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Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 21 : 25 20 sep. 2024
CEST 23 : 25 20 sep. 2024
PDT 14 : 25 20 sep. 2024
EDT 17 : 25 20 sep. 2024
Stop Buffing Dosa
19 jul. 2024, 21:32 (UTC)
2811 13
1 2
Última modificación : 19 jul. 2024, 21:32 (UTC)
# 1

class is broken af, it was broken when it released and now is unbeatable by clases without  grabs, fker is always protected, for verything he does, it doesnt matter it its cc mobility or insane damage, class is always always always protected unless player is Dumbbb af. 

Stop buffing it, and let the SA nerfs begin.

Última modificación : 20 jul. 2024, 11:36 (UTC)
# 2

Gotta wait a few weeks until the rerollers purchase all the pearl items etc. then they'll nerf it.

Última modificación : 20 jul. 2024, 13:12 (UTC)
# 3

nerfs coming with awe

50 1844
Lv 61
Última modificación : 20 jul. 2024, 18:33 (UTC)
# 4

The top Dosa NA is 1710. There is not a single Dosa in the top 100.

Última modificación : 21 jul. 2024, 04:43 (UTC)
# 5

youre kidding right ?    its below average in all end game spots trash wise its not even close to being competitive in PVP...   

Última modificación : 22 jul. 2024, 21:08 (UTC)
# 6

They buff him in the new patch. EPICPAROFL!!!!

Última modificación : 23 jul. 2024, 18:54 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jul 19, 2024, 21:32 (UTC), Written by Zarkasm

class is broken af, it was broken when it released and now is unbeatable by clases without  grabs, fker is always protected, for verything he does, it doesnt matter it its cc mobility or insane damage, class is always always always protected unless player is Dumbbb af. 

Stop buffing it, and let the SA nerfs begin.

First time?
PA been doing this years my guy.
-Release overtuned class. If enough people don't reroll, buff it.
-Wait 2-4 months after most cash shop sales have completed, nerf into the ground.
-Let playerbase groan about same cycle.
-Release another overtuned class in 3-6months. 
Rinse. Repeat. Shareholders happy. Jay says it will be ok, next time.

Última modificación : 24 jul. 2024, 16:35 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jul 23, 2024, 18:54 (UTC), Written by HitStaggerBad

First time?
PA been doing this years my guy.
-Release overtuned class. If enough people don't reroll, buff it.
-Wait 2-4 months after most cash shop sales have completed, nerf into the ground.
-Let playerbase groan about same cycle.
-Release another overtuned class in 3-6months. 
Rinse. Repeat. Shareholders happy. Jay says it will be ok, next time.

Scholar was initially of no use to anyone. So sometimes PAs act differently.

Última modificación : 24 jul. 2024, 16:41 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jul 19, 2024, 21:32 (UTC), Written by Zarkasm

class is broken af, it was broken when it released and now is unbeatable by clases without  grabs, fker is always protected, for verything he does, it doesnt matter it its cc mobility or insane damage, class is always always always protected unless player is Dumbbb af. 

Stop buffing it, and let the SA nerfs begin.

Solara is not an indicator. At different levels of equipment, classes behave differently. Some classes become imba after 700gs, while others, on the contrary, are good at low gear.

Última modificación : 30 jul. 2024, 14:57 (UTC)
# 10

Imagine crying about a class that needs buff if anything because you re too impatient or incompetent to learn how to fight against him. Is it protected? Yes. Is it protected more than other classes? No. His cc ability is far worse than other classes, most of his high dmg skills rely on FG, which can be easily countered.

1 2

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