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UTC 14 : 42 09 feb. 2025
CET 15 : 42 09 feb. 2025
PST 6 : 42 09 feb. 2025
EST 9 : 42 09 feb. 2025
It Feels like Koreans don't Like the Ninjas class. I wonder why !????
09 nov. 2024, 17:10 (UTC)
1107 9
Última modificación : 09 nov. 2024, 17:10 (UTC)
# 1

After a long 1 and 1/2 month break from BDO, I decided to return. to check it out. I left because I felt that the ninja class the one I main was just getting nerf, it was just a pain to even enjoy pvp with it. and in AoS it was trash. that's what I experienced and what I felt!!!

After a break, I came back and it's even worse.. and now I just can't help to think that maybe it's not a skill issue on my part but a preferences issue from the games and I realized that maybe Koreans just don't like the ninja class because of, I don't know some other reasons !!!  and looking at their HISTORY and some investigation most complaints dissatisfaction and disappointments about the class come from  EU and NA  servers but NOT from some specific  Asian servers.

Oh well, what can you expect from a game that can't make a clear BALANCE PVP system and has had 10 years for it there is no excuse. 

I still have some attachment to this game, it was worth spending money on it for value packs and other pearls items but now it's like nope. What is the point if my main class is being neglected and just plain nerf!!!.


Última modificación : 10 nov. 2024, 10:13 (UTC)
# 2

Bro, the guy who won the PVP 100 tourney of all the classes just 2 or 3 months back was a Ninja. He won it and blasted everyone off. I know that his skill cap is really high but if he can do it, so can you. 

Última modificación : 11 nov. 2024, 02:01 (UTC)
# 3

@howwas ..  thank you for commenting.  but what does that have to do with what am talking about!.

It feels that if I get into it, talking about it with you, I would lose nerve cells because it feels that you are the type to say, oh Bro it's all about skills .. ... and I will say something simple to that if it was that simple there would be no need for nerfs and buffs 

10 years and the game is not nor will it ever be balanced especially in PVP intentionally !!!! 



Última modificación : 11 nov. 2024, 15:51 (UTC)
# 4

It's not fotm, so it doesn't get the same attention as those classes do. That said, awk Ninja just got a second round of huge buffs to the class. While it isn't exactly what the western players wanted, it's still pretty huge. The only thing the class is missing is a meaty serpent damage buff/damage buffs on shower/drastic, vacuum moved to flow and input off other skills only, and chaos cancelling. Succession was the more popular spec in KR and still is a top 5 pve class.

Última modificación : 02 ene. 2025, 11:58 (UTC)
# 5

Cuz they have BunSal :D

Última modificación : 03 ene. 2025, 23:01 (UTC)
# 6
On: Nov 10, 2024, 10:13 (UTC), Written by howwas

Bro, the guy who won the PVP 100 tourney of all the classes just 2 or 3 months back was a Ninja. He won it and blasted everyone off. I know that his skill cap is really high but if he can do it, so can you. 

He didn't blast anybody tho. He won by running max dp and using ebuff/stealth cheese to win by hp, which is only something you can do in a uncapped tournament setting like aoa. You can't build enough dp to cheese like that in aos, nw caps don't let you build tanky, and uncapped will always have a build/class that can counter such things.

It's funny that Bunsal was brought up. Him and Zzanku are both so bad.

Última modificación : 03 ene. 2025, 23:55 (UTC)
# 7

Try playing as an archer...

Última modificación : 04 ene. 2025, 15:33 (UTC)
# 8

Ninja is pretty hard to handle as a class he has a lot of ofensive resources and requires a decent amount of skill to play, It's true that he is on lower side in regard to damage the thing is, that in very good hands is unstoppable. It's dificult to balance without making those few skilled players overpowered and those less skilled ones (I'm in this group) falling too far behind.

I'm mainly play ninja awakening so don't trust me much in regard to succ.

Última modificación : 06 ene. 2025, 22:44 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 4, 2025, 15:32 (UTC), Written by Vanderin

Ninja is pretty hard to handle as a class he has a lot of ofensive resources and requires a decent amount of skill to play, It's true that he is on lower side in regard to damage the thing is, that in very good hands is unstoppable. It's dificult to balance without making those few skilled players overpowered and those less skilled ones (I'm in this group) falling too far behind.

I'm mainly play ninja awakening so don't trust me much in regard to succ.

He's very stoppable. He's reliant on combo damage to kill and is single target, so you can pressure him off targets with either a grab or by targeting his unprotected reccs or combo fillers. He's vulnerable to vacuums, walled out by any high pressure class that can keep him on the defensive or by tank classes that can further outstrip his low dmg with their defenses.


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