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UTC 4 : 43 23 ene. 2025
CET 5 : 43 23 ene. 2025
PST 20 : 43 22 ene. 2025
EST 23 : 43 22 ene. 2025
Sage Awakening PVE suggestions
05 dic. 2024, 07:52 (UTC)
366 2
Última modificación : 05 dic. 2024, 07:52 (UTC)
# 1

I’ve been playing this class since 2021, with 3 years’ dedication in awakening sage I can say these suggestions would greatly improve how this class feels in PVE but won’t become overpowered in any way.

 1. Flow: Interrogate

Suggestion: change hit number from x5 to x6

Reason: This is the slowest skill in Awakening Sage’s kit, there are 2 strikes in the animation, before the hit number change it was x10 break into x5 and x5,which was consistent damage in each strike, however now it is x5 break into x2 and x3, this makes first strike’s damage significantly lower than before the hit number change, the first strike’s damage(4050%x2 which takes 1.2 second) is so low that make this skill almost useless in PVE.

2. Enlightening Bolt

Suggestion: change cooldown from 8s to 7s

Reason: This skill’s 8 second cooldown is the bottle neck. When grinding in powerful monster zones such as darkseeker’s retreat it takes more than one combo rotation to kill the mob, it would be a much smoother experience if this skill has lower cooldown.

3. Shock Relay

Suggestion: delete the casting speed+5% buff in Kibelius Training, add the casting speed+5% buff to Shock Relay, also add forward guard back.

Reason: Awakening Sage feels much smoother with 5% increase in casting speed but It’s extremely slow to active this buff in Kibelius Training. Besides, forward guard is very needed because there isn’t much protection in his kit,

4. Flow: Judgment

Suggestion: increase damage from 1955% to 4500%

Reason: This skill is purely an escape button because it doesn’t provide much damage comparing with other skills in his kit, however it would be more engaging if it can be used offensively.


Overall, Sage Awakening is very close to be viable in 320ap+ grind zones right now, however he pulls 10%~20% less trash than classes like Succession Lahn, Awakening DarkKnight, and other top PVE classes.

What I’m asking is not making him OP or Top, but these suggestions really change life quality of a loyal Sage Awakening player.

Última modificación : 05 dic. 2024, 19:36 (UTC)
# 2

While I think Sage Awakening could use buffs! Sage Successions still needs some huge buffs to be PVE viable. The last weren't enough, and it is still under even awakending in PVE.

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