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UTC 20 : 47 15 feb. 2025
CET 21 : 47 15 feb. 2025
PST 12 : 47 15 feb. 2025
EST 15 : 47 15 feb. 2025
Awakening Woosa Suggestions
02 oct. 2024, 01:52 (UTC)
2142 11
1 2
Última modificación : 7 día(s) antes
# 1

Family Name: SeedofYggdrasil
Region: EU
Class: Awakening Woosa



Edit: My opinion to the recent Glab patch (08.11.2024):

Activation speed of Moonlit Blast, Mark of the Moon, Sahee's Descent and Soul Cleanse were really good and much needed for PvE. The increases to our tankiness came out of the blue and weren't really necessary, but I'll take them I guess. I hope we will get more improvements in the upcoming patches!


Edit: (01.02.2025):

First of all, besides the obvious problems flower skill have, like often exploding too late and unreliable CCs. When you cast Flowers at elevation (occasionally it happens even on flat ground), it takes for Bloomburst/Life Lure diffrent amount of times till they explode. Sometimes the flower explodes almost immediately and sometimes it takes them 2x as long as it normaly would to explode. PA's dev team should look over the code and adress these issues.

The faster animation for Soul Cleanse (Lateral Attack: A/D + Rmb) was good, but it still has a massive area and time window where you can get CCed while using it. Adding Super Armor while moving laterally, should solve most of the desync issues with it.

For PvE giving the damage increases mentioned below and "fixing Flowers" should be good enough to make her fell great.



I've spent a lot of time playing Awakening Woosa in Arena of Solare. The character's movement feels really fluid, and the aesthetics of her skills are the most beautiful in-game.

I really appreciate how most of her skills work, and I hope that the skills I haven't listed below will remain unchanged in future updates. However, not every skill in her kit fulfills its purpose effectively, and some skills feel like they don't have a clear role. With this in mind, I propose the following changes to make her kit feels more complete and coherent.


Absolute: Stormfall: Give back "Stun on first hit" in PvP. (Or add it as Core skill, since our class has only 5 core skills currently)

Reason: Aside from Blooming Death, Absolute Stormfall was one of the few ways for the class to proactively engage and attempt a CC on opponents. Removing the stun on the first hit has limited the class's ability to set up its own plays, making it more dependent on reactive gameplay.


Core: Nether Blast : Fix the added Frontal Guard so that it rotates correctly with our character.

Reason: Right now you can rotate your character while using Nether Blast, but the Frontal Guard doesn't rotate with the correct direction your character is facing at real time. It is also noticeable when using Nether Blast after Tigerfly (after Tigerfly the character looks forward while the camera turns. If you then use Nether Blast, the character turns around immediately, but the Frontal Guard “lags behind”).


Inkstroke : Allow us to cast Inkstroke instantly after using twice 2x  Yangban Step while in Awakening stance.

Reason: If you use Yangban Step (shift+w) twice in a row, the character will kneel down. However, to use the Inkstroke, we have to wait until she assumes the kneel position, thus losing valuable time before Inkstroke is triggered.


Life Lure: Allow this skill to flow faster after Blooming Death and Nether Blast

Reason: Currently, Life Lure only benefits from a faster beginning animation after using Fitting Step, making it difficult to incorporate into our combos. The flower from Life Lure takes time to explode, which means we need to cast it early in our combo sequence. However, the long cast time doesn't allow us to fit it into the current combo rotation efficiently without losing precious time for other skills.

Example of an optimal combo in PvP:

- Current combo: CC -> Bloom Deluge + Bloomburst -> Damage -> reCC -> Damage

- Ideal combo with improvement: CC -> Life Lure -> Bloom Deluge + Bloomburst (-> Damage) -> reCC -> Damage


Moonlit Blast : When casting Moonlit Blast, Flow: Bloom activates and spawns in 5 directions at the edge of the skill an Safri Flower.

Reason: The recently added activation speed really is nice, but the skill still does little damage for how long it takes to cast.


Mark of the Moon: Increase Damage by 20% and lower Cooldwon from 14s to 9s.

Flow: Death's Proclamation: Allow us to use this skill at any time during "Mark of the Moon" with Lmb.

Reason: Awakening Woosa currently lacks fast, high-damage Front Guard skills. If we could use Flow: Death's Proclamation at any time, we would have an option for much needed FG burst damage.

Sahee's Descent : Increase Damage by 40%, add "Recover 200HP per hit" effect and increase the Cooldown from 9s to 14s. Move the "All AP -20 on hits" from "Blooming Death" to Sahee's Descent.

Reason: With the offensive adjustments to Mark of the Moon (see above), Sahee's Descent should shift towards being a more defensive, sustain-oriented FG damage skill.




Bloodsari Flower

Current Issue: The skill is currently too slow, unprotected, and mostly unusable in combat situations. Its best use is outside of combat when no opponents are nearby. As it stands, the skill lacks practical utility in real combat scenarios.

Suggestion 1: Combat Usability

  • Add Super Armor to this skill
  • Increase Cast speed and make it more responsive

Reason: It does the same as before, but now you can actualy support your alies during combat.


Suggestion 2: Healing Rework

  • Rework the skill into a healing ability.
  • The 5 flowers in the current skill animation will no longer disappear after casting.
  • Similar to Flow: Seocheon Field, the flowers would remain on the ground after casting.
  • Instead of exploding and damaging enemies, the flowers would now explode and heal allies when approached.
  • Each flower heals 1000 HP and gives 200 HP Recovery for 15sec effect. The healing effects can be collected by yourself or any party member who walks near the flower.

Reason: This version would offer a supportive role, providing healing to yourself and nearby allies. 



Flow: Seocheon Field

Reason: The flowers summoned by the skill take too long to bloom, making it ineffective in fast-paced combat. Additionally, the CC effect is unreliable because it is based on pets, it rarely catches opponents. As a result you will only cast this skill once before you engage and then never during combat. 

You can either completely rework this skill or leave it as it is and add a vacuum for the spawned flowers.

Última modificación : 04 dic. 2024, 14:29 (UTC)
# 2

The skill speed up on Marks of the Moon,Sahees Descent and Moonlight Blast were a tini tiny step on the right derection but now where near enough,on Sould Clease tho it was good enough an the skill is fien as it in my opinion.Tbh seeing they buff some other classes that were already much stronger than awakened woosa i tihnk they shoudl just give stun in Pvp to Absolute:Stormfall,no ifs no buts no need to make it core or anything,just give it back the stun in pvp period.Next i would say they still need to spped up the first 3 skills i mentioned even forther ,for real this time .Alternatively if they really dont wanna actually spped them up they can do the damage buffs and CD reductions you mentioned and they should give us vacuum altho if you asked me i would lean more towards making life lure a vacuum than Seocheaon Field.Contrary to what it might look like Seocheon fiel is actually a pretty decent skill for small scale pvp.I like your idea about making Moolight Blast spawing Floe:Bloom tho i dont know how that woudl work and i dont really think the devs woudl go for something like that (probably too much work for them).Lastely Bloodsari Flower if they do the stuff i asked i dont really care what they do with this skill even if leave it as it is.

6 10
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 17 ene. 2025, 04:07 (UTC)
# 3

Things I'd love to be considered... just my opinion

1. would love an i-frame on lateral step with soul cleanse before throwing the hit.

2. removing 1st hit (stiff) of nether blast, make the skill just 1 purple rocket overall (the 2nd hit only)

3. give moonlit blast a core = KD on 1st hit in PVP (since we're missing a 6th core)

4. definitely CD reductions of blooming death and mark of the moon

5. heal of mark of the moon should be on 1st hit, OR split evenly on the 3 hits

6. speed up KD CC of Bloom Deluge Sari Flower (KD)

Última modificación : 18 ene. 2025, 06:00 (UTC)
# 4

wait what? I had actually forgotten awakening Woosa even exist cause i only see succ woosa around...but hey! any buff to awakening woosa is welcomed :3

Última modificación : 19 ene. 2025, 17:55 (UTC)
# 5

Agreed. Instead of creating new classes, make this one viable to begin with. It doesn’t make sense for her to be in this state. She definitely needs positive changes. It's a beautiful class, too.

Última modificación : 22 ene. 2025, 17:18 (UTC)
# 6

Awoosa PVP is fairly ok right now and the suggestions you give would definitely turn her into a real class, but I wanted to touch on PVE specifically, the reason being I can make her work in PVP but I'm really finding it hard to justify using her in PVE...

"Stacking flowers" (dropping all your delayed damage), as I call it, can do some insane burst damage for the window the damage is being done in, it's a really unique mechanic for the class that I love however there's 2 major problems with this.

1. Pack-to-pack spot clear speed (such as tungrad) will always be limited by the time it takes for the flowers to go off

2. If the mob survives the burst damage, your remaining filler is some of the worst damage in the game.

Sahee's Descent (shift+lmb) was recently sped up and is worthwhile to use now, however Moonlit Blast (shift+f) and Mark of the Moon (shift+e) are still hardly worth pressing. The damage is low and you'd only use them as filler inbetween stacking flowers which makes them feel even weaker. These abilities need to be sped up more and do massively more damage (at least 30% more) OR drop flowers to keep the delayed damage mechanic going.

Blooming Death (s+e) has the unique mechanic of doing back attacks while something is facing you, this is cool but it has a problem where it conflicts with the rest of your combo on mobs at, for example, DSR where you generally try to get behind them and they might stay like that for a bit. The problem is at its worst at Dehkia 2 Oluns where you're always behind the golem and staying in front when it turns to use s+e can get a little spicy.  I feel it should always do back attack damage no matter where the mob is facing.

Última modificación : 24 ene. 2025, 02:22 (UTC)
# 7

While we're at it, bloom deluge could really use a frontal guard.

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 03 feb. 2025, 06:52 (UTC)
# 8

to add:

1. make death's proclamation a SA. we're already standing there wanting our backs hit..

2. give a skill a cast speed increase please (natural, not as an add on, not from BSR skill)

3. Doomflower of Mark of the Moon should explode instantly on timer, not sprout out and sit on a spot while players just walk away from it.

4. bloom deluge and bloomburst def need SA or frontals. these are non cc skills and wait for the actual bombs to cc. why cant it be like Dosa (protected before the cc)

5. overall increase animation speeds of all awakening skills.

Última modificación : 01 feb. 2025, 19:02 (UTC)
# 9

The "problem" with Awk Woosa is that she is designed for an old version of BDO where in PvE you still had to pull mobs together to then kill them in a combo, classes had clear openings were more balanced around 1vs1.

Última modificación : 2 día(s) antes
# 10

All I'm going to say is, this change is stupid for PvP.

Why increase the CD of  Soul Shower to 10sec??? Awk Woosa already sucked damage trading, why make it even worse. And I'm sure other classes will be so happy that they now get CC 23% more in Frontal Guards


Also why doesn't Absolute: Sagoonja: Chrysanth get a  +40% crit buff? 

Edit: okay they added a +50% crit buff for 5sec to Soul Cleanse. That is actually quite a big damage buff. Now flower skills have pretty much 90-100% crit rate all the time.

I still don't like the changes to Soul Shower and Blooming Death, but others seem to be happy about it. 

Well, after the update i will test out to change my playstyle, changing core to netherstrike instead of nether blast and trying to abuse the 10sec Blooming Death as much as possible. So less cc fishing and more active punishing of openings; lets see how this performes

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