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UTC 1 : 2 21 sep. 2024
CEST 3 : 2 21 sep. 2024
PDT 18 : 2 20 sep. 2024
EDT 21 : 2 20 sep. 2024
Problems with Awakening Dark Knight and +Jump Height
15 abr. 2024, 20:02 (UTC)
451 4
Última modificación : 15 abr. 2024, 20:02 (UTC)
# 1


Since the introduction of Scholar and her +jump height buff it has been a nightmare to play Awakening DK if they're near. The increased jump height makes it so that every time Shattering Darkness with its flow is used you will "climb" over mobs or enemies and end up in a falling animation and the weapons are getting sheathed.

This also happens in general from +jump height buffs such as the Pure Black Stone, which makes them a HUGE disadvantage even though the extra movement speed is nice for PvP it makes the game a living hell for the entire duration because you're unable to use one of the main damaging skills.

Please consider doing something about this. Forcing my character to put away her weapons and just stand still during grinding or nodewar / PvP is such a unfun mechanic.

Última modificación : 17 abr. 2024, 21:03 (UTC)
# 2

Sadly it's not just shattering darkness. It also applies to trap of vedir, absolute airstrike and ocassionally nocturne resulting in falling animation. Definitely needs a fix as it's a huge disadvantage during combat.

Última modificación : 17 abr. 2024, 07:18 (UTC)
# 3

Many classes get really annoying to manouver on slanted terrain even without jump height buffs (while some can just parkour freely), we could really use a general increase in the height that triggers falling animation without spending too much delevopment effort in checking skills 1 by 1

Última modificación : 17 abr. 2024, 07:55 (UTC)
# 4

And also by making the Scholar buff only apply to her instead of everyone around. That would already help a lot with the immediate and repeated frustration of it.



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