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UTC 1 : 18 27 juil. 2024
CEST 3 : 18 27 juil. 2024
PDT 18 : 18 26 juil. 2024
EDT 21 : 18 26 juil. 2024
Cannot reform TET Kzarka Shortsword
9 févr. 2023, 04:55 (UTC)
2726 11
1 2
Dernière modification : 9 févr. 2023, 05:18 (UTC)
# 1

I try to reform TET Kzarka Shortsword I exchanged for PEN Tuvala after season graduation, but this weapon does not appear in the list at Reform window.

Its TET Kzarka main weapon and I'm unsing Resplendent Kzarka Main Weapon Reform Stone I.

But only awakening weapon and sub-weapon are shown on the reform list.

Can anybody advice on whats wrong?

Its TET boss, I use proper stone it seems, can it be this character not allowed to reform because weapon obtained with different character?

What if I already deleted alt?

Jetina doesnt have any options/quests that may be somehow related to the problem.

Weapon is not caphrased, not locked.

Can it be because my main is in the process of reforming to PEN boss gear? it takes so long so I decided why not to upgrade my other main meanwhile making her a little bit stronger.

Thanks in advance.

Dernière modification : 9 févr. 2023, 06:23 (UTC)
# 2

Did you exchange the weapon at the velia blacksmith? If yes you need to get a quest from jetina to swap it for the weapon that can be enhanced with the stone you have made. You can only enhance one main hand weapon with this system.

Dernière modification : 9 févr. 2023, 11:28 (UTC)
# 3

I dont remember how exactly I got this TET boss main weapon, but I think there is only one way. I exchanged it for PEN tuvala after graduating my Alt-2, then passed it to Alt-1 because Alt-1 didnt have much luck making full PEN set when she was graduating.

Its maintenance right now so I cant check, but will in few hours.

Who exactly must take the quest, Alt-2 who enhanced to PEN tuvala then exchanged it or Alt-1 to whom I passed TET boss weapon?

My main is in the process of upgrading her weapons, does it count as quest already taken, and we cannot reform more than one item at a time for any number of characters except only one?

I dont need Alt-2 anymore and I want to delete to free character slot, does this mean I will not be able to reform at all?

Its all way too complicated.

I think I'd rather buy it and not break my brain trying to figure out how this system works.

Dernière modification : 9 févr. 2023, 19:53 (UTC)
# 4

If you are talking about the guaranteed PEN upgrade from Jetina, if your main character is already enhancing a main weapon, you can't enhance a second one.  It's only one item per slot for your whole family.

If I misread and you are NOT already reforming a main weapon on your main, then you need to exchange the TET you got at the end of the season with Jetina for the one that can be reformed.

You can test this by opening your enhancement window. If your TET shortsword shows up as something you can enhance, it's not the right one for the reform.

But again, you can only reform one piece per slot per account.

Dernière modification : 9 févr. 2023, 22:08 (UTC)
# 5

Yes, my main is reforming her awakening weapon, currently at stage 3 only.

Strange how Alt has two other weapons shown in reform window, awa Dandelion and sub Kutum, but main weapon Kzarka is not shown.

Dandelion and Kutum were enhanced to PEN tuvala then exchanged to TET boss with this character, but main Kzarka passed over from another alt.

I dont want to try and reform those two because I will lose materials.


Supprimé par l'auteur.
Dernière modification : 10 févr. 2023, 00:41 (UTC)
# 7
On: Feb 9, 2023, 19:53 (UTC), Written by Alnilam

You can test this by opening your enhancement window. If your TET shortsword shows up as something you can enhance, it's not the right one for the reform.

Tested it, Enhancement window (not Reform window) - can put all 3 weapons in enhancement placeholder on the left.

But, in Reform window, only 2 are shown as eligible for Reforming.

Dernière modification : 10 févr. 2023, 00:52 (UTC)
# 8
Am 09. Feb 2023, 22:08 (UTC), von Sarjane

Yes, my main is reforming her awakening weapon, currently at stage 3 only.

Strange how Alt has two other weapons shown in reform window, awa Dandelion and sub Kutum, but main weapon Kzarka is not shown.

Dandelion and Kutum were enhanced to PEN tuvala then exchanged to TET boss with this character, but main Kzarka passed over from another alt.

I dont want to try and reform those two because I will lose materials.


The Dandelion and the Kutumn show up in the reform window, because you can reform them with stones like Heart of Kutum, Heart of Karandra or Inverted Heart of Garmoth.

Your Kzarka weapon is not showing because the only reform stones you can use on it are the 5 stones to make it PEN. (Resplendent Kzarka Main Weapon Reform Stone I till V)

But to use these Stones on your Kzarka weapon, you first have to exchange it with a reformable Kzarka weapon at Jetina.
It must have a purple text like this: (Screenshot taken from a reformable dandelion)

3 1255
Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 10 févr. 2023, 00:57 (UTC)
# 9
Am 09. Feb 2023, 22:08 (UTC), von Sarjane

Yes, my main is reforming her awakening weapon, currently at stage 3 only.

Do you already have reformed any main weapon on any char?

If yes, you can't reform a second main weapon! Only 1 per family!

3 1255
Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 10 févr. 2023, 05:45 (UTC)
# 10

Yes, I reformed 2 or 3 times main Dandelion weapon on my main character, it says "Reform level: II" in its description.

This means I only can Reform to PEN only one main weapon on only one character, so I cannot finish reforming main_weapon_1 on character_1, then reform main_weapon_2 on character_2 , correct?

1 2

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