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UTC 2 : 55 08 sep. 2024
CEST 4 : 55 08 sep. 2024
PDT 19 : 55 07 sep. 2024
EDT 22 : 55 07 sep. 2024
#Sugerencias #Asistencia de la comunidad #Localización
How to fix Node-war / PvP OpenWorld #PvP
30 jul. 2024, 18:03 (UTC)
1717 9
Última modificación : 30 jul. 2024, 18:03 (UTC)
# 1

We complain about the poor changes made by PA recently in the PvP aspect of the game. I thought of posting a few solutions to address these issues:

New Node-war Sistem:

I believe that the new system has a lot of potential, but players are using it in the wrong way. This is the main problem with the system, the fact that it allows some people to abuse it.

First problem: Last Hit on Fort!

We need to eliminate this option because most guilds no longer fight, but instead wait until the last moment to make the final push so they don't have to protect it.


We should hide the fort timers so that players will have to fight and protect the fort for a longer period, as they won't know when it will end. There is already one fort that operates this way, and it is usually the most contested for fights. We could just as well set the time to be at least 30 minutes and possibly extend it to over an hour again, as it seems too short and players were not in favor of limiting the node-war system to 1 hour.

Second problem: Alliance !

Since the Alliance system was modified to allow the addition of more guilds, a few overly powerful communities have formed, creating unbalanced content in higher-tier node wars. On EU, all the other guilds have moved to T1, leaving only one top Alliance in the other regions. Another problem is that when you allow guilds to break and form alliances endlessly, they no longer focus on forming a community dedicated to this aspect of the game's PvP. Consequently, communities have gradually disbanded, and the difference is now made only by meta class node wars and participation numbers.


The first option would be to remove alliances from the game entirely, so guilds are encouraged to recruit and develop a PvP-focused community for those who want to excel in Node-War PvP. The second option would be to reduce the number of guilds in an alliance to a maximum of 2 and the number of members to a maximum of 100. (In any case, BDO does not support large fights with hundreds of players because the servers can't handle it, causing a lot of lag. This is a very unpleasant experience that players have been complaining about for years.)

Open World PvP (War declaration).

1. No content in open World

The open war declaration was considered a form of bullying in the game, but the real issue was the NPC that allowed players to search for others ppl and the long server switch cooldown, which put hunted players at a disadvantage. Now, if the intention was to remove this, it has been achieved, but at what cost? The loss of an extremely large number of players (evidence can be found on websites that constantly track MMORPG player populations).


It was announced that a system would be introduced allowing you to set your guild as PvP/LifeSkill/Adventurer. I propose that when a guild is set to PvP, it should be able to receive war declarations from any other guild also set to PvP. Conversely, a LifeSkill guild should not be able to receive war declarations and should also be restricted to participating only in T1 (beginner) node wars. We could provide them with some LifeSkill buffs to compensate for the lack of node-war participation and rewards. The same would apply to other categories. We want this system back because it was the main reason that motivated players to upgrade their equipment.

2. 1V1 Solare ( Uncap)

We want a 1v1 Arena system with full gear. There is too much capped content at the moment; we need a reason to upgrade our equipment.

Solution: We want a 1v1 Arena system with full gear, and we also propose adding a Solare-style Arena for everyone where you can fight against any other class, regardless of gear, following a ranking system similar to Solare. This way, you can test if your build is better than someone else's, and if you've spent years improving your equipment, it's only fair that you gain an advantage in this ranking system.

This arena will also allow for class balancing, with visible results displayed in a public player leaderboard.

This post is aimed at addressing the current issues in the PvP world of BDO. We hope that PA will draw inspiration from this post for future updates.

Última modificación : 30 jul. 2024, 19:21 (UTC)
# 2

Definitely agree on open world part. If a guild categorizes as a pvp guild they should be declared war that would bring most of the pvp fanbase back to game. Most of the people only playing when there is solare season and they doing nothing else because they don't like pve desert online. Bring one sided wars between pvp guilds.

Última modificación : 30 jul. 2024, 20:51 (UTC)
# 3
On: Jul 30, 2024, 18:03 (UTC), Written by AllenMinyo

New Node-war Sistem:

I believe that the new system has a lot of potential, but players are using it in the wrong way. This is the main problem with the system, the fact that it allows some people to abuse it.

First problem: Last Hit on Fort!

We need to eliminate this option because most guilds no longer fight, but instead wait until the last moment to make the final push so they don't have to protect it.


We should hide the fort timers so that players will have to fight and protect the fort for a longer period, as they won't know when it will end. There is already one fort that operates this way, and it is usually the most contested for fights. We could just as well set the time to be at least 30 minutes and possibly extend it to over an hour again, as it seems too short and players were not in favor of limiting the node-war system to 1 hour.

I think this solution won't fix anything. It's the method that is wrong. Why would a guild not be rewarded for their efforts in the battlefield? Why would a random guild that was hiding behind pushes and just going in when fort is 5% take the fort and eventually win the node war? Thats is wrong.
The system works if there are a lot of guilds participating (that's why T1 somewhat works) but it gets stale anyway, cause always same region and the same fights/guilds. This system just does not work as it is right now. It's probably the worst update they did since the beginning of the game. Even altar of blood was better thought than this.
There are a lot of good topics in this forum and good suggestions on how to fix the problem. But it might just be too late at this point, I dont think PvP guilds would return, unless a really good and well thought system drops.

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 31 jul. 2024, 00:37 (UTC)
# 4

PA needs to create back-ups of their systems so that when they create DoA garbage that everyone hates, they can just restore the old system that no one had a problem with and they could say "My bad, here you go", and that's that.  People will be happy.  Instead, they insist on warping the game beyond recognition and pretend that everyone is fine with it.

If I ran my business the way they do....... I'd have no business, because most of my customers will hate me for a garbage product they never asked for, and no one would trust me.  I'd run out of business and that wuld be that,

PA.............. where do you see yourselves in the next 5 years?  A good, unique MMO would set you up for life.

You've done a great job nuking this one these past few years....

And yeah, Solare should be 1 v 1.  Or at least have an option for it.

Última modificación : 31 jul. 2024, 11:06 (UTC)
# 5

Some points are good, don't agree with everything though. Some of the stuff, I don't care either way about it. 

Última modificación : 26 ago. 2024, 13:51 (UTC)
# 6


Última modificación : 26 ago. 2024, 21:23 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jul 30, 2024, 18:03 (UTC), Written by AllenMinyo

We complain about the poor changes made by PA recently in the PvP aspect of the game. I thought of posting a few solutions to address these issues:

New Node-war Sistem:

I believe that the new system has a lot of potential, but players are using it in the wrong way. This is the main problem with the system, the fact that it allows some people to abuse it.

First problem: Last Hit on Fort!

We need to eliminate this option because most guilds no longer fight, but instead wait until the last moment to make the final push so they don't have to protect it.


We should hide the fort timers so that players will have to fight and protect the fort for a longer period, as they won't know when it will end. There is already one fort that operates this way, and it is usually the most contested for fights. We could just as well set the time to be at least 30 minutes and possibly extend it to over an hour again, as it seems too short and players were not in favor of limiting the node-war system to 1 hour.

Second problem: Alliance !

Since the Alliance system was modified to allow the addition of more guilds, a few overly powerful communities have formed, creating unbalanced content in higher-tier node wars. On EU, all the other guilds have moved to T1, leaving only one top Alliance in the other regions. Another problem is that when you allow guilds to break and form alliances endlessly, they no longer focus on forming a community dedicated to this aspect of the game's PvP. Consequently, communities have gradually disbanded, and the difference is now made only by meta class node wars and participation numbers.


The first option would be to remove alliances from the game entirely, so guilds are encouraged to recruit and develop a PvP-focused community for those who want to excel in Node-War PvP. The second option would be to reduce the number of guilds in an alliance to a maximum of 2 and the number of members to a maximum of 100. (In any case, BDO does not support large fights with hundreds of players because the servers can't handle it, causing a lot of lag. This is a very unpleasant experience that players have been complaining about for years.)

Open World PvP (War declaration).

1. No content in open World

The open war declaration was considered a form of bullying in the game, but the real issue was the NPC that allowed players to search for others ppl and the long server switch cooldown, which put hunted players at a disadvantage. Now, if the intention was to remove this, it has been achieved, but at what cost? The loss of an extremely large number of players (evidence can be found on websites that constantly track MMORPG player populations).


It was announced that a system would be introduced allowing you to set your guild as PvP/LifeSkill/Adventurer. I propose that when a guild is set to PvP, it should be able to receive war declarations from any other guild also set to PvP. Conversely, a LifeSkill guild should not be able to receive war declarations and should also be restricted to participating only in T1 (beginner) node wars. We could provide them with some LifeSkill buffs to compensate for the lack of node-war participation and rewards. The same would apply to other categories. We want this system back because it was the main reason that motivated players to upgrade their equipment.

2. 1V1 Solare ( Uncap)

We want a 1v1 Arena system with full gear. There is too much capped content at the moment; we need a reason to upgrade our equipment.

Solution: We want a 1v1 Arena system with full gear, and we also propose adding a Solare-style Arena for everyone where you can fight against any other class, regardless of gear, following a ranking system similar to Solare. This way, you can test if your build is better than someone else's, and if you've spent years improving your equipment, it's only fair that you gain an advantage in this ranking system.

This arena will also allow for class balancing, with visible results displayed in a public player leaderboard.

This post is aimed at addressing the current issues in the PvP world of BDO. We hope that PA will draw inspiration from this post for future updates.

In response to the part about OWPvP , in addition to PvP guilds only being able to War Dec , also make it so that Guilds can only Dec on Guilds of the same Size. Example would be that a X-Large Guild could not Dec a Small or Medium Sized Guild. They could only Dec Guilds of equal size in X-Large category. So that it can't be abused, in the sense of being used to target smaller guilds to disband. 

Última modificación : 26 ago. 2024, 21:35 (UTC)
# 8

Just put in timers and cooldowns on one way decs.

Última modificación : 27 ago. 2024, 07:10 (UTC)
# 9
On: Aug 26, 2024, 21:23 (UTC), Written by Dee357

In response to the part about OWPvP , in addition to PvP guilds only being able to War Dec , also make it so that Guilds can only Dec on Guilds of the same Size. Example would be that a X-Large Guild could not Dec a Small or Medium Sized Guild. They could only Dec Guilds of equal size in X-Large category. So that it can't be abused, in the sense of being used to target smaller guilds to disband. 

So guild will set up as pve or lifeskill, keep on ksing without even saying a word, and using owpvp will still bring excessive punishment, even when it's used against a rude intruder...

... When is the problem supposed to be fixed with this solution? It's exactly what devs are going, giving and removing owpvp without even thinking about making it enticing but dangerous.

"Yeah, let's give owpvp so that pvp and pvpve morons will be happy. What, it makes no sense to use it? Who cares, they have it,  so they should be happy."



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