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Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 15 : 56 10 feb. 2025
CET 16 : 56 10 feb. 2025
PST 7 : 56 10 feb. 2025
EST 10 : 56 10 feb. 2025
Deadeye is a massive disappointment
26 dic. 2024, 09:07 (UTC)
5195 30
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Última modificación : 26 dic. 2024, 09:11 (UTC)
# 1

I'm too tired right now to get into it in more detail but the release of this class is not only hugely disappointing but also feels like a complete failure on the part of Pearl Abyss. It feels like you just rushed a new class out just as a cash grab and not because you actually had some kind of passion or vision as to what you were creating. It feels like most of the money that could have gone into the development of the class went into marketing with the song, comic, cinematic and so on.

Let me just be blunt. Deadeye feels like complete garbage to play. The class was clearly made with little thought put into it. The mechanic to switch between rounds feels tacked on and borderline pointless. Marni rounds never felt particlarly good to use any of the times I used them compared to regular rounds, and even if they were, you have skills that will switch you back to regular rounds but none that switch you to Marni rounds.

Deadeye has a pathetic amount of skills to rotate between and Rabams and a Magnus skill wont do much to alleviate that. The fact that you made her an Ascension class also really highlights that you wanted to put in the minimal amount of effort, and also means there's nothing to look forward to that might salvage how terrible Deadeye is as a class. Lil Devil feels like absolute garbage to use by the way, with most of the skills being pathetically slow, which is saying a lot given how abysmal and barren her skill list is for Lil Devil to begin with. Speaking of pathetically slow skills, her 100% BSR fits that description as well, on top of being underwhelming to press even considering how slow it is due to the target limit and damage not really making up for it. Some of Deadeye's skills are so laughably bad it makes me wonder how it even made it to live servers. Do the devs not play the game? You'd think that someone who plays this game would be able to tell if a skill would be garbage before it was even developed enough to be in a testing phase, let alone the live servers. It feels like this game is being worked on by abused and unpaid interns at this point.

Oh yeah, here are a few other things that highlight how blatantly rushed and half-assed Deadeye is with evidently zero quality control or assurance. Deadeye doesn't even sit on horses right and clips through saddles. Deadeye literally can't switch to her Awakening weapon ever in-game for any actual period of time, so you can't ever look at your awakening weapon in game because it only appears during your trash attacks with it. Which is probably because they also half-assed the Sovereign Lil Devil. The glow is almost non-existant compared to when I had it on my Nova's Sovereign Stign before I weapon exchanged it over to Deadeye. Oh, can't forget how jarring it is with her voice lines clashing massively with her combat grunting sounds. The voice lines while somewhat endearing of an idea can feel gratingly repetitive at times with how overused they are, and the fact that they couldn't be bothered to have the voice actress record combat grunts or whatever you want to call them to match with her combat dialogue is just another thing that highlights the lack of care put into this class. Deadeye is so badly made it needs to be completely reworked or redesigned despite being brand new.

The only positive thing I feel like I have to say about Deadeye is that she looks pretty nice, at least for what I like, and at least considering how awful BDO looks these days visually. It's a shame that PA doesn't make class specific outfits anymore because it means the only thematic outfit Deadeye would ever get she already has, so if it isn't what you want for her you wont be getting anything else. The artists who worked on her did a good job at least. That's about the only praise or positivity I have for Deadeye.

I dunno anymore. I feel regret for having any optimism or excitement for Deadeye let alone anything with this game anymore.

44 212
Lv 63
Última modificación : 26 dic. 2024, 12:11 (UTC)
# 2

My tinfoil hat is Deadeye and everything they're about to put out is a huuuuge pander to NA. No more endless grinds on everything (pity), after leaning hard into their Korean culture, suddenly Super america woman. Adding a whole massive Demon PvP area which reminds me of what was it New World? Never played but I'm talking about that one game where a person could own a town and people had to attack to take it. I remember reading somewhere how Asian culture is different in that they aren't as rampant PKers like we are in the West, or so the post that I read believed. A new horse thats based on Completeing a challenge and not grinding is also a 180 from their usual MO (Unless its gonna be grinding materials with those higher boss fights).

A lot of the game is becoming dated In my opinion. The once amazing looking models are now extremely blocky (Deadeye has a horribly blocky butt). Their elbows indent when they bend, there's strange face shading that makes stuff look bad (the entire top half of my face is a shade darker than the bottom but will probably never be fixed until a huge grahpical update if it happens.), We've been super limited on moving around facial parts and body parts have been the same since the begining (no better fine tuning). Still the same tattoos for each specific class (they should be universal), and on the tattoo part, they weren't designed to go across certain parts of the body as one whole skin (around arms and legs, and especially behind the neck where it connects with the back) the tattoo just hits a flat line and gets cut off. We still don't have the color wheel for eye colors (I feel like having one with skin shades only would be fine too), you can tell which hairs are new and old because their texture and color are miles apart, good stuff to add like having costumes hairs be on the character creation screen will probably never happen but would be nice. (gonna stop rambling)

People keep saying the game isn't dead and just to leave if you don't like it (like what happened to concord right?) but this is the most people I've seen in like the last 5months. Cal 2 Used to have crowds of people everywhere, the inn, the mark board plaza, infront of the storage house, long lines of people afk fishing. Now most of those places are empty and there's like 10-15 people afk fishing when it was shoulder to shoulder before. Even velias crowd has died down a bunch, normally lined rooftops with people everywhere and a fence with no real estate now are both empty.

I blieve there are a lot of people who only come back when something interesting is put in or free stuff is given out (me included). BDOs way of grinding is not fun at all but there are reasons why I'll come back and play for a bit just because something got updated or added. (updated graphics, models, I hit a horse upgrade with materials given, I tap a PEN with a J's hammer, new class comes out, bosses, etc), But when they fall short of these things, the will to do that boring grind is gone (Ahem not letting us choose the Mythical Arduanatt color).

I think the game is in maintinence honestly or close to. Another dying korean MMO I no longer play but sort of follow info on is ELSWORD and woooah boy is that game dead. This game is even following most of the steps that elsword did to start its downfall. Well somehow that game is still running yeeeears later so at least there will be time left on BDO for the Foreseeable future.

Última modificación : 26 dic. 2024, 12:37 (UTC)
# 3

yeah shes 100% a pander class, alot of her skills are janky, she shouldnt even be a female class when so many wanted more male classes(but we have to pander to the thirst) and yeah flows on her dont flow, the swap using E to swap bullets is so clunky, not to mention marni rounds across the board bar 2 skills are just terrible. and her S+E while awesome to get away is soo jarring. its a few more months of working to flesh her out once she has rabram/magnus.....if she gets magnus:P could end up like scholar

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Última modificación : 26 dic. 2024, 16:20 (UTC)
# 5

Its ok for me
I will still main my shai...

Última modificación : 26 dic. 2024, 16:24 (UTC)
# 6

I agree... another female class. Male deadeye pander for me plz

Última modificación : 26 dic. 2024, 16:31 (UTC)
# 7
On: Dec 26, 2024, 09:07 (UTC), Written by Velvy

I'm too tired right now to get into it in more detail but the release of this class is not only hugely disappointing but also feels like a complete failure on the part of Pearl Abyss. It feels like you just rushed a new class out just as a cash grab and not because you actually had some kind of passion or vision as to what you were creating. It feels like most of the money that could have gone into the development of the class went into marketing with the song, comic, cinematic and so on.

Let me just be blunt. Deadeye feels like complete garbage to play. The class was clearly made with little thought put into it. The mechanic to switch between rounds feels tacked on and borderline pointless. Marni rounds never felt particlarly good to use any of the times I used them compared to regular rounds, and even if they were, you have skills that will switch you back to regular rounds but none that switch you to Marni rounds.

Deadeye has a pathetic amount of skills to rotate between and Rabams and a Magnus skill wont do much to alleviate that. The fact that you made her an Ascension class also really highlights that you wanted to put in the minimal amount of effort, and also means there's nothing to look forward to that might salvage how terrible Deadeye is as a class. Lil Devil feels like absolute garbage to use by the way, with most of the skills being pathetically slow, which is saying a lot given how abysmal and barren her skill list is for Lil Devil to begin with. Speaking of pathetically slow skills, her 100% BSR fits that description as well, on top of being underwhelming to press even considering how slow it is due to the target limit and damage not really making up for it. Some of Deadeye's skills are so laughably bad it makes me wonder how it even made it to live servers. Do the devs not play the game? You'd think that someone who plays this game would be able to tell if a skill would be garbage before it was even developed enough to be in a testing phase, let alone the live servers. It feels like this game is being worked on by abused and unpaid interns at this point.

Oh yeah, here are a few other things that highlight how blatantly rushed and half-assed Deadeye is with evidently zero quality control or assurance. Deadeye doesn't even sit on horses right and clips through saddles. Deadeye literally can't switch to her Awakening weapon ever in-game for any actual period of time, so you can't ever look at your awakening weapon in game because it only appears during your trash attacks with it. Which is probably because they also half-assed the Sovereign Lil Devil. The glow is almost non-existant compared to when I had it on my Nova's Sovereign Stign before I weapon exchanged it over to Deadeye. Oh, can't forget how jarring it is with her voice lines clashing massively with her combat grunting sounds. The voice lines while somewhat endearing of an idea can feel gratingly repetitive at times with how overused they are, and the fact that they couldn't be bothered to have the voice actress record combat grunts or whatever you want to call them to match with her combat dialogue is just another thing that highlights the lack of care put into this class. Deadeye is so badly made it needs to be completely reworked or redesigned despite being brand new.

The only positive thing I feel like I have to say about Deadeye is that she looks pretty nice, at least for what I like, and at least considering how awful BDO looks these days visually. It's a shame that PA doesn't make class specific outfits anymore because it means the only thematic outfit Deadeye would ever get she already has, so if it isn't what you want for her you wont be getting anything else. The artists who worked on her did a good job at least. That's about the only praise or positivity I have for Deadeye.

I dunno anymore. I feel regret for having any optimism or excitement for Deadeye let alone anything with this game anymore.

We get it. You wish you were in America. 

Última modificación : 26 dic. 2024, 17:48 (UTC)
# 8

what did you expect?

58 2057
Lv 61
Última modificación : 26 dic. 2024, 20:08 (UTC)
# 9
On: Dec 26, 2024, 12:37 (UTC), Written by BitterBlossoms

yeah shes 100% a pander class, alot of her skills are janky, she shouldnt even be a female class when so many wanted more male classes(but we have to pander to the thirst) and yeah flows on her dont flow, the swap using E to swap bullets is so clunky, not to mention marni rounds across the board bar 2 skills are just terrible. and her S+E while awesome to get away is soo jarring. its a few more months of working to flesh her out once she has rabram/magnus.....if she gets magnus:P could end up like scholar

Pity poor players like me that use a controller to play. Deadeye has two skills that are impossible to execute with controller. The C button on keyboard uses the left bumper and the dpad right button, any skill that uses c plus a direction input is impossible because you cannot press the joystick and the dpad at the same time because they both use the left thumb.

in fact even using C to weapon swap is awkward and I never use it as it is not a good idea to stop using the joystick while grinding.

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