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UTC 0 : 5 18 mai 2024
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The Reason Why So Many People Quit and Comeback Only to Quit Again and Why This Will not Change
22 déc. 2021, 21:42 (UTC)
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Dernière modification : 8 oct. 2022, 01:08 (UTC)
# 111

Literally don't care if people talk smack about BDO, say they think it sucks, complaints, whatever --

what peeves me is friggin' misinformation.

Gripes = gripes.  Misinformation = lies.  I can deal with QQ.  Lies, not as easily.  So much misinformation here.

Dernière modification : 8 oct. 2022, 01:30 (UTC)
# 112
On: Oct 8, 2022, 00:41 (UTC), Written by PeaceInChaos

Try to read better, sensitive old timer (your words).

The Magnus is coming soon and it offers one FREE PEN Boss Gear through a questline.

I never said Jetina was "free".  I said Jetina is a 100% Guaranteed PEN.

300 million silver an hour is farmed quite easily at Centaurus' Herd.  30 mil an hour?  Have you not played in over a year?  Go to and check the global averages -- Centaurus' Herd grindspot averages 369 mil an hour with only Blue Loot Scroll.  It averages 597 mil an hour with Blue LS + Agris.  Centaurus' is a 190 AP spot.  I'm looking at Sherekan at 381 SPH, 210 AP spot.  The list goes on.  New players have literal tons of grind spots to choose from to progress toward higher gear, and with the Central Market revamp, most items new players need have never been easier to buy than ever before.


You say PVP is "bullshit" to you, but you yourself mentioned it in the first place.  When T1 nodes, 2/3 castle sieges, AoS, are ALL gear capped.  So don't say the game only has contents for PVP or high geared when, literally, every PVP activity, aside from RBF and Open World, is literally gear capped so Tuvala players can play it.

"Story is shit and ridiculous" and you say it isn't subjective without providing one single point of contention other than "this game has better lore".  Give examples.  Oh wait, you can't... because you know nothing about it.  The game's lore is pretty deep in BDO, many NPC's that quests don't send you to give additional insight, requiring players to find these lore pieces on their own.  Aside from that, the revamped the original starting quests -- it's clearer to understand and more cinematic and voice acted as well.  IMO, it's probably "average", but that's a lot better than many other games can say.  I tip my hat off to the devs for their work, it's clear they have put considerable effort into improving the game on many fronts -- including the story.  Here's a link to BDO's lore, it hasn't been updated since 2018, but this site offers good insight into the many plot twists, intricacies, and how the story weaves between regions.  Keep in mind, the lore has gotten deeper since then, with the introduction of new regions.


"The main problem of this game : it was supposed to be adapted to our (NA and EU) way to play mmo's."

Who in the world told you that?  Can you cite a dev saying this?  Or are you making stuff up again?

"no dungeons with real mechanics, no group missions, no tactics in gameplay...every powerful mob hits very hard and has a lot of hp...that's all!"

There are dungeons with "real" mechanics, like puzzles.  But dungeons aren't required, they're optional, hence me saying I like the fact there is no FORCED group content.  No tactics in gameplay? -- obviously, you've never done a Node War.  Tactics plays a HUGE role in organizaed PVP.  The PVE in BDO, like I said, is comparable to Diablo.  It's not a WoW clone.  SUBJECTIVE if you like it or not.  So if you don't like Diablo or Warframe-style PVE, then THAT'S LITERALLY THE DEFINITION OF SUBJECTIVE.

Thing about BDO is options -- There are ways to play solo or group, though, yes, the game is more solo than your traditional themepark, casual, carebear, PVE, forced group content, boring tab target zero mechanical skill, type MMO.

When it comes to farming "powerful mobs", it's about maximizing your DPS -- proc add-ons, pull well, and efficiency, to make the most silver per hour.  Self-agency.  No reliance on others.  I like it because I am in full control of my character and don't need to rely on other people to get the job done!  I'll DO IT MYSELF. 

That being said, I'm more than open to more optional group content - They are introducing a thrid dungeon as well, soon, so there's that.  More group content is always nice, but IMO, make it viable, but keep it optional, like it is now.

"So, if you're lvl 66 with 700+ gs, you will run on everything while less involved players, unlucky ones or just a little more casual can't access all content. An example, just go and see what happens vs uber world bosses.....only a few can resist their attacks while the majority just die."

How do you think I got level 66 and 700+ GS?  I played this game for 5+ years as my main MMO -- that's how.  You think I got here in a month?  My point is -- This is an MMORPG.  You play and your progress by grinding.  Every MMO makes you grind.  "Less involved players" (oh, you mean like you?) need to grind too, everyone does, in order to access the hardest content.  Don't like it?  Then don't play an MMO.  Or go play some throwaway, short-term, handhold, easy-peasy, no brain or willpower needed, casual wonderland MMO instead.

"The pleasants and positives points of this game : animations are just amazing and the bestiary is pretty nice and that's all! 

But I suppose for the ones who can unplug their brains, farming, crafting, sailing etc are interesting. I just can't....and I'm not alone! But by habit and because I spent a lot of money in this game, I can't quit as I like few points and my chrs. Yes, I know, I'm a sensitive old timer."

You're only scratching the surface.  BDO lets players set their own goals, choose their own path to achieve those goals, and many goals take a very, very long time to achieve, like crafting a Carrack or grinding for PEN DIstortion Earrings.  This is a grinder-game at it's core.  For me, when I work at something for a long time, and achieve the goal I set forth for myself, it makes getting there that much more meaningful.  I don't like easy gains, I don't like expansions that render gear useless, the gear treadmill in BDO is a steady upward progression (unless you enhance and fail everything like an idiot), it's not a reach max gear then wait til the next expansion MMO.

Sunk cost fallacy -- by saying you spent too much money so you have to stay.  That's a YOU problem, old timer.  (I'm pretty old, myself).

Like I said, you've barely experienced the game.  And it's quite clear to me that you'll forever be in the same place in BDO with a stuck mindset.  It's OK.  BDO is NOT for everyone.  It's pretty niche.  For me, I'll eventually get 2 PEN Distortion Earrings and a PEN Turo's Belt.  I'll also get the new Fallen God Gloves to at least DUO at first, then eventually TRI, then TET later on, always steadily progressing, getting hard-ons when looking at my progress, improving in PVP, and exploring different ways of playstyle.  All because I've found a gameplay loop that works for me, and I enjoy the long-haul-style gameplay BDO has to offer.  It's the only MMO that can keep me interested at end-game, the things I value most are; 1) Steady forward progression through grinding, 2) PVP, 3) Self-agency, and 4) Options / diversity.

OP say he update black desert lore with every black desert update, so his last update is from august 2022

"The main problem of this game : it was supposed to be adapted to our (NA and EU) way to play mmo's."

Who in the world told you that?  Can you cite a dev saying this?  Or are you making stuff up again?

shai censorship ?

Dernière modification : 8 oct. 2022, 02:37 (UTC)
# 113
Écrit le : 8 oct. 2022, 00:48 (UTC), par : PeaceInChaos

100% Guranteed, zero enahncing required, after getting the Jetina TET which requires PEN Tuvala.  PEN Tuvala is the only thing you'd need to enahcne and it is very easy to get.  Increased enhancement rates with Tuvala, materials for Tuvala do not cost silver, only playtime

You said, I quote

100% PEN quests cost ZERO silver to complete.  ZERO enhancing required. 

And that is actually incorrect whatever way you put it, and just what I wanted to underline in my first post, nothing more.

It does cost silver to complete (for the crystals)

It does have enhancing prerequisites (or costs more silver if you buy from the market to skip the gambling that someones did fo you)

It's just the way it is.

And I didn't say that it was you that called it "Free PEN", that's why i specifically said "some players" (otherwise I would just have said "You")

About that part

It's the closest thing to Street Fighter and I've been playing SF since SFII Turbo when I was in elementary school.

For an MMORPG (and even that is debatable, as far as I know Blade and Soul, for what it's worth and whatever the qualities it may or may not have, was the most followed MMORPG when it comes to 1v1).

There are some PvP fundamentals that you will find in every genre as soon as a player plays against another, be it sports games, action, strategy, puzzles, etc, and even in a lot of other activities that are not videogames. But staying on the videogame universe, some MMORPGs aspects are the complete antithesis of Vs fighting games fundamentals, and that's because of the RPG part in the MMORPG acronym.

No Vs Fighting game occurency has ever been resolved by the roll of a dice. There is no randomness, making the parameters much more controlled.

It is a HUGE difference when it comes to gameplay. And Pearl Abyss will never be able to produce any kind of reliable frame data for the game, since they can't have a hold on this parameter neither.

About your response to Findubar ... Sorry, you didn't really disrpouve his points, but just gave avoidance solutions.

It's not because you present ways to avoid these aspects that they don't exist.

For example

"Gambling" -- Self control and the right mindset counters this.

Well, yeah, indeed, but it doesn't change the fact that it still exist in the game and is a huge lever for monetisation. It's basically an integral part of the economic model, so does have an influence on the general gamedesign. Telling otherwise or minimizing it is what could be seen as actual misinformation.

I don't really like that term, and don't really have anything against you neither in the first place, but this specific post, the one after and their general tone really sound like sunk cost fallacy fallen white knighting. Mind you, every old time veteran still playing, myself included, has fallen for it, be it because of money or time invested.

Dernière modification : 8 oct. 2022, 02:15 (UTC)
# 114
Écrit le : 8 oct. 2022, 01:20 (UTC), par : vkobe

"The main problem of this game : it was supposed to be adapted to our (NA and EU) way to play mmo's."

Who in the world told you that?  Can you cite a dev saying this?  Or are you making stuff up again

I think he mentions Olivier Derache's words, who was DAUM CM during the western beta and release, and said for example that we would never see things such as value packs or such other P2W items in our version because they wanted to adapt the offer for the western market. It didn't go that way obviously.

Dernière modification : 8 oct. 2022, 02:14 (UTC)
# 115
Écrit le : 8 oct. 2022, 00:41 (UTC), par : PeaceInChaos

Try to read better, sensitive old timer (your words).

The Magnus is coming soon and it offers one FREE PEN Boss Gear through a questline.

I never said Jetina was "free".  I said Jetina is a 100% Guaranteed PEN.

300 million silver an hour is farmed quite easily at Centaurus' Herd.  30 mil an hour?  Have you not played in over a year?  Go to and check the global averages -- Centaurus' Herd grindspot averages 369 mil an hour with only Blue Loot Scroll.  It averages 597 mil an hour with Blue LS + Agris.  Centaurus' is a 190 AP spot.  I'm looking at Sherekan at 381 SPH, 210 AP spot.  The list goes on.  New players have literal tons of grind spots to choose from to progress toward higher gear, and with the Central Market revamp, most items new players need have never been easier to buy than ever before.


You say PVP is "bullshit" to you, but you yourself mentioned it in the first place.  When T1 nodes, 2/3 castle sieges, AoS, are ALL gear capped.  So don't say the game only has contents for PVP or high geared when, literally, every PVP activity, aside from RBF and Open World, is literally gear capped so Tuvala players can play it.

"Story is shit and ridiculous" and you say it isn't subjective without providing one single point of contention other than "this game has better lore".  Give examples.  Oh wait, you can't... because you know nothing about it.  The game's lore is pretty deep in BDO, many NPC's that quests don't send you to give additional insight, requiring players to find these lore pieces on their own.  Aside from that, the revamped the original starting quests -- it's clearer to understand and more cinematic and voice acted as well.  IMO, it's probably "average", but that's a lot better than many other games can say.  I tip my hat off to the devs for their work, it's clear they have put considerable effort into improving the game on many fronts -- including the story.  Here's a link to BDO's lore, it hasn't been updated since 2018, but this site offers good insight into the many plot twists, intricacies, and how the story weaves between regions.  Keep in mind, the lore has gotten deeper since then, with the introduction of new regions.


"The main problem of this game : it was supposed to be adapted to our (NA and EU) way to play mmo's."

Who in the world told you that?  Can you cite a dev saying this?  Or are you making stuff up again?

"no dungeons with real mechanics, no group missions, no tactics in gameplay...every powerful mob hits very hard and has a lot of hp...that's all!"

There are dungeons with "real" mechanics, like puzzles.  But dungeons aren't required, they're optional, hence me saying I like the fact there is no FORCED group content.  No tactics in gameplay? -- obviously, you've never done a Node War.  Tactics plays a HUGE role in organizaed PVP.  The PVE in BDO, like I said, is comparable to Diablo.  It's not a WoW clone.  SUBJECTIVE if you like it or not.  So if you don't like Diablo or Warframe-style PVE, then THAT'S LITERALLY THE DEFINITION OF SUBJECTIVE.

Thing about BDO is options -- There are ways to play solo or group, though, yes, the game is more solo than your traditional themepark, casual, carebear, PVE, forced group content, boring tab target zero mechanical skill, type MMO.

When it comes to farming "powerful mobs", it's about maximizing your DPS -- proc add-ons, pull well, and efficiency, to make the most silver per hour.  Self-agency.  No reliance on others.  I like it because I am in full control of my character and don't need to rely on other people to get the job done!  I'll DO IT MYSELF. 

That being said, I'm more than open to more optional group content - They are introducing a thrid dungeon as well, soon, so there's that.  More group content is always nice, but IMO, make it viable, but keep it optional, like it is now.

"So, if you're lvl 66 with 700+ gs, you will run on everything while less involved players, unlucky ones or just a little more casual can't access all content. An example, just go and see what happens vs uber world bosses.....only a few can resist their attacks while the majority just die."

How do you think I got level 66 and 700+ GS?  I played this game for 5+ years as my main MMO -- that's how.  You think I got here in a month?  My point is -- This is an MMORPG.  You play and your progress by grinding.  Every MMO makes you grind.  "Less involved players" (oh, you mean like you?) need to grind too, everyone does, in order to access the hardest content.  Don't like it?  Then don't play an MMO.  Or go play some throwaway, short-term, handhold, easy-peasy, no brain or willpower needed, casual wonderland MMO instead.

"The pleasants and positives points of this game : animations are just amazing and the bestiary is pretty nice and that's all! 

But I suppose for the ones who can unplug their brains, farming, crafting, sailing etc are interesting. I just can't....and I'm not alone! But by habit and because I spent a lot of money in this game, I can't quit as I like few points and my chrs. Yes, I know, I'm a sensitive old timer."

You're only scratching the surface.  BDO lets players set their own goals, choose their own path to achieve those goals, and many goals take a very, very long time to achieve, like crafting a Carrack or grinding for PEN DIstortion Earrings.  This is a grinder-game at it's core.  For me, when I work at something for a long time, and achieve the goal I set forth for myself, it makes getting there that much more meaningful.  I don't like easy gains, I don't like expansions that render gear useless, the gear treadmill in BDO is a steady upward progression (unless you enhance and fail everything like an idiot), it's not a reach max gear then wait til the next expansion MMO.

Sunk cost fallacy -- by saying you spent too much money so you have to stay.  That's a YOU problem, old timer.  (I'm pretty old, myself).

Like I said, you've barely experienced the game.  And it's quite clear to me that you'll forever be in the same place in BDO with a stuck mindset.  It's OK.  BDO is NOT for everyone.  It's pretty niche.  For me, I'll eventually get 2 PEN Distortion Earrings and a PEN Turo's Belt.  I'll also get the new Fallen God Gloves to at least DUO at first, then eventually TRI, then TET later on, always steadily progressing, getting hard-ons when looking at my progress, improving in PVP, and exploring different ways of playstyle.  All because I've found a gameplay loop that works for me, and I enjoy the long-haul-style gameplay BDO has to offer.  It's the only MMO that can keep me interested at end-game, the things I value most are; 1) Steady forward progression through grinding, 2) PVP, 3) Self-agency, and 4) Options / diversity.

Lore regroups every background, stories about world, mobs, npcs, etc. Lore in bdo is at best ridiculous and non-sense....(just see Belmont as an example). As I said and I prove it, you know nothing about lore and real mmo with a true and inteligent story...that's not really a shame but you should stop to "talk" about what you don't even know. Lore in Elder Scrolls, for example, is 100x better, intelligent, sought-after and richer so, plz, stop to compare!

BDO is far away easier than any themepark (what does that even mean!?) or classical mmo, where you have to think about tactics and postionning etc.... in bdo, nothing, you have the stuff and the lvl, you rush through! Anyway, most of the bdo ppls are spamming potions...I try to play without using any potion just because I prefer this "old school" way to play.

Yes, when I saw your lvl, I knew you were a no-lifer on this game and as many no-lifers you'll do your best to defend even the indefensible...that's why I wrote you're a "bollocks sucker". You're absolutely not objective and you certainly doesn't really know about others mmos which make you're even more subjective. Your last post is the ultimate proof : p2w not, p2w make rich players become gods, they just have to buy some outfits to have some cron stones, they can also directly buy some memory fragments, some artisan memories, whatever, not only for the pvp! And this game is even more and more p2w.

You don't like expansions that render gear useless...before boss gear there was green, then some liverto main weapon. Then blackstar, then god something, all these updates just make your stuff becomes useless but only no-lifers, cheaters and rich players can achieve to have and upgrade this kind of stuff....oh yes, and some sponsored streamers as well, and maybe some very "lucky" (I prefer benefical probabilities) "guys".

It's a grinder game because koreans like this kind of game....that's not really what europeans and americans were used to. Even if some like this, that's not common and that could be, at least, optionnal, especially when they ensure this game will be edited to be suitable for eu and na. Oh yes, the shop was modified to be more expensive....

And I don't care about being rewarded to have disconnected my brain for hours, days, months.....

By the way, another point....amazing, they will give the opportunity to have an accessory for 10 billions while this accessory is 40 billions worth....that's their leitmotiv, they give ppls some gifts, some silver while they drastically increase prices of every item. So, once you finally reach the amount you need to buy 1 item, its price increase by x2 or x3. And poors stay poors while richs becomes richer (that's korean, that's ultra-capitalist indeed but they could be more flexible). 

"Sunk cost fallacy", I don't complain about that, that's just my explanation of why I quit but don't quit.

Anyway, you have your pov and I have mine...that's the price to pay for the difference, and, thanks for this!

Dernière modification : 8 oct. 2022, 02:23 (UTC)
# 116
Écrit le : 8 oct. 2022, 01:20 (UTC), par : vkobe

OP say he update black desert lore with every black desert update, so his last update is from august 2022

"The main problem of this game : it was supposed to be adapted to our (NA and EU) way to play mmo's."

Who in the world told you that?  Can you cite a dev saying this?  Or are you making stuff up again?

shai censorship ?

That was their main information while they were meditating about releasing it outside Asia (somewhere in 2015 I think). But I suppose you're one of these guys who know nothing pretending knowing everything. Updating lore is a point, making it intelligent and exciting is another thing and they can't manage this, obviously.

Dernière modification : 8 oct. 2022, 02:27 (UTC)
# 117
Écrit le : 8 oct. 2022, 00:53 (UTC), par : vkobe

nah tera had good storyline until in 2016 when they replaced old staff, by incompetent staff, the story with freya, jelena, elleon  was good, but after argon or after level 60, the good old staff left bhs and we were stuck with idiot unable to do their job 

Ok maybe, I did not play it at release and I just played few months.

Dernière modification : 8 oct. 2022, 03:30 (UTC)
# 118
Écrit le : 8 oct. 2022, 02:23 (UTC), par : Bobyne

That was their main information while they were meditating about releasing it outside Asia (somewhere in 2015 I think). But I suppose you're one of these guys who know nothing pretending knowing everything. Updating lore is a point, making it intelligent and exciting is another thing and they can't manage this, obviously.

my god if you want respond to PeaceInChaos, quote him not me 

Dernière modification : 8 oct. 2022, 06:23 (UTC)
# 119

The reason?  First we don't quit, quiting means you never return.  The OP title of this thread suggests people quit and return.  When you quit playing any game it is forever.  Then they present this thread and gripe about their point of view and present this as everyone's shared opinion, this is also a misconception.

I have a life outside of this game and for that matter all the games I have ever played.  I can imagine you do too.  We get busy in the real world with work, school, trips, making money, eating... This is not quitting the game over some trivial game mechanics.  This is people setting aside toys to do other adult things.  I haven't played BDO since August, I think?  I was drawn back by the advertisement of the new Magnus event.  So I am here again.  I will play the game some more and when other things call me away I will be gone for awhile.  

When I quit a game, I burn my bridges.  I kill the account to avoid some feeble hacker giving me a bad reputation as a scammer.  I don't rant about quitting or make idle threats at the company about my reasons for leaving their game.  I just dissapear never to be seen again.  These atypical threads about gripes appear on all the game forums and they hold no weight with any developer making a salary and just doing their job.  The only reason I am here responding to this one is that horrible title that is filled with misinformation.

My reasons are not your reasons and quiting means you won't be back.

Dernière modification : 8 oct. 2022, 08:40 (UTC)
# 120
On: Oct 7, 2022, 19:08 (UTC), Written by PeaceInChaos

- New players have OVER 20 viable grind spots, spread over 3 regions, to choose from.  These spots can net between 300 - 600+ silver per hour using even TRI Tuvala gear (not fully enhanced Season gear).

Kinda laughtable that you a few days ago argued that 600m/h is lot even for geared players, and now say'n that even new ones can get it easily 🤡

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