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UTC 22 : 44 13 mai 2024
CEST 0 : 44 14 mai 2024
PDT 15 : 44 13 mai 2024
EDT 18 : 44 13 mai 2024
7% Shai(Classic) outfit tax
7 juil. 2022, 20:59 (UTC)
813 5
Dernière modification : 7 juil. 2022, 21:07 (UTC)
# 1

Ive noticed during the "choose your premium/classic outfit sale" that the Shai outfits are selling about as many per week as other classes are selling per day( While other classes newer outfits, at least the ones I have looked at because I want them, have little to no preorders- Shai's sits with dozens of preorders and minimal movement.

Someone pointed out to me the other night that they personally dont sell the Shai outfits because they make less silver per pearl

So I looked for myself(current 50% off sale)

Premium 840,000,000 for 1700 pearls

Classic 675,000,000 for 1450 pearls

It does appear obvious that there is significant difference in profit. I tried to become a mathemagician and came up with

494,117 silver per pearl for premium outfits

465,517 silver per pearl for classic outfits

Which, as you already know from the title is actually only 7% difference, much smaller than what it seems at first glance but not insignificant either

This is a problem for Shai as we only have classic outfit boxes. The result is that we are at a distinct and unique (drak will get awakening soon) disadvantage in central market access

A solution could be to increase the silver cap for classic outfit boxes on the CM by 7%(722,000,000).. but I know how much PA loves to pursue the most convoluted solution to any problem, and I have such a solution on offer. 

Throw random class awakening weapon costume in our boxes and sell us Premium boxes, we can resell or cron the extra item lol. Then we would be able to have an outfit in the Premium Outfit Box, and whales who are capping on pearl trades/week wont be discouraged from listing our lower value outfit boxes. and it would be funny

Gonna throw in two INB4s

1. If my math is wrong- Sorry, I am aware I am the dum. I play Shai ffs what you expect T-T

2. Yes I know we can just buy the items with pearls. Im not a f2p, despite failed attempts to be 😅. But I do prefer to earn things in game instead of swiping when it is within reason, and considering outfit boxes cost an hour of hexe sanctuary, they're extremely within reason to buy in game.. if people arent specifically incentivized to avoid listing the class you main :V



Dernière modification : 7 juil. 2022, 21:11 (UTC)
# 2

The reason why they have less silver/pearl ratio is mostlikely to make ppl buy and sell the more expensive outfits hence make more $$$

244 4634
Lv 62
Dernière modification : 7 juil. 2022, 21:58 (UTC)
# 3

well crap, its working 😭😂

Dernière modification : 11 juil. 2022, 20:08 (UTC)
# 4

As the sale is wrapping up, I decided to compare the 14 day total sales to 2 similar outfits, lunar blue and vermillion lotus

all 3 are the new outfits from this recent round of outfits, all 3 are the default option on the sale page for their class

179 vermillion lotus

172 lunar blue

33 hop hop troupe classic

I bought both the lunar blue and vermillion lotus outfits in under 2 hours on preorder total. It wasnt good luck, there were just no other preorders because they had all filled on the first day.

Meanwhile, Ive spent the rest of the sale PO on hop hop and it remains unfilled with 20 other preorders

I only barely want hop hop for the florang, its not a big deal if I dont get it- but there is no reason that Shai should be singled out yet again to be getting the shaft in another aspect of the game. We barely want to give PA money for outfits as is, since half of them look stupid on NA/EU as we have underwear or PJs sticking out all corners

Dernière modification : 19 août 2022, 19:57 (UTC)
# 5

still hasnt been addressed, probably wont ever be but still I bump

I think every Shai knows at this point that PA simply has no idea how Sol was made or how to work with it- so we will never get a talent/awak slot skin(a shame, too. pulling out marni's guitar for misty haze/delusive light would be neat)

but this market outfit situation remains dumb

Shai only has like one or two accessible outfits from commonly markettable boxes(classic outfit box and.. there is probably another) and any sale outfits will rarely be listed because classic outfit boxes are less profitable than premium

why is every aspect of this class cursed

at least we get nerfed next week, since we are viable at 3 spots.

we can all accept that in the name of balance though. its not as if we were completely forsaken as garbage at all top hunting grounds until gyfin underground came out and accidentally allowed us to participate in end game


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