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Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 16 : 54 12 feb. 2025
CET 17 : 54 12 feb. 2025
PST 8 : 54 12 feb. 2025
EST 11 : 54 12 feb. 2025
"Forward Guard Meta" LOL
09 ago. 2024, 23:01 (UTC)
2683 2
Última modificación : 09 ago. 2024, 23:01 (UTC)
# 1

How. How is PA so out of touch, they JUST did the poll about protections and the "pvp meta shift" and how many FG's have already turned SA. MORE SA AND PROTECTED CC'S HAHAHA SO FUN. We can't have low cd SA cc's and brute force grab meta, it's just bad, REALLY bad for the game. The game is so dumbed down when there's no drawback to pressing stuff.  

Guys in all seriousness, the pvp is dying because people have just thrown in the towel and just bathe in the piss this game has rained down upon us. They can't even have AoS and Guild League at the same time? What the hell is that? And why are they only available at certain times? That's just dumb, imagine if any other game EVER took down ranked ladders because another mode was also available lmao. like what!? STAND UP BROTHAS AND SISTAS. Make posts, rage where you have to, be a content creator etc. but taking sweaty hairy balls on the chin and just accepting it is not gonna help. Have some pride and integrity. I'm a ninja main and this last global is a joke! None of these things should go through and some of them are even buffs, i don't care, because it's BAD for the game. There's been other posts about NW/Siege/stat caps/V rework etc, so i won't muddy up this post and make it too broad of a topic

I'm simply trying to make the actual gameplay way more dynamic and fun, because it technically CAN be. Modern BDO of a minimal drawback stale flowchart is just not it. There's always gonna be people who are delusional but i think most people are at the point of agreeing that it's just becoming less and less fun as time goes on.

This is not meant to target any specific class because most classes need nerfs in some form or another, and of course buffs in the same manner.

- No class should have more than one grab, under any circumstance. 2 CC's can't be on the same skill, NO, a protected cc can't be a 4-6 second cooldown, no it fuckin can't. No ninja/kuno can't just sit in stealth permanently, nerf the duration to literally 3-4 seconds MAX per skill but keep the dashes. (conceal, oni shadow)

- We need less massive blanket changes and reworks (besides shai jesus christ rework her) and more direct changes to specific skills of specific classes because it's too good or not useful at all, and we need these changes more than once or twice a year. Awaegu 10% was BUGGED and spammable, it should've been fixed in 1 or 2 weeks maximum. It doesn't take 1.5 years to nerf Succ wiz and drak, it JUST doesn't.

- Big attention to bloated tooltips and appropriate cooldowns. Spiral cannon can't be a 6 second CD with SA, a dash AND the best cc in the game, AND go through frontals. It just can't have ALL of that. Skills need to have some sort of power budget in them. PA has talked about this and i guess knows it should be a thing? but it's clearly not a thing.

- FG's are programmed badly and actually start slightly in front of your character model, that's why certain skills "go through" frontals. That does need to be changed along with with this gameplay shift, but it has to happen or the pvp community is cooked. 

It's our last hope we gotta try and band together, i know my foul language is gonna turn some people off to my intentions but i'm out here rioting for the greater good. No fragile egos, no toxicity lets just play the video game and have fun pvp'ing.

P.S. remove resists from pvp it's so outdated and dumb. Evasion nerf happened to reduce rng - good, now this is the next step. there's no defending this, just get better.

Última modificación : 11 ago. 2024, 18:36 (UTC)
# 2

Completely agree



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