can install annexes during node and conquest wars.
Cannoneers can also purchase war supplies in the guild shop with their allowance. 


• Mission Specialist

Mission specialists have the general rights of other positions, with the specialized responsibility of accepting and completing guild missions.
There is no limit to the number of appointed mission specialists.

• Guild Members 

If you register to a guild, you automatically become a general guild member after a period of trial where you are denoted as an apprentice.
You can use most of the guild contents and features, but do not have the right to operate the guild itself.



Regarding the reissue / renewal of membership contracts, please note the following:
- Any rank above officer can renew their own contract, and the contracts of any rank below them. 
- Officers can renew all member type (mission specialist, cannoneer, quartermaster, and general member) contracts, but not their own.


The default authority settings for each guild position is as follows, but keep in mind guilds will be able to freely set custom permissions for each rank.


Default Authority by Rank
Master & Advisor - All authorities granted
Staff & Secretary
- Invite and renew contract
- Ban
- Set activity points
- Set intro, promote and recruit
- Write and edit notice
- Write and edit saying of the day
- Refresh member info
- Grant authorities
- Accept and complete missions
- Learn and use guild skills
- Reset guild skills summon bosses
- Manage guild mounts
- Use guild storage
- Declare/end war
- Hire war hero
- Set protection capacity
- Apply for Node War
- Install and demolish fort/annex
- Collect and install flag
- Use elephant nursery
- Remotely remove siege weapons
- Interact with Conquest gates
- Change Node and Conquest colors
- Apply and reserve Arena of Arsha
- Apply for Guild League
- Use guild shop
- Distribute allowance
- Collect support funds
- Appoint and demote positions
- Set member capacity
- Succeed guild master when offline
- Guild crafting.
- Invite and renew contract
- Set intro, promote and recruit
- Write notice
- Write saying of the day
- Refresh member info
- Accept and complete missions
- Learn and use guild skills
- Summon bosses
- Manage guild mounts
- Use guild storage
- Declare and end war
- Hire war hero
- Set protection capacity
- Apply for Node War
- Install and demolish fort/annex
- Collect and install flag
- Use elephant nursery
- Remotely remove siege weapons
- Interact with Conquest gates
- Change node and conquest colors
- Apply and reserve Arena of Arsha
- Apply for Guild League
- Use guild shop
- Distribute allowance
- Collect support funds
Quartermaster, Cannoneer & Mission Specialist
- Accept/complete missions
- Use guild storage
- Install and demolish fort/annex
- Collect and install flag
- Use elephant nursery
- Remotely remove siege weapons
- Interact with Conquest gates
- Use guild shop
General Members - Use guild storage, use guild shop  
Apprentice Members - Use guild shop


How to Appoint Position How to Set Authorities
(Guild window - Guild Member Status - Click Guild Member - Appoint Position UI)
(Guild window - Guild Member Status - Click Guild Member - Set Authorities UI)


Setting Guild Authorities Example


- Only a Guild Master can disband the guild.            
- Only apprentice/general members, and mission specialists can be designated as protected members.            
- A guild member authorized to succeed the Guild Master will be appointed only if the current Guild Master is inactive for more than 15 days.            


Authorities are divided into 4 groups, but can be individually activated as well:

"Management" Group
Authority Description
Invite/Renew Contract - Allows them to invite new members and renew their contracts.
Ban - Allows them to ban members from the guild.
Appoint/Demote Positions - Allows them to appoint or demote members' positions. (※ Excludes self and members in higher positions.)
Set Member Capacity - Allows them to increase the guild's member capacity.
Set Activity Points - Allows them to distribute/set guild activity points and approve/decline guild point forms.
Set Intro/Promote/Recruit - Allows them to edit/register the guild introduction/promotion/recruitment and guestbook.
Write Notice - Allows them to write/edit the Notice in the Guild Information window.
Write Saying of the Day - Allows them to write/edit the Saying of the Day in the Guild Information window.
Refresh Member Info - Allows them to refresh the information of online members.
Change Guild Name/Emblem - Allows them to change the guild's name and emblem.
Succeed Guild Master - Allows them to succeed the guild master if they haven't logged in for at least 15 days.
Grant Authorities - Allows them to grant authorities for other members.
"Activities" Group
Authority Description
Accept/Complete Missions - Allows them to accept/complete guild missions in each server channel.
Learn/Use Guild Skills - Allows them to learn and use guild skills.
Reset Guild Skills - Allows them to reset all guild skills.
Guild Crafting - Allows them to craft elephants, galleys, etc., via guild crafting.
Manage Guild Mounts - Allows them to summon, recover, and even delete guild mounts such as elephants and galleys. They can also equip/remove/repair mount gear/equipment, and retrieve items from their inventories.
Summon Bosses - Allows them to summon guild bosses.
Use Guild Storage - Allows them to access the guild storage. (Items may be restricted based on your guild position.)
"Combat" Group
Authority Description
Declare/End War - Allows them to declare war on other guilds or retract the declarations entirely.
Hire War Hero - Allows them to hire War Heroes.
Set Protection Capacity - Allows them to set/call off protection for apprentice/general members and mission specialists. They can also increase the guild protection capacity using guild points.
Apply for Node War - Allows them to apply for participation in Node Wars.
Install/Demolish Fort/Annex - Allows them to install/demolish forts and annexes (only with items corresponding to your guild position).
Collect/Install Flag - Allows them to collect/install Indomitable Flags.
Use Elephant Nursery - Allows them to use the Elephant Nursery and treat the Guild Elephant's injuries there.
Remotely Remove Siege Weapons - Allows them to remotely collect/remove cannons, flame towers, hwachas, medium siege towers, large siege towers, ballistae, ancient chariots, Ogres, and Trolls deployed during Node/Conquest Wars.
Interact with Conquest Gates - Allows them to open and close gates during Conquest War.
Change Node/Conquest Colors - Allows them to change the colors of participating guilds/alliances during Node/Conquest Wars.
Apply/Reserve Arena of Arsha - Allows them to apply/make a reservation for Arena of Arsha.
Apply for Guild League - Allows them to apply for the Guild League.
"Finances" Group
Authority Description
Use Guild Shop - Allows them to use the Guild Shop. (Items may be restricted based on your guild position.)
Distribute Allowance - Allows them to distribute Guild Funds as an allowance to members.
Collect Support Funds - Allows them to collect support funds based on your guild's size every Sunday at midnight (Monday 00:00) as Guild Funds.
Distribute Bonus - Allows them to distribute Guild Funds as a bonus to members (via Mail).
Guild Auction Housing - Allows them to bid in the Guild House Auction with Guild Funds.
Pay Fees - Allows them to pay guild fees.


Guild Window


① Notice

Can write down the guild notice to be shared with guild members. It is only available to the guild master and ranks including officer and above.


②  Guild Status Buttons  

Here you can find several options.

– You can open the Guild Activity Reward window to collect pending rewards.

– You can open the Find Guild Party / Platoon window to check if any guild member wants to team up with others, and to write your own ad to request assistance.

– The Post Guild Recruitment Notice window allows you to do that and check the list of recruitment notices of other guilds, separated by type: Combat, Life, Sailing, and Adventure.

– You can write down an introductory description of the guild in the Register Guild Intro window that is visible to all the guild members. This is also only available to the guild master and ranks including officer and above.

– You can apply for a vacation from guild duties via the Apply for Vacation window. While on vacation a guild member cannot collect their daily pay, take part in guild missions, and won’t be affected by guild skills. If a war hero was hired in their place, when the guild member returns from their vacation they will need to wait for the contract with the war hero to end.

– The Leave the Guild button will allow you to exit the guild you’re in. Keep in mind that you cannot join other guilds for the next 24 hours after leaving one.


③ Saying of the day  

This serves the function of a guild-only noteboard where all guild members can write down messages they want to share. It is only shared within the guild.


④ Guild Scale Increase

You can increase the maximum guild member capacity of a guild to a maximum of 100 Adventurers.
As the scale of the guild increases, the maximum capacity of allowed guild members and protection capacity will increase accordingly.

The scale of the guild is decided by the number of people who joined it, apart from the maximum member capacity.


⑤ Increasing Guild Protection Capacity 

Other than the protection capacity that is provided, the maximum protection capacity can be increased by using the guild’s score.

The maximum protection capacity can increase up to 10% of the current maximum number of guild members, and if the maximum capacity of members reaches 100 Adventurers, the basic protection capacity of 10 members increases to an additional 10, so 20 Adventurers can be set as protected.

Every time the protection capacity increases by one person, 1 guild score is spent. The guild member that is set as protection capacity can’t be attacked by an enemy guild member, but if the enemy guild member activates forced attack (ALT+C), can be attacked.


⑥ Declaration of war

You can declare war towards other guilds here. Only available to the guild master and ranks including officer and above.
You can declare war to a maximum of 6 other guilds, and each declaration costs 150,000 silver taken from the guild funds.
Guilds with active guild wars or in possession of a node or territory cannot declare war on guilds not on the same conditions as them.
A guild not in war with another guild and not in control of a node or territory can declare war on any other guild.


Please note that the karma of guild members in a warring guild will not decrease while pursuing the conflict objectives.


⑦ Guild storage

This button opens the guild’s storage. It can only be opened while in a town with storage, such as Velia or Heidel.


⑧ Guild information

This button opens the Guild Information page, where Adventurers can see the guild’s introduction and lets them write messages in the guild’s guestbook.


⑨ Guild war

From the left, there are buttons for penalty applicability / request to end the war / withdraw from war.


Guild Communication

Guild members can exchange information and communicate through the guild’s chat. You can use this chat by opening the chat input (hotkey: Enter) and typing /g followed by a space, or pressing ALT+5 while the chat input window is open.
➤ You can read more about this in the [Chat Window] page.


If you add an ! (exclamation mark) in front of the chat sentence, you can show your message on the top center of the game screen to all the guild members who are connected.


If a guild member in the same server channel is defeated during a guild war, the location is shown as a skull on your world map.

It is the easiest way to check in which area your guild members are having a fight.


Additionally, guild members from the same guild are displayed as green marks on both the minimap and the world map.


Guild Funds

Guild funds start with a minimum of 80,000 silver coins at the moment of creating a guild.
No one can withdraw them, and they are used only for the operation of a guild.



◈ How to obtain guild funds

1. Guild mission

The most basic way to obtain guild funds is by completing guild missions.
Depending on the size and the type of guild mission, the silver reward differs.


2. Conquest/Node war

If there are many guild members who like PvP and you want to earn more guild funds, you can participate in conquest and node wars.

If you win, you will be able to obtain a part of the territory tax as guild funds.

You can earn guild funds up to hundreds of millions of silver even if you only conquer level 1 nodes.


The tax that was earned from winning conquest or node wars can only be collected on the server channel where the war happened. For example, if you want to collect the tax from the Southern Guard Camp node that is included in the territory of Serendia, you have to move to the Serendia 1 server channel. If you don’t collect it until 15 minutes before the next conquest or node war starts, the tax gets collected automatically, and it automatically collects again 5 minutes before the conquest or node war.


Guild Bonus

Any guild with at least 30 members can distribute guild bonuses.

Guild bonuses can be distributed once every seven days, and can be up to 40% of your guild funds. They can only be distributed by the guild master and their advisor.


Points are allotted based on guild activity, and bonuses are allotted based on those accumulated points. Unlike the accumulated guild activity based on your contribution to guild experience, guild points are used solely for bonuses and disappear when paid.

Though there is a default setting for how points are distributed based on guild activity, such settings can be changed to whatever fits the guild's preferences.


As for guild members, all they need to do is submit a point form based on their accumulated guild activity. This will set the incentive level for when bonuses are allotted.
However, when participating in node & conquest wars, such point forms are submitted automatically.

The one in charge of the point form applications is the guild secretary. They help the guild leader to make point application management more convenient.


Once all point applications are submitted and managed, the guild masters and advisors are able to distribute the bonuses right away. For those who have completed special activities in addition to the designated activities, their bonuses can be manually distributed.

In this system, points can be allotted to all members to be used on special occasions or guild events, and guild allowances can be adjusted in bulk.


Points can be obtained by participating in node & conquest wars and by submitting the guild point form.

Remember that accumulated points are used to set the incentive level automatically during payout, according to the criteria set by the guild master.


The set point criteria stays in place until it is changed, regardless of when the payout occurs, and the incentive level can be changed whenever the guild master wishes.



◈ Guild Point Form

Guild members can apply for guild points through the guild point form.
The guild points obtained through the form depend on the guild activity criteria set by the guild master or advisor.


Points are obtained when the form is approved by the guild master, advisor, or secretary. However, these point forms are submitted automatically when participating in node & conquest wars.



How to Check the Guild Activity History of Other Members


Click the "Point History" icon that looks like a scroll at the top of the Guild Member Status tab.
Anyone can check the details of other guild members' points.




Gaining Guild Score

◈ Guild Missions

The most basic method to gain guild score is to complete guild missions.

Depending on the size and type of the guild, from a minimum of 500 to a maximum of 24,000 guild skill EXP can be obtained per mission. If the guild accomplishes 100% of the guild skill EXP, the guild earns 2 guild points.


As the size of the guild mission increases, and the time limit is higher, the guild can earn more guild skill score.



◈ Increasing the Level and Skills of Guild Members

For new Adventurers who can’t help with guild missions because of their low level, they can contribute to the guild’s growth by increasing their character combat level and life skills levels.


Although in smaller quantities than with guild missions, the new Adventurer will be much faster in increasing its character combat level and life skills levels, so they can earn guild activity quicker than one might expect.


Guild Mission

You can use guild missions to expand the guild’s funds, rapidly increase the guild’s level, and earn boss scrolls for your guild members to fight. The Guild Missions tab can be used to see what type of missions are available: From subjugation missions where you kill monsters, and life missions where you’ll be tasked with gathering materials or fish, to trade missions where you must deliver a specific type of trade good to trade managers.

Guild missions are based on guild size, with scaling rewards as well as challenges. However, missions are not unique to each guild, and you must compete for them. Additionally, guilds can only complete 10 missions in a day, so choosing missions wisely is extremely important.


The goal for most missions is to accomplish the goal within the limited time given.


If the guild fails to accomplish the goal within the given time, it must give up the mission. If the guild presses to forfeit the guild mission, guild points can’t be earned. When forfeiting, the number of available missions doesn’t come back. The list of available guild missions refreshes every 10 minutes.


For the different guild missions, the needed number of Adventurers differs depending on the mission scale.
The recommended number of Adventurers are 1 ~ 5 for small, 6 ~ 10 for medium, 10 ~ 15 for large, and 16 ~ 20 for extra large. If there are guild members with high levels and great equipment, the recommended required number of participants decreases.

The details about each mission can be checked by pressing it in the list of missions.



Once you have chosen the mission you want to attempt, remember that there must be at least 3 guild members online at any given time for one to accept a guild mission, and that whatever mission you choose will be timed.



If you complete the mission during the allotted time, a high ranking member of the guild must turn it in for the guild to collect the reward. If you fail, the guild earns nothing.



◈ Combat Mission

Combat missions are mostly made up of defeating monsters in monster zones. This way you can carry out a guild mission as well as obtain combat experience to level up.


When carrying out a combat mission, it is important to select not just the size, but select the area depending on the level of the different guild members.


The level of the monsters differs depending on the area, so the difficulty of guild missions differs as well. Additionally, even if the size and the area is the same, if the time limit is longer, it is generally a more difficult mission.



◈ Life & Trading Missions

Life missions are made up of gathering, fishing and trading, and have the advantage of leveling the various life skills while carrying on with a guild mission.


If the guild members' levels are low, and there are many guild members who enjoy life skill content, life missions are recommended. Gathering and fishing quests are displayed in a green gathering icon, and trade ones are displayed with a brown trade wagon icon.


Out of the life missions, trade missions are only suggested for guilds with strong teamwork, since the level of difficulty is high, and require to spend the guild members’ own funds and restricting skills, as well as having the guild master join in as well.




[Boss Subjugation] missions will reward scroll pieces that, when put together, allow the guild to challenge powerful bosses for increased rewards.

➤ You can read more about this feature in the [Guild Boss] page.


Guild Skills

As guild members contribute with their guild activity, the guild will gain experience. This will grant the guild with guild points, which can be used to purchase guild skills. You can also use these points to increase the size scale of the guild.


Guild skills grant bonuses to members of the guild, or unlock guild specific advancements, such as a larger guild storage with more slots, or the ability to build a nursery for elephants and a shipyard to build guild galleys in.


➤ You can read more about these two options in the [Guild Mounts] page.


Only the highest guild ranks can put points into skills, and in order to reset skills you will need to purchase a Guild Skill Reset item from the Pearl Shop.


Out of the various guild skills, there are passive skills that can be applied right after learning them, and active types of skill that are applied for a certain period of time when used.




◈ Skills Related to Combat

Out of the combat-related skills, there is Furious Roar (all accuracy rate +X%), Battle Roar (all AP increase), Flame of Life (Max HP increase), Keen Insight (evasion rate +X%), and Flame of Protection (damage reduction +X%).


They are guild skills that are useful for both PvE and PvP, so if there are a lot of guild members who like those, they are guild skills that should be considered first.




◈ Related to Life Skills

Out of the life skills ones, there are Nimble Fingers (gathering level increase), Art of Fishing (fishing level increase), and Skilled Rider (trade item protection +X%). Out of these, the most popular ones are Nimble Fingers and Art of Fishing, as the Skilled Rider one is not as efficient.


If there are a lot of guild members who like gathering and crafting, learning life skill-related guild skills is highly recommended. However, compared to the combat skills, these consume a lot of guild score points, so it is better to learn them according to the life skill level of the guild members.



◈ Related to Conquest & Node wars

For skills related to both conquest and node war, there are Blessing (siege weapon damage resistance +X%), Call of the Lord (increases max HP +500 for 10 minutes only during conquest wars), Command to Gather (teleports guild members to your location) and Commander’s Signal (annex construction time -X% during node & conquest wars).


After you reach level 5 on Furious Roar and Battle Roar, you can learn Call of the Lord.
If you reach level 5 on Flame of Life and Flame of Protection, you can learn Command to Gather.


Please remember that Command to Gather has a long cool time after using it (4 hours).


It is a powerful skill where you can gather all the guild members at the same time who are in the same server with the guild master, except some special cases like those who are in a desert area.


Guild War

This is a feature that allows PvP anywhere in the world, no matter the level of the guild members, between 2 guilds after a declaration of war has been issued.


It is possible to declare war without the opposing guild’s consent, but you need the opposing guild’s consent for the war to start. A guild can declare war upon 6 other guilds at the same time at most.


If the guild master or the one who started the war presses the Stop button, they can stop the war right away. However, remember that calling off a guild war can only be done 1 hour after the declaration of war has been issued.


Declaring and ending guild wars, and checking the guild’s war status, can be done through the Guild window.


Please also note that during a guild war, if you are positive karma, you won't be affected by death penalties.


Delegating/Replacing Guild Master

In a guild, most of the rights are focused on the guild master, so if they do not log in for a long time, the guild’s functions might not work well and the members might experience some discomfort. If this happens, the delegate guild master function can be used to transfer the guild’s top leadership position.


There are two ways of delegating the guild master position, and the amount of guild funds that will be consumed and the necessary condition for each differs.


For the first, if the guild master does not log in for 15 days, any guild member can use 20 million silver from the guild funds to claim the position.


For the second, the guild master can delegate the position to their advisor, or any other member with the position of officer or higher, voluntarily. But in this case, there are more conditions to be met than not having to log in for a while.


• Delegation is not allowed if the guild owns a territory, node, or guild house.
• If there are items in the guild storage and guild stable, delegation is not allowed.
• If there are guild items in the guild master’s inventory, delegation is not allowed.

• The position of guild master can only be delegated to an officer or higher that is currently active (online).


When delegation happens, 50% of the guild’s fund will be deducted.


If an elephant in the guild stable is wearing equipment, or the guild master has a guild item, delegation is not allowed, so you must look to see if the conditions are met when deciding to do this.


Disband Guild

Guilds cannot be disbanded while guild items are still contained in guild member inventories or the guild’s storage. Additionally, members cannot leave the guild while they have possession of such items.


Finally, there should be no conquest nor node war fort built if the guild wants to be disbanded.


Guild Rank

You can check the guild rank by going to the main menu (hotkey: Esc) and checking the Guild Rankings window.



Basically, the list is displayed in the order of the guild with the most points coming first, and if the guild score is the same, the rank is decided based on experience points.


The number of guild members, if the guestbook and the guild description have been updated, and the life skill level of the guild members, can be used to look up the guild rank, so if you check the guild rank you can see which guild focuses on what they enjoy in Black Desert.


In the Guild Rankings window, if you put your cursor over a guild’s name, you can check the simple guild description, and if you click the guild name, you move to the relevant guild page and can read the detailed guild introduction and check their guestbook.


These various standards will help each Adventurer on selecting their ideal guild based on their preferred playstyle.


* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.


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