Black Desert Remasterizado

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Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


Vannie CODE 40000000000480273 23 jun. 2021, 04:36 (UTC)
12.6K 56
  • Smile
  • Smile
56 30.4K
Ahh, sweet. Thank you ^_^
30 jun. 2021, 13:55 (UTC)
Kyndrgon is literally an alt of someones. Just found out they are only level 6 XD and +1 Kojiman ;D
29 jun. 2021, 16:43 (UTC)
You can change the eye brightness when adjusting the "shine" in the Lens options (makes it shinier too) ^^
29 jun. 2021, 16:10 (UTC)
Can I ask how you managed to make the white of the eyes so white? Because mine comes with these very dark/yellow eye whites :|
29 jun. 2021, 16:03 (UTC)
¡How many comments! Well, i just show up here to say; "To taste, the colors". I mean... Ladies and gentlemen ¿Do we have to argue forever? and for reasons like this... I think its better to simply enjoy the game and the charr creation (i like it more than playing sometimes hahaha) and forget this things ^^. Thanks for your reading... see you soon :).
29 jun. 2021, 13:15 (UTC)
Is this the first time this has happend? Someone being this angry at somone else for having the top spot x)
I feel like this must have happend before :P
Props to you Vannie for not taking this crap!
29 jun. 2021, 07:38 (UTC)
Mizu, if you had any knowledge of playerbase you wouldnt say 1/3 is EU.. EU has MUCH more players than NA. Also.. you started all of this by saying its rigged, cheating blabla.. You got trashtalked for it (deserved it ngl, with such stupid accusations...) and then you decided to go for "oh this template is so bad blabla"... You seem rather jealous its not your template that got all this attention, arent you, buddy? Take a chill pill and be faster next time.
28 jun. 2021, 21:03 (UTC)
what the actual *** with amout of comments ._. holly molly
28 jun. 2021, 19:41 (UTC)
Vannie, forget what it says, your creation is beautiful and the top 1 is totally deserved, don't give it more importance than it deserves, that this person does not spoil what the rest of us enjoy :33
28 jun. 2021, 19:39 (UTC)
Mizu stop trolling, go home. The arguments are not in your favor and never have been.
28 jun. 2021, 17:55 (UTC)
Kyndragon, you are community banned so you really can't talk. Also Customization is split between NA and EU, so on average 1/3 of the player base is on EU. Plus the App and the website do not have Corsair on the customization lists yet. Funny how you have more downloads than the actual playerbase
28 jun. 2021, 16:37 (UTC)
Vannie, I reported Mizu and the GM told me that they would investigate, but in the meantime they encourage us to stop responding to this blatant troll. You did nothing wrong and you earned your spot. No smooth-brain, hate-stalking conspiracy theorist can ever change that. Let us live rent-free in his mind. :)
28 jun. 2021, 14:38 (UTC)
Check my other templates to see what I created out of it, 4/7 made it to top 50 (guess which? It's my first 4 of this class) ^^
28 jun. 2021, 14:33 (UTC)
As I said this is the 8th template anyone ever updated of a corsair, if you looked at the album at that time there was just not a lot to choose from. That's not a discredit to others in any way, many people look for a pretty base to customize later (as I do too, that's why my first template of a class is usually pretty simple). I was fast, had a good picture and the template is able to be modified. That's all it needed, no cheating involved.
28 jun. 2021, 14:29 (UTC)
10000000000000000000/10 Would download again
28 jun. 2021, 14:21 (UTC)
Mizu, you apparently don't know who I am.... I'm the top creator on NA (Wilter) and I've come to EU to protect my fellow creators from OBSESSIVE trolls like yourself. The fact you can't stop leaving delusional messages, well after everybody has told you all the facts that counter your conspiracies, is proof of how hateful you are. And you keep acting like you know literally anything (as/s/uming I'm a banned acount lol) when once again, you're wrong.
28 jun. 2021, 14:20 (UTC)
'I was simply one of the first people to upload a decent looking template'. THAT is what discredits other creators
28 jun. 2021, 09:40 (UTC)
Also KynDragon, it looks like you have been community banned. Your account doesn't seem to exist XD. Being toxic again huh.
28 jun. 2021, 09:37 (UTC)
Bear in mind that the only way to view customizations for Corsair is through Black Desert itself. The app and the website has not been updated to have Corsair yet
28 jun. 2021, 09:35 (UTC)
10000/10 would download every day forever
28 jun. 2021, 01:14 (UTC)
People here gave more than enough proof against all of your accusations, yet you try to make up new ones. You say you don't spread hatred because you're "not saying this is bad" but you clearly do not approve of it either. She was not even arrogant about it. Just stop trying to defame Vannie. Just stop.
We should be charging you for even trying to teach you sense.
27 jun. 2021, 14:47 (UTC)
The game has had over 3 million registered accounts in 2017 yet you base this on a daily average of players online when some don't even play all day, it is different people every hour. A fair percentage of players changes every couple of minutes. Some people even reached 10 000 downloads and more during Guardian release.
Some are just fine with a little change on a preset.
27 jun. 2021, 14:47 (UTC)
Love making characters, why is this one so default.
27 jun. 2021, 13:21 (UTC)
This chat. At this point I should be charging you by hour, because you are wasting too much of my time. You didn't even dis**** the fact the arrogance, plus you didn't. I was online at patch release, and yours was not uploaded, or even in the top rankings. It is default Corsair. The only difference is pallet swap and makeup. Like I have said many times, I do not care about ranking, but clearly you do, so enjoy your boosted downloads to float your egotistical personality. Also, if you tru
27 jun. 2021, 13:21 (UTC)
Oh and MizumiTori, this template was the 8th corsair anyone ever uploaded (you can check that by skipping through the album until the last page ~460, have fun) ^^
27 jun. 2021, 04:16 (UTC)
Thank you ^^
Btw I stayed awake until patch was done to create a corsair and since the first template that I upload for a new class is a pretty base for more artistic templates, I made this one quite fast. I love creating characters and don't really care about people who are jealous that their template didn't explode in downloads.
27 jun. 2021, 03:34 (UTC)
10/10 would download again
26 jun. 2021, 23:50 (UTC)
You got attacked for the crimes of the playbase that clicked the download but/ton. But you are not at fault! You're amazing and you'll continue to be amazing and grow as a creator.
26 jun. 2021, 23:48 (UTC)
Vannie, I see that you did in fact mess with sliders on this template and made it your own. In fact, this template is more attractive than the base.
26 jun. 2021, 23:47 (UTC)
This customization was also made far after the patch release, by about 2-3 hours. In the intial hours, there wasn't a lot of people with customizations in ratio to the full player base. It was only once people read the patch notes did this start taking off. Hate me all you like, I am not wrong and blindly defending someone that uses a customization exploit, along side an arrogancy with there pallet swapped default Corsair, is just stupid. Corsair looks great already at default, no reason to
26 jun. 2021, 21:54 (UTC)
I was awake when the patch happened. It is pretty arrogant that they claim they were the only good looking customization as I dang well know there were some amazing customizations. Also, there was an issue with the patch which meant the majority, if not all the player base were unable to access the patch straight away. Plus the additional 50-75 percent of people that had the login error. Also, this preset is pretty much the default Corsair customization with pallet swapping.
26 jun. 2021, 21:50 (UTC)
dude I just clicked download on this 20 times and guess how many times it counted? right, only once.
26 jun. 2021, 10:50 (UTC)
Mizu, you seem rather jealous that someone woke up at 6AM to make a template.. Let it go. Stop making up excuses that make absolutely 0 sense... Also... "15k average online".. you do understand BDO is not on steam only, and theres plenty of people who play the game outside of steam, riiiiight..? And no, spamming download does not do anything so let that go already, youre literally delusional refusing to listen to 5 other people telling you the exact same thing... Get a grip.
26 jun. 2021, 10:45 (UTC)
And no, I didn't see your character at all. I saw many great customizations, which truely 'Customized' the Coursair bone structure, proportions, e.t.c. Your Character also seemed to gain 4 thousand downloads in no time at all. Those creators are the ones affected by this, and by you claiming that it was the only good looking one, is false and uncaring, making it out like no one except you can make customizations
26 jun. 2021, 09:35 (UTC)
I tested it on my Sage, Like I said. I did this to prove that you can do it. Sage is the only one I tested it out on, and it works. It was defi****ly me that caused the spike in downloads. And no, because I don't need to do that to boost ranking. Saying that your Character was the only good customization after the update is wrong. There are many great creators, who had more enginuitive customizations, which saying so****ing like that is disrespectful. I played the new patch when it came out,
26 jun. 2021, 09:30 (UTC)
Mizu, if you can put 5 downloads on your same template... that means that you're the one who's cheating, because literally nobody else can do that. Also, the view counter only counts those who click on the template to view more info/second picture/comments. How can you actually be this dense. I'm reporting you for cheating and being a toxic troll.
26 jun. 2021, 05:55 (UTC)
You also said I'd spoof the Downloads, which is not the case.
This escalated a bit much and you seem to purposely misunderstand everyone who is stating facts... have a good day and maybe try again to cheese downloads on a template, you probably got other people actually clicking download on your sage. Download counts once per account, view counts everytime you look at the second picture. You can easily test that on a template that's not uploaded in gallery ^^
26 jun. 2021, 04:27 (UTC)
Hating would be saying that this is not a good customization, which is not the case.
26 jun. 2021, 03:45 (UTC)
Also, I made a Sage Customization. 5 of the downloads were by me on a single account, for referance.
26 jun. 2021, 03:37 (UTC)
Progression, it is ranking system for creators, as was intended. Call me stupid, Narcasists like you could be told that water is made up of Hydrogen and Oxygen, and still say their wrong. I haven't been toxic, or hating at any moment during my replies. All I am doing is stating the obvious. If people like their creation, that is fine. Just don't boost the ratio.
26 jun. 2021, 03:30 (UTC)
Love the fact that Kyndragon is defending this so much. I check their Character creations (Which have never been most popular, or on the front page e.t.c; no way for views to not count in your logic) It is literally the same, with an inconsistent view to download ratio. Also it doesn't matter if 20k people played yesterday, because the average is all that matters. It means that on average, a minimum of 15k will be online at one time. I am in no way jealous, because no ranking correlates to
26 jun. 2021, 03:26 (UTC)
Mizu literally can't stand that people are successful in a game, it looks like. The fact that he doesn't even KNOW your download click only counts once just shows he doesn't know anything but wants to spew sh*t anyway because he is very blatantly jealous.
26 jun. 2021, 02:11 (UTC)
There are no guaranteed rewards for being high up in the top 50. Neither do these players have new presets with downloads close to this, if you can trick the system why would you be doing it on just your first presets and not the latest. Seriously you're lacking a lot of knowledge. Despite your claims of not spreading hatred it is exactly what you are doing
26 jun. 2021, 02:11 (UTC)
According to statistics the game has an average on steam alone " 20,556
playing an hour ago ", 26k playing within 24 hours and 60k players peak total and you think this is unlikely - while you are also counting a few downloads on each preset as 1/3 of the player base when the presets had already had multiple days time to get this high. 1 person can download more than one preset. Not unlikely. You're just wrong.
26 jun. 2021, 01:59 (UTC)
InitialQ is right. I was about to say the same. I'm doing this for long enough to know this by heart.
You're basically accusing all of us to be cheating when it is not true. I uploaded a few presets before I went to work. Ain't nobody got time for cheating at 7 am in the morning.
26 jun. 2021, 01:46 (UTC)
Also kinda makes sense that a large chunk of players download the top voted. Considering most players are making a Corsair.
26 jun. 2021, 01:40 (UTC)
You're wrong Mizu, spamming the download dosen't do anything. You can download a customization multiple times but it only counts the first time you do it on both your own and others customizations.
26 jun. 2021, 01:39 (UTC)
The download statistics are also a 1/3 of the entire playerbase on EU and NA on average. I am not spreading hate because there is no point in it. Just pointing things out. Also side note, the Corsair class is dang pretty to begin with, which makes this competition extra interesting
26 jun. 2021, 00:00 (UTC)
When you apply the most popular preset, you will always get views for it. But, you aren't the only one doing this. Really, all the top ranking ones are doing this. Also, I do know how it works. You can spam download as many times as you want and it boosts it. I tested that on my Sage customization. There is other ways, but spamming download is a popular way to do it. The Coursair Pre creation competition states that you have to make your own Corsair customization.
25 jun. 2021, 23:53 (UTC)
Mizu doesn't know how any of this works at all LOL yikes....
25 jun. 2021, 16:00 (UTC)
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