To address Archer's core weaknesses (lack of instant movement and survivability) while boosting its offensive and defensive utility. Here's what I'd add:
Instant Teleport or Blink
Skill Addition: "Luthraghon’s Step"
Effect: Instantly teleport up to 10 meters in the aimed direction with i-frames. Usable twice in succession, with a 10-second cooldown per use.
Reason: This would let Archer match the instant gap-closing or escaping power of the top-tier classes.
Overhauled Defensive Buff
Skill Update: Breath of the Spirit
Buff: In addition to restoring stamina, it grants 20% damage reduction, immunity to crowd control (CC), and +15% movement speed for 10 seconds.
Reason: Makes Archer less vulnerable in high-pressure situations and provides more breathing room to kite effectively.
Game-Changing AoE Skill
Skill Addition: "Rain of Light"
Effect: A massive AoE circular area of light that deals heavy damage over time, applies a 30% movement speed debuff, and reduces enemy DP by 15% for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Reason: Provides a strong zoning tool and punishes enemies for grouping up, akin to some of the powerful AoE abilities of top-tier classes.
Increased Burst Damage
Skill Buff: Piercing Light
Buff: Add a new passive effect that increases the critical hit damage of Piercing Light by 50% and reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds.
Reason: Ensures Archer can deliver punishing bursts similar to other top-tier DPS classes.
Upgraded Mobility
Skill Update: Glide
Buff: Add i-frames throughout the animation, increase the distance covered, and reduce stamina consumption by 50%.
Reason: Allows Archer to kite effectively without being punished for running out of stamina.
Close-Range Combat Viability
Skill Buff: Flow: Echoes of the Call
Buff: Increase damage by 50%, add Super Armor, and apply a knockdown effect on hit.
Reason: Enables Archer to hold its ground against melee classes when forced into close range.
Addition: "Hawk’s Grace" Passive
Effect: While moving or kiting, Archer gains 10% evasion and +15% movement speed.
Reason: Rewards smart, mobile gameplay while increasing survivability.
Enhanced Team Utility
Skill Addition: "Luthraghon’s Light"
Effect: A buff that applies +10 AP and +10% critical hit rate to allies within a 15-meter radius for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
Reason: Gives Archer a supportive edge in group play, similar to the utility of stronger classes.
Why These Buffs?
The strongest classes in BDO typically dominate due to:
Instant gap-closing or escaping abilities.
High burst damage or sustained DPS.
Strong defensive tools like i-frames, Super Armor, or CC immunity.
Significant utility for group play.
These changes would elevate Archer to that level by addressing its lack of instant movement, increasing survivability, and adding utility and damage to make it a halfway decent class in both 1v1 and group PvP.
No, absolutely not. Quite frankly, the buffs you're asking for are reality warping levels of broken. You're asking for succ wizard teleport, shai's misty haze and a weaker ap buff, a passive that grants more of a damage buff than your ebuff (wtf?) to one skill, a crazy buff to a flow skill to one of your strongest skills (that also does the same damage as it as already....), near permanent cc immunity and an ondemand stamina restore (double wtf??), asking to make your kiting even stronger and faster with more iframes, less stamina consumption, more move speed, and the ability to tank all while being a ranged class. Only thing we're missing here is a grab. It almost doesn't get more broken than what you're asking for.
Even without all of that, archer stands as one of the best war classes in the game currently. You must have missed the last couple years of the game where Archer was confidently oneshotting people in render range in nws in uncapped. It's become less common with the dr/eva changes, but it can still happen and I still hear people complaining about ranged class damage.
All this aside, I know exactly why you're complaining and asking for all these ridiculous buffs, and I'm gonna nip it in the bud:
Major skill issue.
Your experiences in aos do not give the whole picture of how weak or powerful archer actually is, and it's honestly the worst place to bring an archer. He does not do well in very small scale fights. He's a war class and he excels at it very much. You give him these buffs and he becomes a bigger menance to pvp than shai. He'll be rivaling awk striker, maegu, and zerker for strongest individual class in the game.
[...] He'll be rivaling awk striker, maegu, and zerker for strongest individual class in the game.
Yes, and? That is what OP said they wanted.
But I think the rest of your response is saying they would be more than just rivaling, and by a good margin.
No, absolutely not. Quite frankly, the buffs you're asking for are reality warping levels of broken. You're asking for succ wizard teleport, shai's misty haze and a weaker ap buff, a passive that grants more of a damage buff than your ebuff (wtf?) to one skill, a crazy buff to a flow skill to one of your strongest skills (that also does the same damage as it as already....), near permanent cc immunity and an ondemand stamina restore (double wtf??), asking to make your kiting even stronger and faster with more iframes, less stamina consumption, more move speed, and the ability to tank all while being a ranged class. Only thing we're missing here is a grab. It almost doesn't get more broken than what you're asking for.
Even without all of that, archer stands as one of the best war classes in the game currently. You must have missed the last couple years of the game where Archer was confidently oneshotting people in render range in nws in uncapped. It's become less common with the dr/eva changes, but it can still happen and I still hear people complaining about ranged class damage.
All this aside, I know exactly why you're complaining and asking for all these ridiculous buffs, and I'm gonna nip it in the bud:
Major skill issue.
Your experiences in aos do not give the whole picture of how weak or powerful archer actually is, and it's honestly the worst place to bring an archer. He does not do well in very small scale fights. He's a war class and he excels at it very much. You give him these buffs and he becomes a bigger menance to pvp than shai. He'll be rivaling awk striker, maegu, and zerker for strongest individual class in the game.
Yeah, that was the point of the suggested buffs in the post. To have Archer rival the strongest classes. I appreciate your fond memories of Archer in Node Wars, sniping people from render distance. But we’re in a different era. DR and the speed creep in small-scale fights has rendered many of Archer’s strengths situational at best. The class feels like it’s playing with a 5 second delay in modes like AoS while other classes dart around like caffeinated ninjas.
Yes, Archer excels in large scale. But balance doesn’t mean letting a class drown in one mode just because it shines in another. A tweak here or there doesn’t break the game, it rounds out the experience.
I'm not an archer expert by any extent. The problem I see with the class is that it does a lot of damage—so much that in order to win a fight, you need to focus on him intensely if you want a chance of winning. Luckily, he doesn't have much survivability, and killing him is possible. What I would do, and this might be an unpopular opinion, is lower his PvP damage to a more reasonable level and then increase his survivability a bit. With this change, the archer would lose most of the pressure they suffer now. By lowering the damage, the class wouldn't be focused as much because leaving him alive wouldn't mean instantly losing the game, and with increased survivability, it would deter enemies from attacking him so often. I think this would achieve a more enjoyable gameplay experience for archers.
I don't have anything against the archer is a cool class but if you increase the survivality of the class while maintaining the damage it would be a disaster. It is the same problem ranger succ has more or less.
I'm not an archer expert by any extent. The problem I see with the class is that it does a lot of damage—so much that in order to win a fight, you need to focus on him intensely if you want a chance of winning. Luckily, he doesn't have much survivability, and killing him is possible. What I would do, and this might be an unpopular opinion, is lower his PvP damage to a more reasonable level and then increase his survivability a bit. With this change, the archer would lose most of the pressure they suffer now. By lowering the damage, the class wouldn't be focused as much because leaving him alive wouldn't mean instantly losing the game, and with increased survivability, it would deter enemies from attacking him so often. I think this would achieve a more enjoyable gameplay experience for archers.
I don't have anything against the archer is a cool class but if you increase the survivality of the class while maintaining the damage it would be a disaster. It is the same problem ranger succ has more or less.
You want to lower Archer’s PvP damage? Let’s pause and think this through. Archer relies heavily on burst damage because it doesn’t have consistent, sustained DPS or the survivability to go 1v1 with most classes. Lowering that burst would be like asking a fish to survive on land, possible, but why make it suffer? Without high damage output, why would anyone focus an Archer? They’d laugh, shrug it off, and go after literally anyone else. Meanwhile, the Archer would stand there like a mildly annoyed mosquito, barely scratching the enemy while being flattened by gap closers and crowd control. Your proposal, lower damage, increase survivability, sounds more like a punishment than a buff. Archers enjoy the class because of its high risk, high reward playstyle. Take away the burst, and you take away the soul of the class.
Increased survivability isn’t the golden ticket you think it is. You argue that increasing survivability would deter enemies from attacking Archer. But let’s face it, survivability without utility doesn’t make a class better, it just prolongs its death. Archer isn’t built to be tanky. Adding survivability without addressing its inherent weaknesses, like stamina management, mobility under pressure, and susceptibility to gap closers, does nothing to elevate the class. It just makes fights drag out longer while still favoring the opponent. And comparing Archer to Succ Ranger? Apples and oranges. Succ Ranger can survive because it has reliable evasion buffs, ranged AoEs, and the stamina to kite effectively. Archer has none of these luxuries, it burns stamina faster than a cheap lighter and has limited disengage options.
No Archer mains are going to sign up for "survivable mediocrity" instead of hobbling the class, why not give it precision tuning? For example, adjust stamina costs for mobility skills to allow for longer engagements, refine super armor windows to make disengaging safer without making the class unkillable, Introduce a mobility flow skill for short bursts of repositioning and lightly reduce cooldowns on core damage skills to encourage more fluid gameplay. These changes would address the root issues without gutting the class’s identity. Your suggestion feels like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. Archer doesn’t need less damage, it needs smarter tools to survive and thrive. Try again my friend.
You want to lower Archer’s PvP damage?
I don't think archer is broken, but if you were to give survivability to the class, it would be. (When I talk about survivability, I'm referring to mobility, protections, stamina, etc.—anything that helps a class survive.) What makes the class balanced now, in my opinion, is that you can kill him if you pressure him a bit.
I've seen Archers in Solares; the class is bad because he dies pretty quickly, but if you let him live, you lose. You can't ignore him because of the damage—either you kill him, or you lose.
I've also seen Archers in guild leagues. When you see the score at the end, you notice the class dying the most, like 15 to 20 times, for example, while still being the top damage dealer in the match. If they manage those numbers even after dying so many times, imagine what would happen if you gave the class more survivability.
This is consistent with what the class does in nodes/sieges. In that game mode, you can't target Archers so easily because of the terrain, and they can use teammates to protect themselves better. As a result, the class tends to have good kills in the end.
I can imagine that dying instantly in Solares and guild leagues is frustrating and feels unfair, but the way I see it, the fact that Archers can be killed "easier" is what makes the class "balanced." If there were a better balance between damage and survivability, the class would have better chances and be more enjoyable.
As I said before, I'm not an archer expert; I'm just sharing my perspective as someone who sees Archers from the outside.
Another dead topic about an archer. There have already been a lot of them... PA completely ignore archer. I would even say “they hate him.” Last summer, his dmg was even specially reduced against the backdrop of an increase in everyone’s def. Therefore, there is no point in hoping for any changes for the better. The PA has hated us since day one and I don't understand why.
It's also funny how every topic about an archer is accompanied by total hatred from other classes regarding a class that LITERALLY no one plays. At the same time, no one cares that in the game there are such wonderful classes as zerk, striker, hash, sorc, and other “balanced” classes. But as soon as we talk about an archer who is not represented anywhere in the game, then immediately “no, you don’t need that.”
I don't think archer is broken, but if you were to give survivability to the class, it would be. (When I talk about survivability, I'm referring to mobility, protections, stamina, etc.—anything that helps a class survive.) What makes the class balanced now, in my opinion, is that you can kill him if you pressure him a bit.
I've seen Archers in Solares; the class is bad because he dies pretty quickly, but if you let him live, you lose. You can't ignore him because of the damage—either you kill him, or you lose.
I've also seen Archers in guild leagues. When you see the score at the end, you notice the class dying the most, like 15 to 20 times, for example, while still being the top damage dealer in the match. If they manage those numbers even after dying so many times, imagine what would happen if you gave the class more survivability.
This is consistent with what the class does in nodes/sieges. In that game mode, you can't target Archers so easily because of the terrain, and they can use teammates to protect themselves better. As a result, the class tends to have good kills in the end.
I can imagine that dying instantly in Solares and guild leagues is frustrating and feels unfair, but the way I see it, the fact that Archers can be killed "easier" is what makes the class "balanced." If there were a better balance between damage and survivability, the class would have better chances and be more enjoyable.
As I said before, I'm not an archer expert; I'm just sharing my perspective as someone who sees Archers from the outside.
You say "If you let him live, you lose" but that’s the entire problem. This logic sounds compelling, but it’s simplistic and misleading. The "kill-or-be-killed" dynamic works in theory, but in practice, the Archer’s fragility doesn’t just balance its damage, it chains it to mediocrity. In Solares or small scale PvP, being “high risk, high reward” doesn’t mean much when the risk is guaranteed death due to nonexistent defensive tools and stamina running out faster than a sprinter in flip flops. The Archer isn’t balanced, it’s conditional. In PvP, conditional performance is the hallmark of a struggling class. Yes, Archer deals high damage, congrats, you’ve identified its core mechanic. But what you’re missing is that damage is meaningless when it’s gated behind: High cooldowns, reliance on perfect positioning and zero margin for error due to poor survivability. The "just kill him" mindset works because Archer doesn’t have the tools to mitigate pressure. A true glass cannon shouldn’t shatter the moment someone breathes on it, the class should reward skillful play by allowing its user to survive just long enough to execute that devastating damage.
Let’s imagine for a moment... slightly better stamina management wouldn’t make Archer a tank, it would make it capable of kiting more effectively. Improved mobility or disengage tools wouldn’t make it unkillable; it would allow it to reposition without burning half its kit. Balanced protections (not full SA on everything) would allow it to survive brief skirmishes without melting instantly. These changes wouldn’t create an immortal sniper, they’d create a class that can actually engage in its intended playstyle. And if you’re worried about a "survivable Archer" in wars, remember: terrain and teammates already do most of the heavy lifting there. A few buffs to stamina and protections won’t suddenly make Archer dominate every PvP mode. You said "Archers die a lot but top the damage charts" bro... this is not a flex. Archers in guild leagues and node wars rack up deaths but still deal top damage, but let’s call this what it is, a glaring design flaw masquerading as balance.
Why should the Archer playerbase accept a playstyle that amounts to "run in, die, repeat"? That’s not skillful gameplay, it’s a kamikaze routine. No other class is forced to trade its life for relevance as consistently as Archer, and suggesting that this somehow makes the class "balanced" is disingenuous at best and your insistence that survivability buffs would ruin the class comes from a place of misunderstanding. Buffing stamina economy, refining mobility, or tweaking protections doesn’t mean giving Archer Succession Wizard teleports or Awakening Striker DR. It means giving it the tools to function as intended, a ranged harasser with just enough survivability to capitalize on its damage. A better balanced Archer wouldn’t dominate every scenario; it would simply stop feeling like a coin flip between "carry the fight" and "respawn simulator."
From the outside looking in, it’s easy to see Archer as “balanced” because it deals big numbers and dies a lot. But from the inside, the class is a house of cards, impressive when standing, but collapse prone when touched. If you’re content with seeing Archers drop like flies in every PvP scenario, that’s fine. But don’t call it balance, it’s a band-aid over a broken foundation. And until those cracks are addressed, Archer players will continue to feel like they’re playing the game on hard mode while everyone else enjoys a smoother ride. Next time, maybe step inside the Archer’s boots before offering solutions that solve nothing.
Hello :)
Yes, I agree with you, but we are practically saying the same thing. I've posted two messages in this thread, and this is the third. If you look at them carefully, I basically say that the current archer can be frustrating to play and feel unfair because, "the class does a lot of damage but has low survivability," causing them to die a lot. I also suggested that a possible way to fix this is to lower the archer's PvP damage and increase their survivability. The reason archers die so quickly is that they deal so much damage that the only viable option is to focus them to death to have a chance. If you leave them alone, you can't win. By lowering that damage and increasing their survivability, you achieve two things: people won't go straight for the archer because leaving him alive won't mean losing, and increased survivability will discourage targeting the archer, allowing them to play more freely. The objective here is to make the archer's gameplay more enjoyable, even if it seems like I'm asking for a nerf, which isn't my intention.
I'm not an archer expert, so I wouldn't know exactly in what proportion or which skills should be changed to achieve this.