Black Desert va commencer dans quelques instants.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert si le jeu ne se lance pas.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert pour lancer le jeu.

Le jeu sera lancé si le lanceur est déjà installé.
Si rien ne se produit, veuillez lancer vous-même le lanceur.

Guide d'installation

1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

2 Lancez le jeu une fois l'installation terminée.

Guide de l'aventurier

Conquest War

Dernière modification : 18 sept. 2024, 15:30 (UTC)


What is a Conquest War?

Conquest War is large-scale PvP content between Guilds/Alliances competing for supremacy over the territories of Calpheon, Mediah, or Valencia.

This guide will provide a complete walkthrough on Conquest Wars

◈ How long is a Conquest War

Conquest Wars start every Saturday at 8:00 PM and are 2 hours long by default. Time is added every time a defensive gate is destroyed, and the duration of a Conquest War can be extended to be up to 4 hours. .



◈ How to participate

To participate in Conquest Wars, Guilds/Alliances must have occupied at least one node.
You must have participated in a Node War during a Sunday-Friday of that week, occupied at least one node, and installed a Field HQ or Command Post 1 hour prior to the start of the Conquest War.


◈ Field HQs and Command Posts

You must have installed a Field HQ or Command Post to participate in a Conquest War.  You can buy both buildings from the Guild Military Supply Manager, each for 1,000,000,000 Silver. 
Field HQs and Command Posts have different max numbers of annexes that can be built around them. As such, a strategic decision on which building to construct may significantly affect your chances of achieving victory.



Field HQ 

Command Post 




Recovery Center



Cannon Observatory 



Hwacha / Big Hwacha 



Flame Tower / Enhanced Flame Tower 



Elephant Nursery 



Supply Depot 



Wooden Fence Gate 



Wooden Fence 



Siege Defense Tower 



Medium Siege Tower Workshop 



Large Siege Tower Workshop 



Indomitable Flag Factory 



Ballista Workshop 




* Refer to the Annex Guide for more details about each annex building.

* Once a Field HQ or Command Post is installed, it will take 1 hour for it to be constructed. They can be dismantled at any time, except in the following cases: 

(If the Conquest War has already started, there is less than 1 hour remaining until the Conquest War begins, or the building has already been fully constructed.)

◈ Conquest War Territories

Different stat limits are applied depending on which Conquest War territory you participate in: Calpheon, Mediah, or Valencia. 
Take this into consideration when installing your Field HQ or Command Post in your desired territory.


Conquest War Territories  Stats limits
 AP Restriction : 475
Evasion Restriction : 847
Evasion Rate Restriction : 20%
Damage Reduction Restriction : 347
Damage Reduction Rate Restriction : 23%
Accuracy Restriction : 726
Accuracy Rate Restriction : 20%
All Resistance Restriction : -
Special Evasion Rate Restriction : 30%

No restriction
 AP Restriction : 457
Evasion Restriction : 818
Evasion Rate Restriction : 20%
Damage Reduction Restriction : 326
Damage Reduction Rate Restriction : 19%
Accuracy Restriction : 719
Accuracy Rate Restriction : 20%
All Resistance Restriction : -
Special Evasion Rate Restriction : 20%


* Additional benefits for each territory may vary periodically.


◈ Guild/Alliance Participation

Guild members can participate in Conquest Wars by pressing the participation button in the guild window (G).


▲ A guild or alliance can have a maximum of 100 members.


Conquest War Rules

If a Conquest War has begun, the nature of the battle will progress differently depending on whether there is a defending side or not.



◈ When there is no Defending Guild

If there is no defending guild present, the conditions for victory remain the same as Node Wars. Destroying all Field HQs or Command Posts of other guilds/alliances while ensuring that your own Field HQ or Command Post remains intact will lead to your victory.

However, if there are two or more guilds remaining at the end of the Conquest War, it does not result in liberation like in Node Wars. Instead, the guild/alliance that obtains a higher score through the point system will be declared winner and occupy the territory.

- The following point-based system will be applied if there is no defending guild/alliance present and there are two or more guilds/alliances remaining at the end of the Conquest War.


Point-based system
Determined based on various factors, including the remaining durability of Command Posts/Field HQs, number of destroyed enemy Command Posts/Field HQs/annexes, number of enemies defeated, and number of deaths


Point guildines


Remaining durability at the end of the Conquest War
Command Post/Field HQ 50 points per 1% of remaining durabiliity
Defeated enemies/death counts
Each defeated enemy 1 point
Each death by enemy 1 point
Score for each type of command post/field headquarters and annex buildings destroyed

Flimsy Barricade

1 point


1 point

Iron Barricade

5 points

Flimsy Wooden Fence

10 points

Wooden Fence

20 points

Wooden Fence Gate

20 points

Siege Defense Tower

1 point

Enhanced Flame Tower

100 points

Big Hwacha

100 points

Supply Depot

80 points

Recovery Center

70 points

Cannon Observatory

50 points

Elephant Nursery

50 points

Indomitable Flag Factory

50 points

Medium Siege Tower Workshop

50 points

Large Siege Tower Workshop

50 points

Ballista Workshop

50 points

Flame Tower

50 points


50 points

Indomitable Flag

30 points

Conquest War Fort/Command Post/Field HQ

150 points


* The top 5 guilds/alliances at the end of the Conquest War (minus the one that emerges as Lord), based on this point system will receive the Burning Spirit Reward based on their rankings.
- When the point system is applied, rewards will be obtained differentially based on the elapsed battle time.
* Guilds/alliances whose Command Posts/Field HQs are destroyed within the first hour after the start of the Conquest War can obtain a Fighting Spirit Reward (Gold Bars worth 150,000,000 Silver, Resplendent Medal of Honor x10).
* Guilds/alliances whose Command Posts/Field HQs were destroyed after the first hour receive w least a Burning Inspiration Reward (Gold Bars worth 250,000,000 Silver, Resplendent Medal of Honor x36). Ranking will be determined based on the time of destruction.

* If there are fewer than 6 guilds/alliances remaining at the end of the Conquest War, rewards are given based on the order of destruction of Command Posts/Field HQs

For example, if there are 4 guilds/alliances remaining at the end of the Conquest War, 
the guild/alliance that achieves the highest score among the remaining guilds/ alliances becomes lord and receives the Glorious Victor Reward, and the guilds/alliances from 2nd-4th place will each receive a Burning Spirit Reward (2-6th place will receive from 300 million to a maximum of 700 million Silver worth of Gold Bars, Resplendent Medal of Honor x36)(V)/(IV)/(III)
The Burning Spirit Reward (II)/(I) will be given to the remaining guild/alliances whose Forts/Command Posts were destroyed last, based on the order of destruction. 



◈ When there is a Defending Guild

If there is a defending guild, the attacking guilds will join forces to attack the Fort of the defending guild.

In this case, the initial duration of a Conquest War is 20:00 to 22:00, lasting for 2 hours. However, if the first gate, known as the Outer Gate, is destroyed, 30 minutes are added to the total duration. 

If the second gate, known as the Inner Gate, is destroyed, an additional 30 minutes are added, extending the Conquest War to a total of 3 hours. 
If, ultimately, the defending side's Command Post or Field HQ is destroyed, an additional 1 hour is added, allowing the conquest war to last for a maximum of 4 hours.



◈ Achieving Victory in a Conquest War

When a guild achieves victory in a Conquest War, they become the owner of the territory, bringing great honor and prestige.  
Additionally, the guild gains access to the accumulated taxes within the territory, and individual participants who participated in the Conquest War will receive individual rewards.  
While the winning individuals will receive better rewards, participants who have lost also receive rewards.

◈ Individual Rewards

1. If you become lord of a territory through the point system:


Item Contains
Burning Spirit Victor Reward
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x2
Ancient Spirit Dust x500
Cron Stone x50
Resplendent Medal of Honor x84
Item Collection Increase Scroll x2
[Event] Scroll of the Glorious Battlefield x2


2. If a guild or alliance successfully destroys the buildings of all other guilds or alliances before the end of a Conquest War:


Item Contains
Glorious Victor Reward
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x2
Ancient Spirit Dust x1000
Cron Stone x100
Resplendent Medal of Honor x84
Item Collection Increase Scroll x3
[Event] Scroll of the Glorious Battlefield x3


* In the event that a Conquest War ends based on the point system, the guild/alliance that rank in the top 5 guilds, (excluding the ruling guild) can receive higher-tier awards based on their ranking.

◈ Item Drop Rate Bonus

If you occupy a territory through a Conquest War, you can gain a +50% increase to your Item Drop Rate when hunting in specific territories.
Territory Conquest benefits
Item Drop Rate +50% when hunting in Calpheon and  Kamasylvia territories (same as before) 
Changed to:  Item Drop Rate +50% when hunting in Mediah, O'dyllita, and Mountain of Eternal Winter territories
Changed to:  Item Drop Rate +50% when hunting in Valencia, Serendia, and Dreighan territories 


* The benefits of each territory are subject to periodic changes.

◈ Tax

When becoming the lord of a territory, the guild will acquire the taxes collected from the territory as guild funds. Refer to the rules regarding taxes below.

- In a Conquest War, all guilds/alliances participating in the siege can plunder 2% of the scheduled tax collection amount accumulated in the territory every 10 minutes after the start of the Conquest War. They can plunder up to a maximum of 20%.

- As the consecutive weeks of occupation by the defending guild increase, the maximum amount of tax that can be plundered increases by 2% each week, up to a maximum of 30% after 5 weeks of consecutive occupation.

- The criteria for the amount of plundered tax is based on the time of destruction of the last guild/alliance's Command Post/Field HQ, and it is distributed equally among all participating guilds/alliances in the siege. (However, the plundered tax can only be obtained if the defending guild/alliance successfully defends the territory during the Conquest War.)

- In other words, if the title of lord taken by another guild/alliance that participated in the siege, the plundered tax cannot be obtained.

- When a guild/alliance is victorious in the Conquest War and occupies a territory, 50% of the accumulated tax in that territory during the first week of occupation will be used as security budget, and only the remaining 50% will be obtained.

- With consecutive occupations, the security budget decreases. When occupying the territory for more than 5 consecutive weeks, it is possible to obtain 100% of the accumulated tax amount in the territory.

- The guild/alliance that is victorious can obtain both the accumulated tax in the occupied node and individual victory rewards.


* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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