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UTC 1 : 53 27 jul. 2024
CEST 3 : 53 27 jul. 2024
PDT 18 : 53 26 jul. 2024
EDT 21 : 53 26 jul. 2024
#Sugerencias #Asistencia de la comunidad
Ranger changes
25 jul. 2023, 00:40 (UTC)
931 12
1 2
Última modificación : 25 jul. 2023, 00:40 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Dolch

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestions/Comments: Ranger seems to be getting a Change added where there getting an iframe back they never needed. Yet they still have never Once added stamina drain on them hopping around for there Iframes, super armors. Which I find absurd. As any class that has a Dash/iframe whether its Melee or magic, a ranged((Looking at you Archer)) they USE stamina.. Why doesnt Ranger? If there getting that nice of a buff please add this as a condition so there not unkillable ranged sorcs like last time 
33 195
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 25 jul. 2023, 03:38 (UTC)
# 2
On: Jul 25, 2023, 00:40 (UTC), Written by Dolch

Family Name: Dolch

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestions/Comments: Ranger seems to be getting a Change added where there getting an iframe back they never needed. Yet they still have never Once added stamina drain on them hopping around for there Iframes, super armors. Which I find absurd. As any class that has a Dash/iframe whether its Melee or magic, a ranged((Looking at you Archer)) they USE stamina.. Why doesnt Ranger? If there getting that nice of a buff please add this as a condition so there not unkillable ranged sorcs like last time 

"Yet they still have never Once added stamina drain on them hopping around for there Iframes, super armors."
These days stamina managment is needed to preserve stamina as much as possible, since you can't play as you would like to on a Ranger, even if the speed is adequate to do so. And you can't just 'hop around' as much as you describe it, since when a Ranger starts to engage in a fight - they are also in a fight with their own stamina being depleted without adequate replenishment even after the fight ended. When the stamina is empty - you can't event defend yourself that much since a lot of skills consume stamina that have cc resist.

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 25 jul. 2023, 03:50 (UTC)
# 3
On: Jul 25, 2023, 03:38 (UTC), Written by Himavi

"Yet they still have never Once added stamina drain on them hopping around for there Iframes, super armors."
These days stamina managment is needed to preserve stamina as much as possible, since you can't play as you would like to on a Ranger, even if the speed is adequate to do so. And you can't just 'hop around' as much as you describe it, since when a Ranger starts to engage in a fight - they are also in a fight with their own stamina being depleted without adequate replenishment even after the fight ended. When the stamina is empty - you can't event defend yourself that much since a lot of skills consume stamina that have cc resist.

What depletion? Thee only thing i ever seen be depleted is there WSP which can be mitigated/ignored for pots. I did have a ranger, tested this theory, Have rangers in my guild before they ever run out of stam/wsp my maegu, guardian Have both ran out of stam 2,half times before the ranger is close to panicking. Dont try defending an absurd class. Its already a sorc with a grab. Its time she got some kinda nerfs, a stamina one would make it fair.

33 195
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 25 jul. 2023, 05:01 (UTC)
# 4
On: Jul 25, 2023, 03:50 (UTC), Written by Dolch

What depletion? Thee only thing i ever seen be depleted is there WSP which can be mitigated/ignored for pots. I did have a ranger, tested this theory, Have rangers in my guild before they ever run out of stam/wsp my maegu, guardian Have both ran out of stam 2,half times before the ranger is close to panicking. Dont try defending an absurd class. Its already a sorc with a grab. Its time she got some kinda nerfs, a stamina one would make it fair.

You honestly sound like you haven't played ranger in a very long time. Awakening ranger doesn't even consume that much mana but most of the skills cost stamina and you can't recover stamina either if you're attempting to linger your protections. Breezy blade is a rare exception to that, but if you are too carelessly lingering the SA on it, you can get blown up.

2 15
Lv 64
Última modificación : 27 jul. 2023, 01:28 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jul 25, 2023, 05:00 (UTC), Written by Inaba

You honestly sound like you haven't played ranger in a very long time. Awakening ranger doesn't even consume that much mana but most of the skills cost stamina and you can't recover stamina either if you're attempting to linger your protections. Breezy blade is a rare exception to that, but if you are too carelessly lingering the SA on it, you can get blown up.

oh im sorry its SOOOO bad 70 stam usuage to spam that flipping protected dash. So much. Here let me help sense you want to be sarcastic. Maegu.. ANY protected dash is 150 stamina.  3xs less protections Guardian. Infernal Nemises 200 stamina (mobility))  awakening Juggernaut 200 stamina. So remind me... Why is it so low compared to classes that use magic, or melee that 70 stam should be made a bit higher cost to at least 100 

33 195
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 11 ago. 2023, 21:34 (UTC)
# 6
On: Jul 27, 2023, 01:28 (UTC), Written by Dolch

oh im sorry its SOOOO bad 70 stam usuage to spam that flipping protected dash. So much. Here let me help sense you want to be sarcastic. Maegu.. ANY protected dash is 150 stamina.  3xs less protections Guardian. Infernal Nemises 200 stamina (mobility))  awakening Juggernaut 200 stamina. So remind me... Why is it so low compared to classes that use magic, or melee that 70 stam should be made a bit higher cost to at least 100 

Only 200 stamina for Juggenaunt skill? That's so little if you count in it's length and it has super armor on it's whole usage.
An awakening Rangers "wind step" is basically a dash movemnt  and it uses 100 stamina on each use and has a 2 second CD.
But the thing is that you can use 5 dashes with no protection in between and the total length of movement done is far less than a single Juggernaunt, oh and it has CC protection.
Since you didn't specify if it's succesion or awakening - then you are just whining here about it.
Succession Rangers have it a little better on stamina - but they are very so-so in a 1v1 situation.
Awakening Rangers are quite bad on a long term fight and very great for a solo burst clapping oponents that DON'T run away (since it's hard to impossible to catch up to someone without being CC'ed first while pursuing).
P.S. if you got clapped by a succession ranger in a 1v1 - you are an amasing individual to actually got beaten up in that situation.

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 11 ago. 2023, 23:26 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jul 25, 2023, 00:40 (UTC), Written by Dolch

Family Name: Dolch

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestions/Comments: Ranger seems to be getting a Change added where there getting an iframe back they never needed. Yet they still have never Once added stamina drain on them hopping around for there Iframes, super armors. Which I find absurd. As any class that has a Dash/iframe whether its Melee or magic, a ranged((Looking at you Archer)) they USE stamina.. Why doesnt Ranger? If there getting that nice of a buff please add this as a condition so there not unkillable ranged sorcs like last time 
On: Jul 25, 2023, 03:50 (UTC), Written by Dolch

What depletion? Thee only thing i ever seen be depleted is there WSP which can be mitigated/ignored for pots. I did have a ranger, tested this theory, Have rangers in my guild before they ever run out of stam/wsp my maegu, guardian Have both ran out of stam 2,half times before the ranger is close to panicking. Dont try defending an absurd class. Its already a sorc with a grab. Its time she got some kinda nerfs, a stamina one would make it fair.

On: Jul 27, 2023, 01:28 (UTC), Written by Dolch

oh im sorry its SOOOO bad 70 stam usuage to spam that flipping protected dash. So much. Here let me help sense you want to be sarcastic. Maegu.. ANY protected dash is 150 stamina.  3xs less protections Guardian. Infernal Nemises 200 stamina (mobility))  awakening Juggernaut 200 stamina. So remind me... Why is it so low compared to classes that use magic, or melee that 70 stam should be made a bit higher cost to at least 100 

Everything in this guy's post is just 1 big Learn 2 Play issue. 

I also find it rich that a Guardian is complaining about a ranger's grab.  The class with the 2nd longest grab in the game complaining about Ranger's short range slow grab?

Última modificación : 15 ago. 2023, 07:29 (UTC)
# 8
On: Aug 11, 2023, 23:26 (UTC), Written by DumpstrWizard

Everything in this guy's post is just 1 big Learn 2 Play issue. 

I also find it rich that a Guardian is complaining about a ranger's grab.  The class with the 2nd longest grab in the game complaining about Ranger's short range slow grab?

A guardian has every right to complain about that kind of grab you ignorant dipstick 1: The guard grab animation can get them CCed. 2: Any class can out grab them. Name it, I promise there grabs faster. 3: Guards grab has a Windup animation In succession, Awakening However In awakening the window.. Is a lot smaller yes but Ive seen it happen rangers can, will outgrab them in Succ or awake.  So again let me ask How are you this stupid? Is rehersed or did it take effort to get that dense ? though anyone who liked your post only shows there ignorance at not knowing basics Of classes 

33 195
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 16 ago. 2023, 03:43 (UTC)
# 9

Its always a better thread to suggest improvements in your own preferred class rather than suggest nerfing another.  And its obnoxious to promote buffing your preferred class while nerfing another class at the same time.

Besides this thread should be in the "Class Discussion" thread, and not under the "Feedback" threads, so that just makes it obnoxious anyway :P

Última modificación : 17 ago. 2023, 13:59 (UTC)
# 10
On: Aug 16, 2023, 03:43 (UTC), Written by SpecteroftheGun

Its always a better thread to suggest improvements in your own preferred class rather than suggest nerfing another.  And its obnoxious to promote buffing your preferred class while nerfing another class at the same time.

Besides this thread should be in the "Class Discussion" thread, and not under the "Feedback" threads, so that just makes it obnoxious anyway :P

Goes to show You didnt read anything. I want ranger nerfed in terms of Stamina usage to be more in line with every other class. as 70 usage to spam a hop skill is nonsense when every other class uses double that 

33 195
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1 2


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