En breve comienza Black Desert.

Instala el lanzador si no comienza el juego.

Instala el lanzador para empezar el juego.

Si ya lo tienes instalado, el juego comenzará pronto.
Si el lanzador no se ejecuta automáticamente, ejecútalo directamente.

Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 8 : 14 11 feb. 2025
CET 9 : 14 11 feb. 2025
PST 0 : 14 11 feb. 2025
EST 3 : 14 11 feb. 2025
After a few hours on Succession Nova (Hong Lim)
15 ene. 2025, 23:40 (UTC)
674 1
Última modificación : 15 ene. 2025, 23:40 (UTC)
# 1

I really enjoyed Succ Nova when it came out, originally her skill cooldowns were too high, but now with the Abyssal skill you have a semi decent "rotation" you can go through.

-side note her voice actor when she screams on one of the abilities is freaking awesome lol

Here is my "Skill rotation"

Shift + RMB (Very very powerful skill, auto chains into SHIFT + LMB for people that don't know) - so this leads to easy access to her +AP buff and four addons. Sounds good so far.

Shift + F (I have -dp addons here, also naturally debuffs people in pvp so why not)

E into Shift + E or vice versa (This is your abyssal skill, lasts like 2 seconds, and the Shift E is a big spin skill t3 addon on top of healing you)

When all 4 skills are on cooldown, Shift RMB is back up, then I use

Shift Q and then Shift + C, so I rinse repeat this cycle (usually dodging in between for semi pitiful "back attacks".

Pros - shift rmb lmb F and magnus skill is amazing damage and very low apm.

Cons - Shift + E is "Back loaded" damage. So her "wind up" on the spin will be the back attacks, but her final strike (that does the most damage) will always hit the mobs in the front. 

Shift Q and Shift C deal like no damage for "big" cooldown skills, they feel more like "pull" skills.

UP + C and Down + C (awakening skills) are very very weak (really only providing a tad bit of movement for pvp).

Buff suggestion -

1. remove summoning / desummoning condition for axiom - completely useless thing that a slow class has to do (more quality of life for an untouched class)

2. Shift E more damage on "wind up" (again mainly for back attacks).
3. Shift Q and C more damage

4. She has no "spam on cooldown / cast while on cooldown skill", maybe make it F chain? (50% crit buff skill for people that don't know, also auto casts shift f)

5. I would remove her "block" soldiers from "auto attacking" players - there is a sentiment out there that "succ nova is a noob pvp class" (she is and actually dominates T1/T2 capped NW thanks to shift + f slows, ranged grab and perma knockdown spam at 40% hp).

6. Shift + RMB should give 20 AP, not +12 AP as a pre-buff.

Possible reworks (more effort than tweaking numbers).
1. More skills should "move" her forward. Example; If Shift E moved her forward and aim with your screen, she could direct this skill around bosses/monsters for more back attacks.

2. W+F, D+F, W+C, D+C all of her "movement" skills don't really offer much, they are similar to my gripes with mystic (skills locking her in place, or "moving" her back to the same location)


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