As the title says, it would be nice to be able to sell the Jetinas PEN accessories for like 5-7 bil at least. With the drop of price of accessories, currently its better value to buy a normal PEN accessorie instead of crafting one. Since the meta shifted to mostly full deboreka set, with normal buyable/sellable accessorie you re getting most of the cost back, when you are ready to switch to deboreka. With the craftable one, you never really get back the silver used to make it and it becomes an obsolete piece of gear sitting on alt that most likely doesnt need it. While there are some players which might find the use of those accessories on alts, I dare to say, that most people will have no use for it after getting TET deboreka. I personaly could put it on Musa alt that i use to do weekly infinity pot piecies quest. But with full PEN Capotia and Tuvala Gear, its sufficent without the need of PEN ring/earring. Even if it was 5 bil to vendor, it would still help players to progress a little bit more smoothly, as if they were selling their normal lower value gear in favor of a better upgrade.