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UTC 5 : 25 20 mai 2024
CEST 7 : 25 20 mai 2024
PDT 22 : 25 19 mai 2024
EDT 1 : 25 20 mai 2024
Exchangeable or unified Books of Life/Combat
15 févr. 2023, 17:45 (UTC)
586 3
Dernière modification : 16 févr. 2023, 19:45 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Exchangeable or unified Books of Life/Combat
Family Name:

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestion/Comments: As title suggests, I am proposing that the Books of Life and Combat(24Hr) be unified or able to be exchanged for the desired book based on a player's needs.
For myself, I don't push *combat experience levels much, so the Books of Combat have been building up in storage to the point I've deleted a few just because I know I may never use them. However, my Books of Life are running low. A way to alleviate the situation that "Player X may not want to use a Book of Life/Combat in a specific situation", during events or Login Rewards, etc., in the place of giving adventurers one of each, two can be granted.
If unification is not desirable, a place to exchange the a Book to the other could be another solution to unused/needed Books. Any comments/feedback are welcome.
We can call them Books of Progression, or something like that.
Edit: Wording
Dernière modification : 16 févr. 2023, 18:11 (UTC)
# 2

about the exchange, idk but in future just 1 book with both effects, doesnt matter honestly they give out both books at same time every time anyways.

43 1679
Lv 61
Dernière modification : 16 févr. 2023, 19:44 (UTC)
# 3
On: Feb 16, 2023, 18:11 (UTC), Written by Adonaj

about the exchange, idk but in future just 1 book with both effects, doesnt matter honestly they give out both books at same time every time anyways.

Thank you for your feedback, like I said in my post some people may have leftover books they don't use. Someone who sits on dummies everyday may never use a lifeskill book, and would benefit from the combat books.

Vice versa, someone who levels to 61 and forgets about grinding has less need for combat books.

Third case, someone who does 80% of Lifeskilling and 20% combat would rather have more lifeskill books and not an equal amount of each.

Regardless of the player needs, and my lengthy explanation, giving an NPC in major cities the ability to exchange books, such as Liana or Skill instructors (like Tachros) would be the simplest fix for this.



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