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UTC 4 : 38 2 mai 2024
CEST 6 : 38 2 mai 2024
PDT 21 : 38 1 mai 2024
EDT 0 : 38 2 mai 2024
Class suggestion: The Warchemist?
5 mars 2024, 16:13 (UTC)
261 4
Dernière modification : 5 mars 2024, 21:55 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Knights_Radiant
Region (NA/EU): NA
Suggestions/Comments: You know, since we've gotten a Scholar, which leans towards a scientist-type class, why not add another? We already have alchemy in the game, so it'd fit with one of the continuing concepts of the game. Why not add some chemical warfare? The Warchemist?

The weapons?

Main weapon: I know this sounds kind of silly but it could be designed to look Black Deserty/Medieval... but a squirt gun. Think of like what the Inklings carry from Splatoon... except filled with damaging potions instead of ink. Like a backpack filled with potion that they spray like a pressure washer in different ways - jet, mist, wide angle, etc.

Sub weapon: A glass bottle with an explosive/acidic potion that they shake and throw like a grenade. It hits enemies and explodes into acidic fog or fire. You know how in Minecraft potions can be thrown to do different things? Kind of like that but with better variety/effects.

Awakening: Maybe they drink something and turn into like a monster themselves... like Jekyll/Hyde kind of thing. (This was the first thing that popped into my head... I'm sure there is a better idea). Maybe a flaming sword coated in a potion they made? Kind of like Beric's sword from Game of Thrones.

Their lore: They trained under Alustin and the other alchemists... to fight against Illezra? Yada-yada-yada. Someone at BDO could come up with an awakening questline better than I could.

Annnnyway - It sounds really fun to me. AND it'd pretty unique compared to the other classes.

Here's some art I found online that looks cool that really goes with what I have in mind:



source: pinterest (lol) 


(this looks like some abomination that marni would create ha!)


Dernière modification : 6 mars 2024, 15:00 (UTC)
# 2

If the Scholar is truly an alchemist, she should be doing what you just described.

An alchemist is a rudimentary chemist, someone that mixes ingredients together and studies their reactions... not someone who develops tech that controls gravity.  That's an engineer.

So, remove alchemy from the Scholar's description, and we can move on to the War Chemist.

Dernière modification : 6 mars 2024, 15:10 (UTC)
# 3

Ya, she's definitely an engineer. She doesn't use potions at all. Shai hails from a potion-making region... but her attacks/buffs seem more like magical music than anything.

This could be one of the male classes that so many are asking for. 

Dernière modification : 6 mars 2024, 17:38 (UTC)
# 4

That'd be really neat!



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