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1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 17 : 12 07 feb. 2025
CET 18 : 12 07 feb. 2025
PST 9 : 12 07 feb. 2025
EST 12 : 12 07 feb. 2025
18/01/2025 Deadeye Feedback
18 ene. 2025, 20:38 (UTC)
689 2
Última modificación : 18 ene. 2025, 20:38 (UTC)
# 1

[Deadeye] Feedback Summary

BDO Class Hub Discord



This feedback summary is based on the most common feedback provided in the BDO Class Hub Discord. Each topic is presented according to the number of upvotes and frequency of mentions. Feedback is organized by general issues, skill-specific points, and any additional topics, followed by screenshots of all reactions.
Note: Repeated feedback will be combined, and the final vote count reflects the total number of upvotes minus downvotes. The forum runner will not add their own opinions or personal votes. Any previous feedback that remains relevant will be restated for context.

1. General Feedback
• Changes awakening kit to allow transitions and overall use (+55 upvotes)
At the current moment the awakening kit lacks overall use and ease of transitions. The damage of the lil’devil skills is much too low to compensate for the high animation and mana costs while having little protections, as well as the lack of ease to enter into the skills from the pre-awakening kit making the overall feel of the awakening side of deadeye poor and obsolete. The ideas given to change this were an increase to the damage of the skills themselves while speeding up the animations to allow for use inside of combos. There also should be addition to the skills to allow flows into them from the pre-awakening kit allowing for activation while mid combat. If the damage increases aren't possible for balance then a decrease in mana costs while greatly increasing animation speed are also desirable as a way to add into the use of awakening. Lastly the awakening kit also needs more skills overall including the core selection as with it having so few skills even with the above changes it still won't be viable enough for general use.

• Increase to dr and defensive abilities or an increase to range and damage (+66 upvotes)
Deadeye exists in a strange place as she is a ranged class that does not play at a distance to other classes meaning at her current stats she is far too fragile to compete with other pseudo melee classes but doesn’t possess the range to fight with the other pseudo ranged classes. The way to fix this would be either increasing her defensive capabilities with a buff to her DR and adding in more frontal guards while raising her self sustain by adding more skills that heal or restore health, or by increasing her range and damage to allow a more glass cannon burst type of playstyle. With the current range and protection the class has when engaging both PVE and PVP she is able to be killed from neutral position with very little impact, while just increasing her PVE defence with an addition of an infinite iframe set that she currently doesn’t possess outside of evasion roll will help the overlying issue of her defence to damage ration will be present. A range and damage increase to the overall kit will help solve the issue but it isn't the only solution as either will work that being a defence increase or the offensive increase.

• Lack of self buffs (+19 upvotes)
Deadeye only has self buffs being on her Ebuff/Gunslinger standoff and her black spirits rage, this is uncommon and overall poor for the class feel. Adding self ap and accuracy buffs will help in the lack of damage on the more aggressive skills while helping the pressure of gunslinger standoff being extremely poor to use and maximise.

• Lack of stamina (+29 upvotes)
WIth the lack of defence and self sustain her current playstyle of dive and run she has far too high of stamina costs while the passive to consume health inplace may work in pve sacrificing health in pvp to try and run is extremely risky when paired with the lack of defence she already has. A reduction the the costs of the movement skills or adding a skill that can recover stamina at an enhanced rate is much needed and requested.

• Add fall damage protection to aerial skills (+3 upvotes)
The aerial skills often lead to taking damage when used on slopes or on objects the are higher elevation adding a reduction or prevention for a certain time after using it would allow for great creativity and use in more locations.

• Mana Sustain (+35 upvotes)
The mana costs and lack of any skills that naturally restore create a dependency on pots and more importantly the infinite pot, reducing the costs and adding one or two skills that can naturally restore mana will help greatly.

• Shotgun and rocket skills don't flow momentum (+8 upvotes)
After using the movement skills or the revolver skills that aren't animation locks swapping into the shotgun or rocket completely halt all momentum and lock you in place this can rather dangerous or irritating if slightly mistimed as there's no way to easily reposition after swapping, adding slight movement or momentum to the shotgun or rocket skills will help solve this disconnect.

2. Specific Skills

• E buff/Gunslinger standoff (+51 upvotes)
The current E buff/Class buff is extremely convoluted and weak in comparison to other classes. The lack of stats on it is rather strange being only critical chance and ap when other classes have 4 to 6 stats makes it appear much weaker. When added to the fact the values of the 2 stats are low and require very out of place mechanics to increase past the initial value of 10ap the buff requires a lot of work to even be considered equal to other buffs of the category. Either add other stats to the buff to begin with , or add more ways to increase the ap value other than the bullet change or lastly, remove the requirement for increasing the value and make it naturally the 40ap are much needed changes.

• Sunset piercer (+41 upvotes)
The skill being locked aim animation is extremely clunky and creates too many openings for punishment. The proposed changes are to add 360 degree camera movement while channeling the skill, increase the overall speed of the first 5 shots, and make the frontal guard only drop on the last shot of the skill.

• BSR Quickdraw (+66 upvotes)
The animation being camera locked and the speed are both issues that make using the bsr much worse over just consuming rage. Adding 360 degree camera movement allowing for aim tracking through drastic movement, as well as speeding up the animation to allow for use in combat without extreme commitment would both do greatly for allowing the bsr to be considered over just consuming rage.

• Mayhem (+20 upvotes)
This skill is often used for just a stamina buffer rather than an offensive skill, an increase to the effect range and targeting range would allow for greater flow and combo placement in a kit. The other issue is the cooldown lock it has, removing it will allow for repositioning and buffer damage in much greater quantities in pve without impacting the pvp side of the kit.

• Light up the sky (+22 upvotes)
The camera lock and restriction are detrimental to the skill allowing 360 camera movement will help greatly.

• Take cover (+42 upvotes)
The skill locking movement is clunky and creates flow issues, the skill should be cancelable by movement in any direction allowing for quick change.

• Switch n load +49 upvotes)
The animation speed and overall skill lock while using creat a large disconnect in general gameplay flow. Speeding up the animation while making it cancelable by using other skills will allow the flow and ease of use greatly increase without breaking the core identity of the skill and round swap system.

• The good The bad The ugly (+17 upvotes)
Adding an attack speed buff to the revolver section of the passive is desired.

• Hells Spread (+26 upvotes)
The desired changes are an increase to overall speed and animation time of the skill itself and adding a frontal guard to the skill and moving the knockback to a different skill, Ol’switcheroo being the suggestion.

• Flow Duble trouble (+19 upvotes)
The skill is far too slow for a flow on a class with so little defence, the asked for changes are an increase to animation speed and more skill it can flow off of.

• Trailblazer (+14 upvotes)
The stamina cost is too high, allowing stamina regen during the initial skill or increasing the overall movement distance are changes that will offset the cost.

• Frontier Survivor (+14 upvotes)
A passive that consumes stamina on a class with low base hp and extremely low defence makes too little sense and is asked for a rework entirely.

3. Quality of Life Improvements

• add more skills to the quickslot option (+16 upvotes)

Adding more skills to the hotkey option and increasing customizability.

• Add variation to the shotgun animations (+20 upvotes)

The current shotgun skills are nearly all identical and far to easy to mistake for other skills, adding variation will allow for ease of use and for PvP counterplay. the projected changes are as follow, a change in the spread size, a change in the amount of pellets/explosions, a change in colors, and lastly a change in particle effect.

• More cancels to skills (+3 upvotes)

Adding more skills that can be candled into other skills for increased flow and potential for quick decisions.

4. Bugs/Issues

• Marni round hit detection (+23 upvotes)
When using marni rounds on the shotgun skills they “Randomly”,unsure the trigger, will no longer have hit detection and consistently deal no damage. This was tested and collaborated by multiple sources.

• Absolute Max pain (+11 upvotes)
When upgrading to the absolute version of the skill the stiffen in PvE is lost.

• Attack on RMB locks randomly (+3 upvotes)
When using skills in combat randomly the RMB will lock and no longer activate until the auto attack skill is used.

Screenshots & Voting Transparency
A collection of all feedback posts, votes, and community reactions is provided below for full transparency.


Última modificación : 19 ene. 2025, 01:41 (UTC)
# 2

I'm happy you touched on how all the shotgun skills look the same... It makes playing the class feel really boring at times, and I hadn't seen anyone else talking about it.

44 212
Lv 63

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