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UTC 6 : 34 4 mai 2024
CEST 8 : 34 4 mai 2024
PDT 23 : 34 3 mai 2024
EDT 2 : 34 4 mai 2024
28/01/2023 Maegu Feedback
28 janv. 2023, 21:32 (UTC)
2614 28
Dernière modification : 25 févr. 2023, 19:09 (UTC)
# 21

Yea, this guy went a little far in his hyperbole. I do think he is spot on in his assessment though. Maegu is probably the most broken class that has even been released. Its been 2 weeks now with no adjustments to the class though, so basically this is the version we are going to be stuck with while they do all their work on the land of morning light.  Its probably going to be half a year before the class gets a 2nd look  and by that time theyre probably just going to start a year long process of bringing the other classes up to this level.

Dernière modification : 26 févr. 2023, 11:31 (UTC)
# 22

I really like Maegu ^^

Dernière modification : 26 févr. 2023, 15:09 (UTC)
# 23
On: Feb 25, 2023, 19:09 (UTC), Written by Crab18

Yea, this guy went a little far in his hyperbole. I do think he is spot on in his assessment though. Maegu is probably the most broken class that has even been released. Its been 2 weeks now with no adjustments to the class though, so basically this is the version we are going to be stuck with while they do all their work on the land of morning light.  Its probably going to be half a year before the class gets a 2nd look  and by that time theyre probably just going to start a year long process of bringing the other classes up to this level.

2 weeks since her second massive nerf. She'll probably be nerfed again when awakening comes. They gutted one of her ranged skills, nerfed other skills a second time, and her rabams are either bugged or designed to do no damage despite the % listed on them.

Last night in siege was a cluster of rangers, witches, wizards, and a few maegus. Sage is broken in smaller scale pvp, too. She isn't the only ranged class with damage, and her aoe in PvP falls off a ton with multiple targets.

Dernière modification : 27 févr. 2023, 06:38 (UTC)
# 24

Imagine if you took a gyfin underground flamen that does nothing but spam that one big damage aoe, shrunk it and made it more mobile than sorc. Basically maegu. The most unfun thing to fight against. I'd rather fight 3 strikers

Dernière modification : 2 mars 2023, 11:05 (UTC)
# 25

Itll eventually shake out. There will be two types of players. Maegu players, and players that went to play something else until this shit is more reasonable.

Dernière modification : 13 mars 2023, 19:15 (UTC)
# 26
On: Feb 23, 2023, 18:48 (UTC), Written by Freakmagic0

Please for the love of god nerf that stun range its gets you even when your looking at her. She is a walking dodging everything nuke of a charcter in bdo. Most broken as fuck charcter you guys have ever realeased it has ruined all pvp for me thx!

You must of not been around on DK's release ?

I say again, keep buying costumes, because as soon as they hit the quota this class will be shit in PvP and PvE just like Archer. 

They have been doing this for seven years and will continue to keep doing it as long as people keep spending money.

14 369
Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 16 mars 2023, 16:36 (UTC)
# 27

I saw what was said here, I'm a pvp player, I've only seen Magugu for 2 weeks, are you saying he's easy to catch? I play Archer (700GS), I get knocked, it's too protected and when we jump 5 on 1 and the clones mislead you very badly, it's a class that, played at a very low level, can disturb an entire platoon very badly.

At the moment he has too much dmg because he has 100% dmg main skill, he has no awakening percentage.

NERF UP !!!!! Clone mobility, change Iframe in SA

Dernière modification : 20 mars 2023, 19:51 (UTC)
# 28

Please Stop Maegu pvp nerfs.. There are way stronger pvp dmg classes ingame rightnow, what rly needs some nerfs...
and some pve not pvp dmg buffs...
Aw/Succ Drakania burst dmg overall, Aw Nova dmg, Aw Sorc dmg on capped, Succ Ranger dmg, Succ Musa dmg...
Berserker 0 stamina cost infinity mobility skills..
And Evasion feels shit against a few classes..and those without any serious accuracy, like drak just dont give a damn, about your evasion stack... just blow up 1300 evasion target with like 900 accuracy, 3 skills...
And now evasion Maegu.. giving her +20dp on e buff, when she cant tank any dmg in sa in bigger fights because bad modifiers..(she cant rly finish any t3 skills or she is dead, need to cancel those, only her forwardguard skills are playable but those usually breaks midway on capped nws)
She has no grab or BIG burst dmg after these nerfs, usually cant even 1 combo ppl on capped nws in 1v1, while other melee classes farming kills with 3-4 skills. 

Dernière modification : 20 mars 2023, 20:05 (UTC)
# 29
On: Mar 20, 2023, 19:51 (UTC), Written by LordPro

Please Stop Maegu pvp nerfs.. There are way stronger pvp dmg classes ingame rightnow, what rly needs some nerfs...
and some pve not pvp dmg buffs...
Aw/Succ Drakania burst dmg overall, Aw Nova dmg, Aw Sorc dmg on capped, Succ Ranger dmg, Succ Musa dmg...
Berserker 0 stamina cost infinity mobility skills..
And Evasion feels shit against a few classes..and those without any serious accuracy, like drak just dont give a damn, about your evasion stack... just blow up 1300 evasion target with like 900 accuracy, 3 skills...
And now evasion Maegu.. giving her +20dp on e buff, when she cant tank any dmg in sa in bigger fights because bad modifiers..(she cant rly finish any t3 skills or she is dead, need to cancel those, only her forwardguard skills are playable but those usually breaks midway on capped nws)
She has no grab or BIG burst dmg after these nerfs, usually cant even 1 combo ppl on capped nws in 1v1, while other melee classes farming kills with 3-4 skills. 

nice troll attempt :D

244 4634
Lv 63

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