Musa used to be, and kinda still is, the king of oneshot pack-to-pack grind spots like gahaz, fogans, polly’s etc. with his big AoE's and good mobility. Since then, the game has changed a lot and these days all we get is tower spots where you fight less but more tankier mobs. This is where Musa falls short for the following main reasons.
I think the first and most obvious issue with its awakening in PVE is the lack of actual usable skills. If you do everything perfectly, you will run out of skills and have to fall back to using the crosscut - twister filler which lets be honest, does close to 0 damage. The root of this problem is a mix of too many bad and/or utility skills.
My suggestions for this problem:
- Introduce new skills to the awakening kit.
- Make the utility/cc skills do more damage and increase the PVP damage reduction therefore they remain the same in PVP.
- Lower the cooldown of certain skills, I know it's hard because it carries over to PVP as well, but things like Crust Crusher that's more of a PVE skill could use a second or two reduction.
Skills that desperately need rework in categories:
- Musa's resolve: I know it's an AP buff and a stun in PVP, but apart from it being a vacuum (which is useless at any endgame spot), it doesn't do anything.
- Counter Assassination: Literally the biggest grief ever, I don't even know why this skill exists.
- Spinner: The animation is long, does 0 damage, only good for getting crit buff through cancelling but we lose a skill slot to this that could be more useful.
Need damage buff:
- Crosscut
- Twister
Another issue is the summon (blade attack) damage that has weird modifiers. It scales with special attacks (crit, back etc.) differently and overall an outdated thing that in my opinion shouldn’t even be part of the kit. To counter that, the dev’s could simply remove the blade effect and just add that to the base skill damage as a bonus (one step back, inferno slash, backflow, crosscut off cd).
Everything mentioned above takes priority, but I simply want to point out some quality of life changes that would be very welcomed on top of everything else.
- Do something with the AP buff, move it to another skill, lower the CD and increase the duration. The 10 sec CD on 10 sec uptime is just bad in every possible way.
- Rework Flow: Backflow from air attack to down attack. I don’t even know what the idea behind its current state is, borderline impossible to make it work.
- I would also like if my Q block wasn't the only one in the game (along with maehwa) that's not a toggle, but rather on-hold. If I wanted a FG that I could get out of anytime I would just walk backwards.
- Remove collision on dashing forward.
Overall I'm happy about the changes Musa received over the years. PA did a decent job making pyrostorm, backflow and inferno slash flow into each other and that was a really good step towards what my goal would be. I don’t want my class to be another awakening Dosa and everyone tagging it., but right now I feel like I’m griefing myself or my team if I play on him (in PVE). I tried to point out the major flaws, or at least what i think they are, in detail and avoid being another low quality asking for buffs type of thing. Please show some love to the class I've been playing for so long, because I can definitely see it's age compared to some of the newer ones.
Shout out to all the OG Musa brothers out there and let's hope for the best together.