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UTC 8 : 49 21 ene. 2025
CET 9 : 49 21 ene. 2025
PST 0 : 49 21 ene. 2025
EST 3 : 49 21 ene. 2025
Give Berserker/Giant some healing back.
25 jul. 2024, 22:09 (UTC)
3579 24
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Última modificación : 25 jul. 2024, 22:09 (UTC)
# 1

Many things can be said, because with today's (25th of July 2024) patch a lot of questionable things were done. But in this post I'd like to focus on healing and self-healing specifically for the class that has been my main consistently since I started playing around EU/NA launch: Berserker.
All classes had their healing adjusted due to the HP increase across the board that came along with the removal of Special Evasion.
All but one. The self-healing that has been core of the Berserker's class Identity since the game's launch has just been nigh enough completely removed. The only reason I say "nigh enough" is truly technicality and not funcionality, because functionally it's completely deleted.

The only healing left for Succession is passive healing ticks from being in Beast Form, or on-hit healing. Awakening screwed even harder only having minor healing ticks on Titan Syndrome awakening buff for 30seconds every 3 minutes and other than that again minor on-hit healing.
It having been removed from Fearsome Tyrant is fair enough considering the recent changes to the skill, and the change of this patch reducing to cooldown to 20 seconds.
This still leaves Beast Roar, Wrath of Beast + Ire of Beast, and the Rabam Wailing Beast. These four still each have a 45second cooldown timer and now with the healing removed from them the only function they served is gone.
Wrath of Beast + Ire of Beast going from FG to SA is situationally more convenient, but also situationally worse so that's neither here or there. And technically they still have a stiffnes CC and knockdown on smash attack hits attached but truthfully this is something that only ever really catches even the most dented of individuals once every blue moon. And again, 45 second cooldown.
Beast Roar and Wailing Beast's case is even worse because they offer no such things, those are just stationary SA's now that serve completely no purpose whatsoever other than serving yourself up on a silver platter. 

The 20% slow for 5 seconds is also beyond ridiculous in terms of what utility that provides, especially if you consider the animations on these skills. (And again the fact they're all on a 45 second cooldown timer) It was just a "we couldn't just remove everything and not add anything back on or you'd hate us too much, so have this text that says something but is functionally useless so it at least makes us look less dumb then we are" kind of move. 
And even if those slows weren't useless. Seriously? Four more slows?! Storming Beast in pre-awakening and Prime:Devastation for Succ / normal Devastation in Awakening + it's flow Earth Dividing weren't enough already? They've been doing enough for years contrary to what you seem to think. Those 5% to 10% extra slow on four skills that are now not to be used at all is really going to make a difference. These skills were simply turned into hotbar decorations to remind Berserkers of how they used to be useful and core of the class' identity since launch. That slow on hit nonsense is also just a kick in the shin to every Berserker because PA simply is bold enough to functionally remove them from the game but not actually delete them from the skill tree itself.

It's even worse if you've actually been playing the class long enough, let alone your entire BDO lifetime, so your brain is hardcoded to use them to top up your HP when disengaging or in PvE and now getting shafted for it. Also again, 45second cooldowns on each of them. Even if the slows on them were so much as moderately useful, those timers throw that right out of the window. They were already practically exclusively HP top up skills for when disengaged or in-between mob packs. (Other than Wrath and Ire of Beast when they still had FG so could save you in PvE panic situations so now with them being turned to SA that'd be a void argument either way)
PA, you could've easily just balance tweaked like you did for all the other classes and respect the class' identity as it has stood since you launched it.

This is so badly thought out and executed calling it braindead and half-assed would be giving too much credit.

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 25 jul. 2024, 23:17 (UTC)
# 2


Última modificación : 26 jul. 2024, 01:04 (UTC)
# 3

No. Take more things away. This patch was an actual buff for zerkers, christ. Nerf it, not buff it!

Última modificación : 26 jul. 2024, 02:09 (UTC)
# 4

With the special attack evasion taken away, unless you run PURE DR you die in super armors. Its essentually back to the same shitty meta before the DR Rework where ranged classes do absolute bonkers damage and even evasion is making a come back. Capped and uncapped.

Those 4 abilities that healed you (3 specifically) were ONLY USED to heal, and now they serve zero purpose other than to secure your death if you even try to use them, and one is basically a roar where you stand in place in super armor for 10 seconds and do nothing. Literally morons thought about what to do with these abilities.

The Joke of Beast Roar is its only good for putting you into beast mode before your AoS Match. Seriously, who thought of this.

Now, you're back to dying in 100%s again, so it was a nice month before PA went back to having a hard-on for Archers and Rangers

So as for the healing, I mean, I dont necessarily need the healing, but this special attack evasion shit that no one wanted is a problem, and a big problem.

Última modificación : 26 jul. 2024, 02:51 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jul 26, 2024, 02:00 (UTC), Written by GodSlinger

With the special attack evasion taken away, unless you run PURE DR you die in super armors. Its essentually back to the same shitty meta before the DR Rework where ranged classes do absolute bonkers damage and even evasion is making a come back. Capped and uncapped.

Those 4 abilities that healed you (3 specifically) were ONLY USED to heal, and now they serve zero purpose other than to secure your death if you even try to use them, and one is basically a roar where you stand in place in super armor for 10 seconds and do nothing. Literally morons thought about what to do with these abilities.

The Joke of Beast Roar is its only good for putting you into beast mode before your AoS Match. Seriously, who thought of this.

Now, you're back to dying in 100%s again, so it was a nice month before PA went back to having a hard-on for Archers and Rangers

So as for the healing, I mean, I dont necessarily need the healing, but this special attack evasion shit that no one wanted is a problem, and a big problem.

Yeah, does it have to be healing?

Not really, though considering class identity for BDO's Berserker has been self-healing HP tank since it's inception it'd feel right in my opinion. 

But at the very least something that'd give these skills on a 45 second timer a reason to be used, rather than locked and never touched unless you want to shoot yourself in the foot.

The way it stands currently PA might just as well have simply removed them from our skill tree because that is functionally what has happened.

Though another reason I suggested re-implementing them with healing, besides being true to Berserker's class identity, is that I also fear that if PA were to change it up and not give us moderate healing back, but instead altered them into another form of somewhat useful utility or whatever they would decide to opt for.
Then the already existing cries of the anti Berserker part of the community would grow exponentially much louder to such an extent that we'll all either go deaf or need our Da-Dum Da-Dum diving suits to avoid drowning in a sea of tears.

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 26 jul. 2024, 05:13 (UTC)
# 6

Zerker has too much healing. It needs to be nerfed. Most classes do not have more than one skill that does the healing. There is no reason zerker needs healing in with skills when its passive healing is straight up broken now. It also has +60 DR all the time. PA needs to properly nerf zerker. If you are complaining as a zerker in current meta, you need to get better. Most zerk mains are laughing at PAs 'nerf'

Última modificación : 26 jul. 2024, 05:35 (UTC)
# 7

Oh no, Berserker is not so OP anymore; lets create another topic to buff him to oblivion again! 

Última modificación : 26 jul. 2024, 11:12 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jul 26, 2024, 05:13 (UTC), Written by Parvat

Zerker has too much healing. It needs to be nerfed. Most classes do not have more than one skill that does the healing. There is no reason zerker needs healing in with skills when its passive healing is straight up broken now. It also has +60 DR all the time. PA needs to properly nerf zerker. If you are complaining as a zerker in current meta, you need to get better. Most zerk mains are laughing at PAs 'nerf'

I mean, you dont play the class, so you wouldnt really know what you're talking about would you? Its passive healing means nothing when you die in a heart beat in large scale. You cant pull off moves in super armor because the damage that you take now has exploded with the loss of special attack evasion. The HP that offset the loss of special attack evasion does not equate for the amount of damage in the game. Additionally, the 60 DR means nothing in capped content because Pearl abyss has killed the PVP scene so badly that everyone is funneled to capped.

Última modificación : 26 jul. 2024, 12:30 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jul 26, 2024, 02:00 (UTC), Written by GodSlinger

Now, you're back to dying in 100%s again, so it was a nice month before PA went back to having a hard-on for Archers and Rangers

Archers and Rangers... ARCHERS and rangers.... ARCHERS!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Nice rofl, dude. Veeeeery nice!

Última modificación : 26 jul. 2024, 14:37 (UTC)
# 10

Sorry the best we can do is offer you bloody contract as a healing skill. You'll only need to channel for 60+ seconds(while completely unprotected) straight to heal fully with it. (Please ignore that your auto pot is doing 90% of the work and appreciate your new awesome healing skill!!) 

Lv Privado
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