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UTC 10 : 26 17 mai 2024
CEST 12 : 26 17 mai 2024
PDT 3 : 26 17 mai 2024
EDT 6 : 26 17 mai 2024
Naval Karma Improvement
31 mai 2021, 11:13 (UTC)
1318 8
Dernière modification : 31 mai 2021, 11:14 (UTC)
# 1

Right now naval karma is a flat 200k for killing anything and 50k for first hit


Now here's the issue, trolls who put ship on barter path intentionally. Putting a raft to block velia exit would also punish people heavily. Another issue is that unlike land, where karma is dealt based on GS diff, ocean is flat rate


Now heres an idea, make karma loss to be based on loss of money dealt to the one getting sunk


First, split the initial 50k karma lost into two. 25k on initial shot and 25k base amount of sinking anything. This is the fixed amount of karma lost.


Second, make the 200k karma loss a variable that is based on sailor and cargo capacity percentage. 100k for sailor and 100k for cargo based on trade goods weight percentage.


Sinking full 50 out of 50 sailor slot ship will be full 100k karma loss. If the ship have for example 9k LT of trade goods while the ship maximum capacity is 18k, thats another 50k karma


So sinking ship with full sailor but half full cargo of barter good will have karma hit of 50k for fixed karma loss, 100k for sailor, and 50k for cargo which equal to 200k karma lost.


Now if you sink a raft, fishing boat, cog, or sailboat without sailor or barter goods? Only 50k karma loss


Accidentally shot someone but didnt sink them? Only 25k karma loss.




This change wont affect full time pirate as they are -1 mil anyway. This will only benefit new players who "accidentally" sunk abandoned ship and people who sink intentional griefer blocking barter paths with empty ship of no cargo and sailor.

Dernière modification : 31 mai 2021, 13:50 (UTC)
# 2

All is well. Sinking penalty is even too low. For each sunken ship pirate should receive a penalty in the amount of 200m, payable when it is sunk.
And 24h (real in game time, not off line) ship time repair for each sunken ship.
So if pirate will sink 7 ships and then he himself will be sunk 1,4 b is taken from his account (if he doesn't have that many that gets a minus mp balance) and the ship repair time is 7 days.

Dernière modification : 31 mai 2021, 18:17 (UTC)
# 3
On: May 31, 2021, 13:48 (UTC), Written by Senemedar

All is well. Sinking penalty is even too low. For each sunken ship pirate should receive a penalty in the amount of 200m, payable when it is sunk.
And 24h (real in game time, not off line) ship time repair for each sunken ship.
So if pirate will sink 7 ships and then he himself will be sunk 1,4 b is taken from his account (if he doesn't have that many that gets a minus mp balance) and the ship repair time is 7 days.

Whatever youre smoking, its some good stuffs lmao

Dernière modification : 31 mai 2021, 20:02 (UTC)
# 4

Stop crying about karma. No one "accidentally" sinks even the raft. Accept the consequences.

What is the penalty for pirate for sinking someone? NONE.
What sunk loses? Even 200m (barter goods and sailors' disease).
How any ship other than a carrack can defend itself against a carrack attack? Can't. And this is why the punishment for pirates must be deterrent.

Dernière modification : 31 mai 2021, 21:35 (UTC)
# 5
On: May 31, 2021, 19:55 (UTC), Written by Senemedar

Stop crying about karma. No one "accidentally" sinks even the raft. Accept the consequences.

What is the penalty for pirate for sinking someone? NONE.
What sunk loses? Even 200m (barter goods and sailors' disease).
How any ship other than a carrack can defend itself against a carrack attack? Can't. And this is why the punishment for pirates must be deterrent.

As i wrote and you dont read obviously, actual pirates dont fkin care about naval karma. They are at perma -1mil. U can make each kill lose 100 mil karma and they still wont be affected


If youre grinding and someone just stole your rotation and you flag up, are you considered a permared? No.

Now same thing, stop calling ppl who flagged once to kill a boat blocking velia as pirates

Dernière modification : 1 juin 2021, 04:07 (UTC)
# 6

It's funny to watch players beg forgiveness for so called "newbie mistakes" while at the same time showing no mercy towards Pearl Abyss and BDO being their first MMO, made from scratch no less.


Additionally, these "intentional players blocking barterers path" are a myth, maybe it's time to stop screeching about this because this misinformation is getting old.

Dernière modification : 1 juin 2021, 09:08 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jun 1, 2021, 04:06 (UTC), Written by Smileybones

It's funny to watch players beg forgiveness for so called "newbie mistakes" while at the same time showing no mercy towards Pearl Abyss and BDO being their first MMO, made from scratch no less.


Additionally, these "intentional players blocking barterers path" are a myth, maybe it's time to stop screeching about this because this misinformation is getting old.


This is the point for making a suggestion tho (duuuuuh??)

Suggestion to improve?

This game is 7 years old they aren't "newbie" developer anymore


And maybe u should go see velia during vell hours where it's absolute trash and you can't even dock

Dernière modification : 25 févr. 2023, 00:27 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jun 1, 2021, 04:06 (UTC), Written by Smileybones

It's funny to watch players beg forgiveness for so called "newbie mistakes" while at the same time showing no mercy towards Pearl Abyss and BDO being their first MMO, made from scratch no less.


Additionally, these "intentional players blocking barterers path" are a myth, maybe it's time to stop screeching about this because this misinformation is getting old.

Its a thing. I run into cogs blocking specifically ONLY bartering paths all the time and I have 5400 barters. I rarely see cogs abandoned anywhere else.

0 4
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